Российская наука и мир (дайджест) - Январь 2005 г.

2005 г.
Российская наука и мир
(по материалам зарубежной электронной прессы)

январь февраль март апрель май июнь июль август сентябрь октябрь ноябрь декабрь

    The Scotsman / Wed 12 Jan 2005
    Implant helps injured children to smile again
    Российские и английские специалисты разработали новейшую технологию создания имплантатов, предназначенных прежде всего для коррекции деформированных с рождения или вследствие травм частей лица и черепа детей. В отличие от традиционных титановых, эти имплантаты созданы на основе полимеров, поэтому им легче придать нужную форму.

DOCTORS are putting smiles back on the faces of seriously injured and deformed children by using a revolutionary implant to help rebuild their looks.
About 50 youngsters, including a 12-year-old girl who could barely open her mouth, are now grinning from ear to ear after the life-changing surgery.
The implants have been developed by scientists from the University of Nottingham who teamed up with Russian researchers to create the polymer material - a honeycomb-like alternative to traditional titanium structures.
The PolyHap implants are now being used as part of clinical trials in Moscow, where many of the children treated have suffered serious injuries affecting their faces.
Among the patients who have undergone surgery is 12-year-old Kseniya Gordeeva, who suffered jaw damage at birth.
Kseniya had to eat through a straw, had difficulty talking and found it almost impossible to clean her teeth, and because of the lack of normal nutrition she was also underweight.
During a five-hour operation the section of damaged bone was removed and a two-inch implant was inserted into her face. Nine days later she was able to open her mouth and could eat, laugh and talk to her friends normally.
"If I wanted to get my mouth open before the operation I had to lean my head right back," she said. "Now it is much easier. I can talk like my friends and eat normally. I don't have a favourite food because everything I eat is special."
Professor Vitaly Roginsky, one of Russia's leading children's cranio-maxillofacial surgeons, who has been carrying out the facial corrective surgery for the trials, said: "These implants allow us to carry out many more operations than before. They are easier to adjust and reshape and give us much more flexibility in our work."
So far the Moscow operations have been carried out to correct jaw or skull deformities. But the implants can be adapted for any part of the skeleton.
The teams in Nottingham and Moscow have now started work on a bio-degradeable version which will slowly dissolve as the repairing bone begins to re-grow.

© 2005 Scotsman.com

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    Futura-Sciences / le 13/01/2005
    Toujours plus petit: le premier matériau de l'épaisseur d'un atome
    Исследователи из Института микроэлектроники в Черноголовке, совместно с учеными Манчестерского университета, создали материал толщиной в один атом. Им удалось отделить атомарный слой от кристалла графита, при этом атомы не потеряли связи друг с другом. Новый материал – графен – обладает высокой прочностью, эластичностью и электропроводимостью.

Les chercheurs de l'Institut de microélectronique de Chernogolovka en Russie, associés à ceux de l'université de Manchester, auraient développé le premier matériau de la taille d'un atome, révélant l'existence d'une nouvelle classe de matériaux.
Les équipes russes et anglaises auraient réussi à extraire des couches d'atomes de carbone de cristaux de graphite, conduisant à la production de la structure la plus fine possible, le graphène. La nano-structure appartient à la famille des molécules fullerène, découverte dans les 20 dernières années, mais serait pour la première fois bidimensionnelle.
Les chercheurs se concentreraient aujourd'hui sur les propriétés électroniques de la nano-structure de carbone. En utilisant des techniques de lithographie et de gravure, l'équipe russe est chargée de transformer les structures préparées à Manchester en transistor. Il aurait été montré que le transistor est à effet de champ ambipolaire, dans les conditions ambiantes.
La micro-structure aurait une excellente qualité, les électrons pouvant se déplacer sans dispersion de la source au drain, ce qui est important pour concevoir des transistors à transition très rapide. Dans l'optique de faire des microprocesseurs plus puissants et plus rapides, les ingénieurs s'efforcent à réduire la taille des transistors, réduisant la distance que doivent parcourir les électrons pour commuter les 0 et les 1. Les scientifiques imaginent des transistors composés d'une unique molécule, vision beaucoup plus proche aujourd'hui grâce à la découverte des scientifiques de Chernogolovka et Manchester.
Même si les chercheurs ne travaillent aujourd'hui que sur des structures d'environ 10 micromètres de longueur, il n'existerait pas de limitation fondamentale de la taille latérale des nano-structures de carbone. Comme le note le docteur Novoselov: "Il y a 10 ans seulement, les nano-tubes n'atteignaient pas le micromètre. Aujourd'hui, les scientifiques font des nano-tubes de plusieurs centimètres de long, et des progrès similaires peuvent raisonnablement être attendus pour les nano-structures de carbone".

