Inventions of Siberian Branch of RAS in 2000 - Patent Index
Rambler's Top100

Inventions of the Siberian Branch of RAS

The index of patents for 2000

Russian version

(11) Patent number: 2150331
(46) Date of publication: 10.06.2000
(51) Int. Cl.7: B 03 D 1/02
(21) Application number: 99100690/03
(22) Application date: 10.01.1999
(71) Applicant:
Institut gornogo dela SO RAN
(72) Inventor:
Kondrat'ev S.A., Kolmagorova A.Ju.
(73) Proprietor:
Institut gornogo dela SO RAN
(98) Mail address:
630091, g.Novosibirsk, Krasnyj prospekt 54, IGD SO RA
(57) FIELD: mineral flotation. SUBSTANCE: method may be used in processing of metallic and nonmetalloferrous materials and treatment of industrial sewage water. The method includes conditioning of initial raw material in pulp with reagents, pulp aeration with flotation size bubbles, treatment of pulp with sound vibrations, flotation to obtain concentrate. Pulp is treated with pulses of sound vibrations with frequency band given in the invention description. Pulse duration of sound vibration is from 2 to 4 periods of bubble natural surface-mode waves. Increased selectivity in recovery of useful component and increased quality of obtained concentrate is due to engagement of wider range of bubble sizes in their sound vibration treatment discharge of flotated particles, barren rock from bubble surface. EFFECT: higher efficiency. 1 dwg

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