Inventions of Siberian Branch of RAS in 2000 - Patent Index
Rambler's Top100

Inventions of the Siberian Branch of RAS

The index of patents for 2000

Russian version

(11) Patent number: 2156321
(46) Date of publication: 20.09.2000
(51) Int. Cl.7: C 23 C 24/10
(21) Application number: 97122229/02
(22) Application date: 23.12.1997
(71) Applicant:
Institut fiziki prochnosti i materialovedenija SO RAN
(72) Inventor:
Beljuk S.I., Durakov V.G.
(73) Proprietor:
Rossijskij materialovedcheskij tsentr
(98) Mail address:
634034, g.Tomsk, ul.Sovetskaja, d.86, kv.5, patentnomu poverennomu Butenko L.V
(57) FIELD: hard-facing of flat long articles, manufacture and build-up of tools used for wood-working, chopping of electric cables or cutting of paper. SUBSTANCE: given process includes formation of melting zone on surface of article by electron beam with linear sweep in the form of several parallel lines, feed of powdery material into melting zone, in space between lines of sweep in direction perpendicular to movement of hard-faced article. EFFECT: raised productivity and efficiency of process thanks to increase of utilization factor of powdery material. 
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