© 2001-2005 Futura-Sciences.com. Tous droits réservés.

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    PC Authority, Australia / 19 January 2005
    Russia calls for tech zones
    В ходе посещения новосибирского Академгородка, президент Путин объявил о начале реализации программы создания, развития и поддержки технопарков. Они призваны стать центрами развития высоких технологий и формирования экономики нового, инновационного типа.

The land that used to live by five-year economic plans is preparing to launch another to promote high technology, with president Vladimir Putin coming up with a long-term plan to boost Russia's IT sector.
Putin recently convened a meeting in the Siberian capital Novosibirsk focusing on the creation of technology parks.
Russian IT and communications minister Leonid Reiman said Russia would invest some US$650 million in the IT sector over the next five years. On a visit to India last month, Putin was impressed by India's IT industry, which now commands more than one-fifth of the world's IT outsourcing market.
Reiman predicted that Russia's IT sector would grow to US$10 billion by 2010. Technology parks would focus on information technology and would seek to develop a new crop of young engineers and technical managers.
So far, Putin said his government has not been able to diversify the economy from its heavy dependence on the sale of natural resources. He has directed cabinet members to speed the implementation of draft laws giving companies tax breaks for locating businesses in high-technology zones.
German Gref, Russia's minister for economic development and trade, is scheduled to submit a draft law on special economic zones by 1 March. According to a preliminary agreement, the common social tax for technoparks would be established at 14 percent. "Today the [IT] business is one of the most dynamic and profitable sectors of the world economy, and [IT] itself is a powerful tool to renew and increase competitiveness of national industries and develop innovative activity," Putin said in a speech at the Akademgorodok research centre Siberia.
"Forming a modern infrastructure of the information sector of the economy can become a major national project."
Putin said the technoparks should focus on competitiveness and profitability, with manufactured products oriented towards specific solutions. The parks would follow the example of Akademgorodok, which had education, science and production in one location. State support stimulate exports of technology and services, said Putin.

Copyright © 2005 ajb.publishing

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    ITAR-TASS / 19.01.2005
    RF seismologists come to Indonesia to create tsunami warning sys
    Российские сейсмологи прибыли в Индонезию, чтобы принять участие в работе международной группы исследователей цунами. Цель работы – создать систему раннего оповещения о цунами в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе.

MOSCOW, January 19 (Itar-Tass) - A group of Russian seismologists arrived in Indonesia to collect scientific information in order to create a tsunami warning system in the Asia-Pacific region, an official at the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday. Russian scientists from Moscow, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Vladivostok and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk are included in an international group of tsunami researchers under the UNESCO aegis.
"Russian scientists are going to the area of the natural disaster on the north of Sumatra to collect scientific information," the official emphasized. "The received data will be a contribution of Russian seismologists in the creation of an early warning system of earthquakes and tsunami in the Asia-Pacific region," he pointed out. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Wednesday that the international community should focus attention "on the weak links that were exposed after the tsunami in Asia in the world cooperation system of countries in this field."
"The readiness of the world community to natural disasters should be increased," he remarked. According to Lavrov, this issue may be put on the agenda of the upcoming Russian-US summit in Bratislava on February 24. "A possibility of creating a global agency for the fight with natural disasters may be considered. Russia has repeatedly raised this issue," the Russian foreign minister indicated.

© ITAR-TASS. All rights reserved.

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    LE MONDE / 18.01.05
    Une tempête magnétique devrait s'abattre sur la Station spatiale internationale
    Из-за приближения сильной магнитной бури на Международной космической станции объявлен так называемый режим "алерт", который предусматривает повышенный контроль за радиационной обстановкой на борту. Об этом сообщил заместитель директора Института медико-биологических проблем РАН Валерий Богомолов.

