PhD Dissertation; 11/2010 (Leipzig, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаKumar R. Distributed Hydrologic Model Parameterization: Application in a Mesoscale River Basin / Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research, UFZ: Diss. … Dr. rer. nat. - Leipzig: UFZ, 2010. - XXVIII, 179 p. - (PhD Dissertation; 11/2010). - Bibliogr.: p.163-177. - ISSN 1860-0387

Оглавление / Contents
List of Figures ................................................. V

List of Tables ................................................. XI

Acronyms and Abbreviations ................................... XIII

Acknowledgement ................................................ XV

Zusammenfassung .............................................. XVII

1  Introduction ................................................. 1
   1.1  Background .............................................. 1
   1.2  Hydrological Modeling at Catchment Scale ................ 3
   1.3  Research Objectives .................................... 11

2  Development of a Mesoscale Hydrologic Model (mHM) ........... 13
   2.1  Introduction ........................................... 13
   2.2  Hierarchy of Spatial Scales ............................ 14
   2.3  The Grid-based mHM Model ............................... 15
        2.3.1  Model Formulation ............................... 15
        2.3.2  Canopy Interception ............................. 18
        2.3.3  Snow Accumulation and Melting ................... 18
        2.3.4  Soil Moisture Dynamics .......................... 20
        2.3.5  Infiltration and Surface Runoff ................. 23
        2.3.6  Evapotranspiration .............................. 24
        2.3.7  Subsurface Storage and Discharge Generation ..... 25
        2.3.8  Baseflow ........................................ 26
        2.3.9  Discharge Attenuation and Flood Routing ......... 26
   2.4  mHM Model Parameters ................................... 29

3  Distributed Model Parameterization .......................... 33
   3.1  Problem Description .................................... 33
   3.2  Regionalization of Hydrologic Model Parameters ......... 35
   3.3  Multiscale Parameter Regionalization (MPR) ............. 39
        3.3.1  Parameter Regionalization ....................... 41
        3.3.2  Estimation of Effective Parameter ............... 42
        3.3.3  Implementation of MPR in mHM .................... 43
        3.3.4  Remarks on the MPR Technique .................... 49

4  Applications of mHM in a Mesoscale River Basin .............. 53
   4.1  Introduction ........................................... 53
   4.2  General Description of the Study Area .................. 54
   4.3  Data Availability and Processing ....................... 56
        4.3.1  Physiographical Characteristics ................. 56
        4.3.2  Land Cover Characteristics ...................... 59
        4.3.3  Meteorological Variables ........................ 62
        4.3.4  Discharge Data .................................. 70
   4.4  Global Parameter Identification ........................ 71
   4.5  Evaluation Criteria .................................... 76
   4.6  Application of mHM in the Upper Neckar River Basin ..... 76
        4.6.1  Streamflow Prediction ........................... 78
        4.6.2  Prediction of Spatial Patterns of Soil
               Moisture and Snow Cover ......................... 87
       Soil Moisture Simulation ............... 88
       Snow Cover Simulation .................. 91
        4.6.3  Effects of Frozen Soil on Streamflow
               Predictions ..................................... 91
        4.6.4  Effects of Canopy Interception on Streamflow
               Predictions ..................................... 94
        4.6.5  Comparison of mHM with the HBV model ............ 95
        4.6.6  Model Time Complexity and Coding ................ 99

5  Comparison of Regionalization Methods ...................... 101
   5.1  Introduction .......................................... 101
   5.2  Numerical Experiments and Evaluation Criteria ......... 102
        5.2.1  Effect of the Sub-grid Variability ............. 102
        5.2.2  Transferability of Global Parameters across
               Modeling Scales ................................ l03
        5.2.3  Preservation of Spatial Patterns ............... 105
   5.3  Implementation of MPR and SR within mHM ............... 105
   5.4  Analysis of Numerical Experiments ..................... 109
        5.4.1  Sensitivity of Model Efficiency to the
               Sub-grid Variability ........................... 109
        5.4.2  Sensitivity of Streamflow Simulations to
               Global Parameters .............................. 111
        5.4.3  Effects of the Sub-grid Variability on Model
               Parameters ..................................... 116
        5.4.4  Sensitivity of the Mass Balance to Global
               Parameters Calibrated at Various Modeling
               Scales ......................................... 116
        5.4.5  Preservation of Spatial Patterns ............... 122
        5.4.6  Transferability of Global Parameters to
               Ungauged Locations ............................. 122

6  Predictions of Streamflow Characteristics: High and Low
   flows ...................................................... 127
   6.1  Introduction .......................................... 127
   6.2  Implementation of mHM in Upper Neckar River Basin ..... 128
        6.2.1  HRU Parameterization ........................... 129
   6.3  Parameter Identification .............................. 131
        6.3.1  Formulation of Calibration Objective
               Function ....................................... 132
        6.3.2  Parametric Uncertainty Analysis ................ 134
   6.4  Seasonal High and Low Flow Characteristics ............ 135
   6.5  Results and Discussion ................................ 138
        6.5.1  Daily Discharge Simulations .................... 138
        6.5.2  Prediction of the Seasonal High and Low Flow
               Characteristics ................................ 145
       High Flow Characteristics ............. 147
       Low Flow Characteristics .............. 148

7  Summary and Outlook ........................................ 155
   7.1  Summary ............................................... 155
   7.2  Outlook ............................................... 161

Bibliography .................................................. 163

Selbständigkeitserklärung ..................................... 179

Curriculum Vitae .............................................. 180

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