(11) Patent number: 2159323 (46) Date of publication: 20.11.2000 (51) Int. Cl.7: E 21 B 43/00, 43/16 (21) Application number: 99111857/03 (22) Application date: 01.06.1999 (71) Applicant:
Institut kataliza im. G.K. Boreskova SO RAN
(72) Inventor:
Fenelonov V.B.,
Mel'gunov M.S.,
Parmon V.N.
(73) Proprietor:
Institut kataliza im. G.K. Boreskova SO RAN
(98) Mail address:
630090, g.Novosibirsk, pr. Akademika Lavrent'eva 5, Institut kataliza im. G.K. Boreskova, patentnyj otdel, Judinoj T.D (54) PROCESS OF PRODUCTION OF GAS FROM SOLID GAS HYDRATES (57)
FIELD: production and primary refining of natural gas from solid gas hydrates-clathrates. SUBSTANCE: process is based on formation of non-equilibrium thermobaric conditions by way decrease of pressure and supply of heat. Heat is supplied by injection through hole into zone of position of solid gas hydrate of solid sorbent able to absorb vapors of water or water with specific heat release exceeding heat of dissociation of solid gas hydrate. Later sorbent is carried out by flow of formed gas. Sorbent is regenerated. EFFECT: increased efficiency of process. 7 cl, 3 dwg