Selon les scientifiques, les orages magnétiques ne présentent pas de risque pour la santé des astronautes.
Un état d'alerte a été prononcé à bord de la Station spatiale internationale (ISS), en raison d'une tempête magnétique attendue après une puissante éruption solaire observée par les scientifiques russes, a indiqué mardi 18 janvier un responsable russe, spécialiste en médecine spatiale.
"Un état d'alerte a été instauré à bord de l'ISS, qui prévoit un contrôle renforcé du niveau des radiations", a précisé Valeri Bogomolov, vice-directeur de l'institut des problèmes médicaux et biologiques de l'Académie russe des sciences, cité par l'agence Itar-Tass.
Lundi, les scientifiques russes ont observé une intensification de l'activité solaire, avec la plus puissante éruption depuis novembre 2003, a souligné un responsable de l'Institut de magnétisme terrestre, Anatoli Belov, cité par Itar-Tass.
"A cause d'une puissante tempête magnétique, nous avons recommandé à Salijan Charipov (le cosmonaute russe) et à Leroy Chiao (l'astronaute américain) de rester dans les endroits de la station les plus protégés des radiations, particulièrement lorsque la station est tournée vers le Soleil, et d'en mesurer constamment le niveau", a expliqué M. Bogomolov. Actuellement, "il n'y a pas de danger pour la santé de l'équipage", a-t-il assuré.
Le taux des radiations que subit l'organisme d'un cosmonaute en orbite augmente pendant les périodes de tempêtes magnétiques, mais ce phénomène "ne présente aucun danger pour l'organisme humain", a souligné le responsable. Selon les scientifiques, les orages magnétiques ne présentent pas de risque pour la santé car les particules ionisées sont absorbées ou déviées par l'épaisse atmosphère terrestre.
L'ISS se trouve actuellement à une altitude de 360 km de la Terre, alors que la couche protégeant notre planète des bouleversements magnétiques est située à une altitude de 500-600 km, ont souligné les scientifiques russes. La station spatiale est protégée des radiations solaires par un équipement spécial.

Droits de reproduction et de diffusion réservés © Le Monde 2004

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    Voilà.fr / le 17-01-2005
    La Russie, première en nombre de lancements spatiaux en 2004
    В 2004 году Россия осуществила почти половину всех космических запусков в мире – на ее долю пришлось 42,6%. Второе место с 29,6% занимают США, на третьей позиции – Китай (14,8%), потом Европейское космическое агентство (5,6%) и Индия (1,9%). Наиболее востребованной ракетой-носителем остается "Союз" - 40% запусков, 35% сохраняет тяжелая ракета-носитель "Протон". 74% запусков пришлось на космодром Байконур, на космодром Плесецк - 26%.

La Russie a réalisé en 2004 le plus grand nombre de lancements spatiaux dans le monde, laissant loin derrière elle les Etats-Unis, la Chine et l'Europe, a souligné lundi l'Agence spatiale russe (Roskosmos).
La Russie a réalisé l'année dernière 42,6% de tous les lancements effectués dans le monde, les Etats-Unis 29,6%, la Chine 14,8%, l'Agence spatiale européenne (ESA) 5,6%, l'Inde 1,9%, a précisé Roskosmos dans un communiqué.
Trois quart des fusées (74%) lancées par les Russes ont décollé depuis le cosmodrome de Baïkonour loué par la Russie au Kazakhstan, en Asie Centrale, alors que 26% des lanceurs russes ont décollé depuis Plessetsk, dans la région d'Arkhangelsk (nord-ouest).
Aucun lancement n'a été effectué depuis le troisième cosmodrome russe, Svobodny, dans la région de l'Amour, en Extrême-Orient russe.
Près de 40% des lancements russes ont été réalisés avec des lanceurs du type Soyouz et 35% avec les lanceurs Proton.
La Russie possède actuellement en orbite 97 satellites, a précisé le directeur de Roskosmos Anatoli Perminov, cité par le communiqué.
Après la chute de l'URSS l'état du "groupe orbital" (les satellites en orbite assurant la navigation, les communications, les satellites-espions militaires et les appareils scientifiques et météorologiques) s'est détérioré en raison d'un manque de financement. Les satellites devenaient vétustes et la Russie n'avait pas d'argent pour les remplacer par de nouveaux engins.
Aujourd'hui, la situation dans ce domaine "s'est stabilisée" et "il y a une amélioration de l'état du groupe orbital d'appareils spatiaux russes", a estimé le général Perminov.


