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Libri (Danmark), 1980, Vol.30, No.4, P.338-342
Librarians of State Public Library for Science and Technology, Siberian Division of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, USSR Integration, in conjunction with the process of differentiation, represents a specific feature in the development of contemporary science. "Today specialization is taking on a specific quality. It is not the specialization of classic sciences, but a form of specialization which presupposes the universal utilization of knowledge for the solution of a special problem" *. In this connection the need of research workers in information which is not narrowly subject or theme - oriented becomes apparent. What they need is formation on a wider plane, information which contains adjacent problems, and which can be very remote from their main theme, but which could be capable of inspiring fruitful ideas and analogies. The necessity of the multi-step system of information and bibliographic service for scientists and specialists of the Siberian Division of the USSR Academy of Sciences (SD of AS) is substantiated by the following factors:
Information and bibliographic support of scientific research in Siberia is based on the combination of principles both of centralization and decentralization. The subject of research and development of each research institute of the SD is supported by information on a centralized basis (the State Public Library for Science and Technology (GPNTB) of the SD and the All-Union information centres) and the decentralized basis (information prepared by the library of the appropriate research institutions and relative organizations). The forms of information work accomplished in the research libraries of the SD have their specific features, stipulated by the three-stage system of library service: GPNTB with the responsibilities of a large regional information centre, central libraries of research centres, libraries of research institutes of the SD of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The conventional form of providing information on new developments is identified with displays of recent acquisitions. These displays are organized on the principle: from the general to the particular. In the GPNTB the displays are organized in the reading room of recent acquisitions and reflect all the literature received by the network of Siberian academic libraries. The central libraries of research centres show a tendency to reflect all the literature that the centre acquires, foreign publications first of all. In the Irkutsk research centre, which has only 6 academic libraries, all new publications are put on display. In the Novosibirsk Academy District, which boasts of 18 academic libraries, the central library organizes a display of foreign publications dealing with subjects of scientific research. Weekly displays in the libraries of the Novosibirsk research centre are devoted to their own recent acquisitions. On the basis of study of the efficient use of these displays, which is conducted in all units of the system, efforts are directed towards expanding the range of the displays. (For example the Novosibirsk research centre now exhibits patent periodicals). Informative displays of foreign journals dealing with certain subjects and inter-subject problems have become very popular. The displays are organized in libraries of the research institutes, and on the basis of the subject collections of these libraries and journals from the stocks of the GPNTB these displays offer information on interlinking themes. One of the specific features of these displays is that they offer a service of priority reproduction of materials of the display on demand of the scientists. The selection of literature for displays is centralized. This form of service has been highly appreciated by all research workers. Thematic displays represent a vital form of information service. The themes of these displays are diverse and depend on the type of library (specialized, inter-subject or universal). Displays, connected with jubilee dates and important political events, are organized at all levels of the system. The libraries of research institutes popularize literature on major planned research projects through their displays, which they also organize during symposia, conferences and seminars. Central libraries of research centres and the GPNTB arrange displays on inter-subject themes. Such displays widely reflect the main problems of complex development of Siberia, preservation of natural resources, construction of the Baikal-Amur Railway, current problems of scientific research, such as, for instance, the automation of experiments, new technology in research, etc. The GPNTB organizes traveling displays timed to conferences and sessions held in Novosibirsk and other Siberian cities. The Novosibirsk research centre draws up a summary plan of displays, which makes it possible to refer to it a number of times. In the five-year period (1971-1975) the outlines of over 30 displays were demanded by libraries from 5 to 10 times. Another original form of information are the so-called "Information Days", jointly organized by the GPNTB of the SD, the Centre of Scientific and Technical Information, House of Technology and branch boards of scientific societies. The "Information Day" is a complex arrangement which covers the organization of a bibliographic file on a given theme, a book display and review of literature. The feed-back, which manifests the efficiency of the "Information Day", is realized in the form of a questionnaire the replies to which represent the evaluation of specialists. (The GPNTB has received over a thousand of them). The analysis of the data, which these questionnaires yield, displays the usefulness and necessity of organizing "Information Days". The "Information Day" is organized once a month. The concrete subjects of research of sections and scientists of each research institute are supported by group and individual information. Its most efficient form today is the system of selective dissemination of information (SDI). This form of information, correctly interpreted within the context of the system (information - user - feedback - the receiving of the document or its copy), has been introduced in about 50 percent of the libraries of research institutes of the SD. The SDI of the GPNTB is especially remarkable for it is here that subject information support of the complex problem "Automation of the scientific experiment" has been put into effect. The subject and theme