Novae: legionary fortress and late antique town; Vol.1 (Warsaw, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаNovae: legionary fortress and late antique town. Vol.1: A companion to the study of Novae: history of research; Novae in ancient sources; historical studies; geography, topography, and cartography; bibliography 1726-2008 / ed. by T.Derda, P.Dyczek, J.Kolendo; with contributions by R.Ciołek et al. - Warsaw: Center for Research on the Antiquity of Southeastern Europe, University of Warsaw, 2008. - viii, 375 p.: ill., maps. - Bibliogr.: p.301-375. - ISBN 978-83-916770-7-0

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ......................................................... v
Table of Contents ............................................. vii

PART ONE: HISTORY OF RESEARCH ................................... 1

Jerzy Kolendo
Archaeological Research in Novae Prior to the Start of
Excavations in 1960 ............................................. 3

Piotr Dyczek
Archaeological Excavations at Novae. A History of Research
with Special Consideration of Sector IV (Legionary Baths,
valetudinarium, Late Architecture) ............................. 31

PART TWO: NOVAE IN ANCIENT SOURCES ............................. 71

Novae in Ancient Sources ....................................... 73

PART THREE: HISTORICAL STUDIES ................................ 115

Jerzy Kolendo
Novae during the Goth Raid of ad 250/1 (Iordanes, Getica
101-103) ...................................................... 117

Jan Prostko-Prostyński
Attila and Novae .............................................. 133

Jan Prostko-Prostyński
Novae in the Times of Theodoric the Amal ...................... 141

Piotr Łukasz Grotowski
The Place of Novae in Procopius' De aedificiis (Buildings)
[IV II-20] .................................................... 159

Maciej Salamon
Novae in the Age of the Slav Invasions ........................ 173

Kazimierz Ilski
Sources Concerning Christianity in Novae ...................... 213

Renata Ciołek, Jerzy Kolendo
Legio I Italica on the Coins of Septimius Severus and
Gallienus ..................................................... 225

Piotr Dyczek
The Latest Settlement in Novae ................................ 235

Piotr Dyczek
The Geography of the Area and Topography of Novae ............. 249

Rumen Ivanov
Novae on Western European Historical and Geographical Maps
From the End of the 15th through the 18th Century ............. 263

Martin Lemke
Novae and Its Surroundings on Historic Maps ................... 275

Martin Lemke
The Location of the Roman Legionary Fortress at Novae
and the Crossing of the Danube by Russian Forces in 1877 -
a Comparative Study ........................................... 291

PART FIVE: BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................... 299

Novae-Bibliography 1726-2008 .................................. 301

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