Melissinos A.C. Experiments in modern physics (San Diego; London, 2003). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы
ОбложкаMelissinos A.C. Experiments in modern physics / A.C.Melissinos, J.Napolitano. - 2nd ed. - San Diego; London: Academic Press, 2003. - xviii, 527 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.517-527. - ISBN-10 0-12-489851-3; ISBN-13 978-0-12-489851-6

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ xi
Preface from the First Edition ................................. xv

1  Experiments on Quantization .................................. l
   1.1  Introduction ............................................ 1
   1.2  The Millikan Oil Drop Experiment ........................ 2
   1.3  The Frank-Hertz Experiment ............................. 10
   1.4  The Hydrogen Spectrum .................................. 20
   1.5  Experiment on the Hydrogen Spectrum .................... 25
   1.6  The Spectra of Sodium and Mercury ...................... 33

2  Electrons in Solids ......................................... 45
   2.1  Solid Materials and Band Structure ..................... 45
   2.2  Experiment on the Resistivity of Metals ................ 54
   2.3  Experiment on the Hall Effect .......................... 63
   2.4  Semiconductors ......................................... 71
   2.5  High Tc Superconductors ................................ 81
   2.6  References ............................................. 88

3  Electronics and Data Acquisition ............................ 89
   3.1  Elements of Circuit Theory ............................. 89
   3.2  Basic Electronic Equipment ............................ 104
   3.3  Oscilloscopes and Digitizers .......................... 110
   3.4  Simple Measurements ................................... 116
   3.5  Operational Amplifiers ................................ 119
   3.6  Measurements of Johnson Noise ......................... 122
   3.7  Chaos ................................................. 133
   3.8  Lock-In Detection ..................................... 144
   3.9  Computer Interfaces ................................... 147
   3.10 References ............................................ 150

4  Lasers ..................................................... 151
   4.1  The Principle of Laser Operation ...................... 152
   4.2  Properties of Laser Beams ............................. 156
   4.3  The HeNe Laser ........................................ 159
   4.4  Measurement of the Transverse Beam Profile ............ 164
   4.5  The Michelson Interferometer .......................... 167
   4.6  The Fabry-Perot Interferometer ........................ 172

5  Optics Experiments ......................................... 179
   5.1  Introduction .......................................... 179
   5.2  Diffraction from a Slit ............................... 180
   5.3  Calculation of the Diffraction Pattern ................ 185
   5.4  Diffraction from a Circular Aperture .................. 188
   5.5  The Diffraction Grating ............................... 192
   5.6  Fourier Optics ........................................ 198
   5.7  The Faraday Effect .................................... 201
   5.8  Berry's Phase ......................................... 210
   5.9  References ............................................ 214

6  High-Resolution Spectroscopy ............................... 215
   6.1  Introduction .......................................... 215
   6.2  The Zeeman Effect ..................................... 218
   6.3  Hyperfine Structure ................................... 228
   6.4  The Line Width ........................................ 236
   6.5  The Zeeman Effect of the Green Line of 198Hg .......... 238
   6.6  Saturation Absorption Spectroscopy of Rubidium ........ 243
   6.7  References ............................................ 250

7  Magnetic Resonance Experiments ............................. 251
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 251
   7.2  The Rate for Magnetic-Dipole Transitions .............. 255
   7.3  Absorption of Energy by the Nuclear Moments ........... 262
   7.4  Experimental Observation of the Nuclear Magnetic
        Resonance of Protons .................................. 273
   7.5  Electron Spin Resonance ............................... 283
   7.6  References ............................................ 293

8  Particle Detectors and Radioactive Decay ................... 295
   8.1  General Considerations ................................ 295
   8.2  Interactions of Charged Particles and Photons with
        Matter ................................................ 298
   8.3  Gaseous Ionization Detectors; the Geiger Counter ...... 320
   8.4  The Scintillation Counter ............................. 333
   8.5  Solid-State Detectors ................................. 344
   8.6  Nuclear Half-Life Measurements ........................ 354
   8.7  References ............................................ 364

9  Scattering and Coincidence Experiments ..................... 367
   9.1  Introduction .......................................... 367
   9.2  Compton Scattering .................................... 369
   9.3  Mossbauer Effect ...................................... 385
   9.4  Detection of Cosmic Rays .............................. 399
   9.5  γ-γ Angular Correlation Measurements .................. 409

10 Elements from the Theory of Statistics ..................... 423
   10.1 Definitions ........................................... 423
   10.2 Frequency Functions of One Variable ................... 431
   10.3 Estimation of Parameters and Fitting of Data .......... 445
   10.4 Errors and Their Propagation .......................... 454
   10.5 The Statistics of Nuclear Counting .................... 465
   10.6 References ............................................ 473

A  Students ................................................... 475

В  A Short Guide to MATLAB .................................... 4ll
   В.1  A MATLAB Review ....................................... 478
   B.2  Making Fancy Plots in MATLAB .......................... 481

С  Laser Safety ............................................... 483

D  Radioactivity and Radiation Safety ......................... 485

E  Optical Detection Techniques ............................... 489
   E.1  Photographic Film ..................................... 489
   E.2  Photomultiplier Tubes ................................. 490
   E.3  Photodiodes ........................................... 496

F  Constants .................................................. 499

G  Exercises .................................................. 501

Index ......................................................... 517

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