Inventions of Siberian Branch of RAS in 2000 - Patent Index
Rambler's Top100

Inventions of the Siberian Branch of RAS

The index of patents for 2000

Russian version

(11) Patent number: 2149397
(46) Date of publication: 20.05.2000
(51) Int. Cl.7: G 01 N 30/60
(21) Application number: 99105103/28
(22) Application date: 16.03.1999
(71) Applicant:
Institut khimicheskoj kinetiki i gorenija SO RAN
(72) Inventor:
Samsonov Ju.N.
(73) Proprietor:
Institut khimicheskoj kinetiki i gorenija SO RAN
(98) Mail address:
630090, g.Novosibirsk, ul. Institutskaja 3, IKhKiG SO RAN, patentnaja sluzhb
(57) FIELD: gas and liquid chromatography. SUBSTANCE: device has conjoined flat plates. One claim of invention discloses device design in which one plate is designed as optical flat reflecting diffraction pattern, which front surface has several thousands of identical parallel bar channels, which cross section follows specific pattern (triangle, trapezium, or another one). All channels have specific width within range of 10-20 mcm or more and up to fractions of micrometer, and are conjoined. The second plate is conjoined to first plate to provide identical capillary patterns, which all inputs and outputs are joined by means of cross channels to provide input and output collectors, through which carrier gas and substance to be analyzed enter and leave capillary channels. Another claim of invention discloses device design in which each plate is designed as optical flat reflecting diffraction pattern. Plates are conjoined to one another by their patterned surfaces to provide identical capillary channels, which inputs and outputs are combined by means of cross channels to provide input and output collectors. High level of identity of capillary channels prevents cross-channel sealing, so that sealing is required along extreme channels. Plates- patterns are made from metal, or glass or as print (replica) of matrix pattern on plastic substrate. EFFECT: simplified application of stationary phase material and its fixing, simplified physical and chemical modification of surface to achieve desired chromatographic properties. 15 cl, 4 dwg

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