rubricator for this problem includes 165 themes and subject headings. The information is supplied by 32 groups in which over 230 scientists work. On the average a subscriber annually receives 190 cards. One of the advantages of this system is its well regulated feedback. Criteria of efficiency of the SDI system have been worked out on the basis of assessments provided by the feedback. Thus the feedback ratio is 98%, the quality coefficient - 92% and the circulation ratio - 2.1%. The cards are sent weekly. This system functions at the Novosibirsk research centre. Here the SDI system is realized by the library of the East Siberian Branch of the SD of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The library serves 37 subscribers and covers 130 themes. In future the SDI system of the GPNTB will be expanded to other research centres of the SD. The system of bibliographic aids for research workers of Siberia is also built on the principle of centralized and decentralized preparation and use of the tools. The most important problems of research of Siberia are supported through centralized channels (current and retrospective indexes of literature, union catalogues of the GPNTB of the SD). A system of current regional indexes of publications on geology, climate and hydrology, soils, flora and fauna, economics, culture of Siberia and the Soviet Far East has been created. This system is constantly being improved, its coverage expanding to new directions and trends of the complex development of Siberian natural resources. Thus in connection with the economic cultivation of new territories two current indexes of literature "Problems of the North" and "Problems of the Baikal-Amur Railway" were started. Since 1979 the quarterly index "Problems of the BAR" is supplemented by a current publication of the same title and frequency, which contains patent literature concerning all questions that pertain to the sphere of development and construction in the extreme conditions of the BAR. In the same year a current awareness service dealing with the complex problem "Preservation and rational exploitation of the natural resources of Siberia and the Far East" was also organized. The most urgent problems of non-regional character are supported by centralized information in the form of current indexes of the GPNTB of the SD. These problems, studied by many Siberian research institutes, include the following: "Biogeocenology", "Use of mathematical methods in economics and sociology", "Extraction and ionic exchange", "Vibration in technology", "Effect of harmful factors upon the organism and means of protection". Thus research workers and specialists of Siberia are provided with information on new foreign books and journals, acquired by the libraries of the SD on a centralized basis through the system of union catalogues published by the GPNTB. The task of providing wide circles of research workers and specialists with information on discoveries and inventions made by the research institutes of the SD is assigned to the annual "Inventions of the Siberian Division of the USSR Academy of Sciences", which is published by the GPNTB since 1974. The main problems and themes of each concrete research institute of the SD are supported with information on a decentralized basis (publishing of bulletins of recent acquisitions, retrospective subject indexes). The bulletins of recent acquisitions are an old and tested form of mass information. The desire of a number of libraries of research institutes of the SD to cooperate with STI bodies in the preparation of the "Bulletins", the participation in this work of several groups of compilers of abstracts and the expansion of their coverage through the inclusion of new types of materials (patents, standards, preprints, etc.), the differentiated interpreting of information for concrete groups and laboratories, increases the efficient use of these "Bulletins". The idea of creating union bulletins of recent acquisitions seems to be especially promising in connection with the growing need in information on the system of collections of the research institutes, which will promote their shared use to a greater extent. In the years that they have been in operation, the GPNTB and institutes of the Siberian Division have prepared about 200 auxiliary retrospective indexes on various subjects. These include fundamental lists in the following series: "Geologic knowledge of the USSR", "Climate and hydrology of West Siberia", "Soils of West Siberia", "Vegetation and vegetable resources of West Siberia", a number of publications of historic character, biobibliographic materials, lists of books and serials. With the aim of promoting the implementation of the complex programme of development of natural resources of Siberia, on which all the research institutes of the SD are working, the GPNTB together with these institutions and libraries of other systems and departments (universities and regional organizations) has prepared or is preparing such retrospective indexes as "Magmatic formations of Siberia", "Problems of the BAR", "Entomophages of Siberia", "Preservation and rational use of the natural resources of Siberia and the Soviet Far East", etc. For the first time in the practice of Soviet libraries, the GPNTB of the SD has published a series of thematic retrospective indexes of patent literature. The series of indexes of inventions "Economic development of territory in the extreme conditions of the BAR zone" and some future publications of this kind will promote scientific and technical progress along all lines of development of the BAR zone, construction in particular. The GPNTB is preparing a series of indexes of patent literature of recommendatory character, the purpose of which is to promote the introduction of important discoveries at industrial enterprises. This is one of the elements of realization of interaction of academic institutions with the production sphere, a development that is today considered to be of utmost importance. The further improvement of quality of information service for research workers and specialists of Siberia is connected with the introduction of automation and progressive methods in information and bibliographic work. This task, which is already being put into effect now, will be fully realized in the next five-year period. Статья А.Н.Лебедевой и Л.П.Павловой опубликована: The System of Information Support of Scientific Research in Siberia // Libri [Danmark]. - 1980. - Vol.30, N 4. - P.338-342. Другие публикации Л.П.Павловой * * * |
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