Inventions of Siberian Branch of RAS in 2000: Patent Index 
Rambler's Top100

Inventions of the Siberian Branch of RAS

The index of patents for 2000

Russian version


Index of patents "Inventions-2000 of Siberian Branch of RAS" is a continuation of yearly index "Inventions of Siberian Branch of RAS", which is being published by State Public Scientific-Technical Library SB RAS since 1975.

Since 1997 this Index is being published only in electronical form.

The bibliographic description of every patent document contains:

  • (11) Patent number
  • (46) Publication date
  • (51) Index(es) of International Patent Classification
  • (21) Application number
  • (22) Application date
  • (71) Applicant(s)
  • (72) Author(s)
  • (73) Proprietor(s)
  • (98) Mail address
  • (54) Invention Title
  • (57) Abstract
  • Basic Figure
Material is ordered in sections by International Patent Classification.

Reference guide of Index includes:

  • Index of patent numbers
  • Index of invention authors
  • Index of proprietors.
Full texts of patents published in this Index can be found in the Patent Documentation Reading Room of SPSL SB RAS.

Lubov A. Dmitrieva,
a chief of Patent Documentation Sector of the Branch of SPSL SB RAS.

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