Inventions of Siberian Branch of RAS in 2000 - Patent Index
Rambler's Top100

Inventions of the Siberian Branch of RAS

The index of patents for 2000

Russian version

(11) Patent number: 2159854
(46) Date of publication: 27.11.2000
(51) Int. Cl.7: E 21 D 20/00
(21) Application number: 96114958/03
(22) Application date: 23.07.1996
(71) Applicant:
Institut uglja i uglekhimii SO RAN
(72) Inventor:
Anufriev V.E., Barkovskij V.V., Rodichkin A.A., Jalevskij V.D.
(73) Proprietor:
Institut uglja i uglekhimii SO RAN
(98) Mail address:
650610, g. Kemerovo, GSP 610, ul. Rukavishnikova 21, Anufrievu V.E
(57) FIELD: mining industry, support of mine workings. SUBSTANCE: installation to fix anchor includes vessels with mineral filling agent and fluid, supply lines across outlet and air feeding lines across central inlet, control unit connected by air lines to control desk. Control desk and unit are fed from air feeding line. Vessel with mineral filling agent has pneumatic cartridge placed on central inlet, its cylinder is put on vessel and its piston is fixed on tube passed into vessel through central inlet. Lower end of tube is positioned between guiding ribs of outlet of vessel. Its other end is connected to air line coming from control unit that is connected in addition to piston space of pneumatic cartridge by air line. EFFECT: enhanced operational efficiency and reliability. 1 dwg 
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