Новые иностранные книги, поступившие в библиотеки СО РАН (05-07-2011)
Новые иностранные книги,
поступившие в библиотеки СО РАН

(экспонировались с 5 по 12 июля 2011 г.)
в конце описаний указаны сиглы библиотек СО РАН  
ОбложкаMelissinos A.C. Experiments in modern physics / A.C.Melissinos, J.Napolitano. - 2nd ed. - San Diego; London: Academic Press, 2003. - xviii, 527 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.517-527. - ISBN-10 0-12-489851-3; ISBN-13 978-0-12-489851-6
ОбложкаBlazek J. Computational fluid dynamics: principles and applications. - 2nd ed. - Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2005. - xx, 470 p.: ill. + 1 CD-ROM (4 3/4 in.). - Bibliogr.: p.463-464. - Ind.: p.405-470. - ISBN 978-0-0804-4506-9
  • Breeze D.J. Frontiers of the Roman Empire = Граници на Римската империя / D.J.Breeze, S.Jilek., A.Thiel.
  • Dyczek P. The lower Danube limes in Bulgaria = Долнодунавския лимес в България / [ed. by S.Jilek; transl. by P.Dyczek]. - Warsaw: University of Warsaw, 2008. - 98 p.: ill., maps. - Bibliogr.: p.96-98. - Parallel engl. and bulg. text. - ISBN 978-83-916770-9-5
  • ОбложкаDimitrowa-Milčeva A. Die Bronzefunde aus Novae (Moesia Interior). - Warszawa, 2006. - 118 S. - Bibliogr.: S.106-118. - ISBN 83-916770-3-6
    ОбложкаDyczek P. Życie codzienne w twierdzy Legionu I Italskiego - Novae: wystawa w Uniwersytecie Warszawskim = Everyday life in the fortress of the First Italic Legion at Novae: exhibition in Warsaw University. - Warszawa: Drukarnia Janusz Bieszczad, 2007. - 39, [32] p. of plates: ill. (chiefly col.), col. maps. - ISBN 978-83-916770-7-0
    ОбложкаFree Electron Lasers 2003: proceedings of the 25th International Free-Electron Laser Conference and 10th (FEL) Users Workshop, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan, September 8-12, 2003 / ed. by E.J.Minehara, R.Nagai, M.Sawamura. - Elsevier: Amsterdam, 2004. - xxxii, 667 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Auth. ind.: p.641-667. - ISBN 0-444-51727-8
    ОбложкаGandl J. Die Karbon-Trilobiten des Kantabrischen Gebirges (NW-Spanien). - Stuttgart: E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung.
  • 5: Trilobiten des höheren Westfal. - 2011. - 142 S.: Ill. - (Abhandlungen der Senckenberg-Gesellschaft für Naturforschung; 569). - ISBN 978-3-510-61399-0; ISSN 1868-0356
  • ОбложкаNovae: legionary fortress and late antique town.
  • Vol.1: A companion to the study of Novae: history of research; Novae in ancient sources; historical studies; geography, topography, and cartography; bibliography 1726-2008 / ed. by T.Derda, P.Dyczek, J.Kolendo; with contributions by R.Ciołek et al. - Warsaw: Center for Research on the Antiquity of Southeastern Europe, University of Warsaw, 2008. - viii, 375 p.: ill., maps. - Bibliogr.: p.301-375. - ISBN 978-83-916770-7-0
  • ОбложкаThreatened animals and plants in Finland: English summary of the report of the Committee for the Conservation of Threatened Animals and Plants in Finland / ed. by P.Rassi, R.Väisänen. - Helsinki: Ympäristöministeriö, 1987. - 82 p.: ill. - (Komiteanmietintö; 1985:43). - ISBN 951-46-7961-X; ISSN 0356-9470
    ОбложкаWiegand H. Effects of dietary flavonoids on vitamin E status and hepatic phase II and antioxidant enzymes. - Tönning; Lübeck; Marburg: Der Andere Verl., 2008. - VI, 104 S.: Ill., graph. Darst. - (Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Humanernährung und Lebensmittelkunde der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel; Bd.48). - ISBN 978-3-89959-815-5
    ОбложкаWylotne and Zwierzyniec: paleolithic sites in Southern Poland / ed. by S.K.Kozłowski; The Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, Warsaw University. - Kraków: Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2006. - 494 p.: ill., port., maps, 1 folded geological map. - Bibliogr. prac prof. W.Chmielewskiego p.21-30. - Bibliogr.: 474-494. - ISBN 978-83601833-3-5; ISBN 978-83916770-6-3

    Продолжающиеся издания

    1. Archiv der Freunde der Naturgeschichte in Mecklenburg / Universität Rostock, Institut für Biowissenschaften. - Rostock: Universität Rostock.
      Bd.48: Beitrage zur Geologie, Botanik und Zoologie Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns. - 2010. - 190 S.: Ill. - ISSN 0518-3189
    2. Colloquium mathematicum / Institute of mathematics, Polish academy of sciences. - Warszawa. - ISSN 0010-1354
      Vol.122, N 1. - 2011. - 148 p. - Incl. bibl. ref.
      Vol.122, N 2. - 2011. - P.149-298. - Incl. bibl. ref.
      Vol.123, N 1. - 2011. - 147 p. - Incl. bibl. ref.
    3. Demonstratio mathematica. - Warszawa: Warsaw university of technology.
      Vol.XLIV, N 2. - 2011. - P.201-443. - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISSN 0420-1213
    4. Kumar R. Distributed Hydrologic Model Parameterization: Application in a Mesoscale River Basin / Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research, UFZ: Diss. … Dr. rer. nat. - Leipzig: UFZ, 2010. - XXVIII, 179 p. - (PhD Dissertation; 11/2010). - Bibliogr.: p.163-177. - ISSN 1860-0387
    5. Riedel M.F. Multi-particle entanglement on an atom chip: diss. - Garching: MPQ, 2010. - X, 122, XIV p.: ill., graph. - (Berichte / Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik (München); MPQ 335). - Bibliogr.: p.I-XIV.
      02 (Pr 1087/N 335)

    6. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Geologia. - Cluj-Napoca. - ISSN 1221-0803
      Vol.54, N 1. - 2009. - 64 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref.
      Vol.54, N 2. - 2009. - 51 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref.
      Vol.55, N 1. - 2010. - 51 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref.
      Vol.55, N 2. - 2010. - 71 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref.
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