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    ESA / 19 January 2005
    Closer ties between ESA and Russia
    Сегодня в Москве было подписано соглашение между Федеральным космическим агентством и Европейским космическим агентством о долгосрочном сотрудничестве в области разработки, создания и использования ракет-носителей. Его подписали: с российской стороны – руководитель Роскосмоса Анатолий Перминов, от ЕКА – генеральный директор агентства Жан-Жак Дорден.

Today in Moscow, ESA Director General, Jean-Jacques Dordain and the Head of the Russian Federal Space Agency, Anatoly Perminov signed an agreement for long-term cooperation and partnership in the development, implementation and use of launchers.
This agreement, which comes within the general framework of the Agreement between ESA and the Russian Federation for Cooperation and Partnership in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space for Peaceful Purposes, will strengthen cooperation between ESA and Russia, ESA's first partner in the long-term cooperation on access to space.  
ESA-Russian partnership is based on two main pillars: the exploitation of the Russian Soyuz launcher from Europe's Spaceport in French Guiana and cooperation, without exchange of funds, on research and development in preparation for future launchers.
The Soyuz at Europe's Spaceport programme covers the construction of the Soyuz launch facilities in French Guiana and the adaptations that Soyuz will need to enable it to be launched from French Guiana. A number of ESA Member States have signed up for this optional ESA programme and their contributions will be supplemented by a loan to Arianespace from the European Investment Bank, guaranteed by the French Government as a temporary measure pending the creation by the European Commission of a guarantee reserve mechanism. Complementary funding from the European Union is also envisaged.
Work to prepare the Spaceport for Soyuz is already underway in French Guiana as the first launch from Europe's Spaceport is scheduled to take place in 2007. Today's agreement will also allow work to begin on the second pillar: preparation activities for the development of future space transport systems. Europe and the Russian Federation will collaborate in developing the technology needed for future launchers. Russian and European engineers will work together to develop reusable liquid engines, reusable liquid stages and experimental vehicles. ESA's aim is to have a new generation launcher ready by 2020.

Copyright 2000 - 2005 © European Space Agency. All rights reserved.

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    Planet Ark / January 21, 2005
    Russian Rivers Prove Man-Made Climate Change
    • By Jeremy Lovell
    Повышенный сток российских рек в Северный Ледовитый океан вызван парниковым эффектом и может свидетельствовать об изменении количества атмосферных осадков, утверждают ведущие британские климатологи.

LONDON - Increased flows of Russian rivers into the Arctic Ocean are due to man-made greenhouse gases and might indicate changing global rainfall patterns, according to a report by leading British climate scientists.
The team at the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research - part of the British Meteorological Office - said computer models showed that the cause was human activity and predicted that things would get worse.
"By analysing river-monitoring data from the six largest Eurasian rivers flowing into the Arctic Ocean, scientists have found a trend of increased river output during the 20th century," the report said.
"A similar trend is found in the climate simulation for the same period by the Hadley Centre's coupled climate model, but only when the effects of man-made greenhouse gases are included," it added. Lead scientist Peili Wu said the findings were in line with predictions that global warming would lead to changes in the water cycle.
"Our model predicts that these changes will intensify in the coming decades, with implications for water supply and risks of flooding," he added. The report said increased flows had been observed from the Yenisey, Lena, Ob, Pechora, Kolyma and Severnaya Dvina rivers. The report said the changes in the world's water cycle could also have implications for the circulation of the Atlantic Ocean and the key Atlantic Conveyor current which has been predicted to show signs of weakening. It comes just four weeks before the Kyoto climate change treaty enters into force, aimed at curbing the emissions of the main greenhouse gas carbon dioxide.
Critics say the treaty is too late and inadequate to tackle the looming global climate crisis. They note the world's worst polluter, the United States, has refused to sign up arguing human activities do not contribute to climate change which is a natural phenomenon. Environmentalists also note the treaty is not binding on developing nations, but they say it is the only show in town and must be made to work. Environmentalists say a two-degree centigrade rise in warming is in the pipeline - melting icecaps and boosting sea levels - and action is needed now to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

© 2005 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved.

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