Inventions of Siberian Branch of RAS in 2000 - Patent Index
Rambler's Top100

Inventions of the Siberian Branch of RAS

The index of patents for 2000

Russian version

(11) Patent number: 2154849
(46) Date of publication: 20.08.2000
(51) Int. Cl.7: G 02 B 13/14, 17/08
(21) Application number: 98105180/28
(22) Application date: 17.03.1998
(71) Applicant:
Konstruktorsko-tekhnologicheskij institut prikladnoj mikroehlektroniki SO RAN
(72) Inventor:
Klevtsov Ju.A., Ul'janova E.O.
(73) Proprietor:
Konstruktorsko-tekhnologicheskij institut prikladnoj mikroehlektroniki SO RAN
(98) Mail address:
630090, g.Novosibirsk, ul. Nikolaeva 8, Konstruktorsko-tekhnologicheskij institut prikladnoj mikroehlektroniki SO RA
(57) FIELD: optics. SUBSTANCE: objective includes primary concave parabolic mirror, secondary spherical mirror and correction element. Correction element is made of three lenses with same refractive index. Extreme lenses are negative and are produced in the form of meniscuses facing space of images with concavity and central lens is biconvex. EFFECT: improved quality of image and expanded spectral range of operation. 5 dwg, 1 tbl

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