Nakoryakov V.E., Pokusaev B.G., Shreiber I.R. Wave propagation in gas-liquid media. - 2nd ed. - (Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1993) - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS
Nakoryakov V.E., Pokusaev B.G., Shreiber I.R. Wave propagation in gas-liquid media. - 2nd ed. (Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1993. - 222 p.)
   Оглавление книги / ContentsИсточник / Source

 Preface to the English Edition .................................. V
 Preface ........................................................ VI
 Nomenclature .................................................. VII

 1 Acoustics and Shock Waves in Homogenous Gas- and
   Vapor-Liquid Mixtures ......................................... 1
   1.1  Basic Relations in Homogenous Models ..................... -
   1.2  Sound Velocities ......................................... 2
   1.3  Propagation of Small Disturbances and Non-Linear Waves ... 5
   1.4  Shock Waves ............................................. 11
   1.5  Motion of a Homogenous Two-Phase Medium in Channels ..... 15

 2 Dynamics of Gas and Vapor Bubbles ............................ 19
   2.1  Dynamics of a Vapor Bubble ............................... -
   2.2  Basic Equations of Dynamics and Heat Transfer
        of a Vapor Bubble ....................................... 26
   2.3  Growth and Collapse of Vapor Bubbles .................... 28
   2.4  Dynamics of a Vapor Bubble for a Continuous
        Variation of Pressure ................................... 34
   2.5  Consideration of Non-Equilibrium Evaporation in
        Problems of Vapor Bubble Dynamics ....................... 39
   2.6  Experimental Results .................................... 44

 3 Wave Processes in Gas-Liquid Systems ......................... 53
   3.1  A Dynamic Model of a Bubble Suspension ................... -
   3.2  Wave Equations for Media without Energy Dissipation ..... 55
   3.3  Wave Equations for Media with Dissipative Effects ....... 63
   3.4  Oscillating Shock Wave .................................. 66
   3.5  A Numerical Solution to Korteweg-de Vries-Bьrgers
        Equation ................................................ 68
   3.6  Shock Waves of Moderale Intensity ....................... 70
   3.7  Experimental Data on Propagation of Pressure
        Disturbances in a Liquid with Gas Bubbles ............... 73
   3.8  Thermal Processes in Wave Dynamics of Bubble Systems .... 81
   3.9  Consideration of Liquid Compressibility. Two-Wave
        Equation ................................................ 84

 4 Wave Propagation in a Liquid with Vapor Bubbles .............. 91
   4.1  An Equilibrium Model of Wave Propagation ................. -
   4.2  Dispersive Relations for Acoustic Waves ................. 94
   4.3  Cell Model of a Vapor-Liquid Medium ..................... 96
   4.4  Linear and Non-Linear Waves ............................. 99
   4.5  Weak Shock Waves ....................................... 113
   4.6  Acoustics of a Slug Flow of a Two-Phase Medium ......... 115

 5 Wave Processes on the Interface of Two Media ................ 122
   5.1  Disturbances at the Interface of two Semi-Infinite
        Spaces Filled with Non-Viscous Liquids of Different
        Density ................................................. -
   5.2  Disturbances on the Boundary of two Plane-Parallel
        Flows of Non-Viscous Liquids ........................... 125
   5.3  Gravitational Waves in "Shallow Water" ................. 127
   5.4  Gravitational Waves at the Interface and at a Free
        Boundary of a Two-Layer Liquid ......................... 134
   5.5  Kinematic Waves ........................................ 138
   5.6  Capillary Waves on a Film Surface ...................... 141
   5.7  Waves in Deformed Tubes Filled with a Liquid ........... 144

 6 Wave Flow of Liquid Films ................................... 152
   6.1  Use of Liquid Films in Technology ........................ -
   6.2  Dynamic and Kinematic Waves on Film Surfaces ........... 154
   6.3  Multi-Wave Approach to Wave Formation on a Film
        Surface ................................................ 160
   6.4  Analysis of Film Flow Stability and Low-Amplitude
        Linear Waves ........................................... 165
   6.5  Waves on Inclined Falling Liquid Films ................. 167
   6.6  Experimental Investigation of Waves on Vertical
        Film Surfaces .......................................... 175
   6.7  Qualitative Description of Liquid-Film Waves ........... 179
   6.8  Instantaneous Velocity Profile in Wave Liquid Films .... 181
   6.9  Waves in the Region of Wave Formation .................. 183
   6.10 Stationary Two-Dimensional Waves ....................... 186
   6.11 Evolution of Initial Solitary Disturbances ............. 190
   6.12 Waves on the Boundary of a Liquid Film Freely
        Falling into Another Liquid ............................ 193

 7 Survey of Basic Calculation Formulas and Relations
   of Wave Dynamics of Gas- and Vapor-Liquid Media ............. 199
   7.1  Propagation of Sound and Shock Waves in a Liquid
        with Bubbles of Gas and Vapor ........................... -
   7.2  Dynamics of Gas and Vapor Bubbles ...................... 200
   7.3  Wave Processes in a Gas-Liquid Medium .................. 202
   7.4  Propagation of Waves in a Liquid with Gas Bubbles ...... 203
   7.5  Wave Processes on an Interface of two Media ............ 204
   7.6  Wave Flow on Films ..................................... 206

 References .................................................... 208

The foreword of one of the volumes of the Proceedings of the Conference on Mechanics of Multi-Phase Media included a citation from Ecclesiastes: "Two are better than one".
    The progress of gas dynamics of gas-liquid and vapor-liquid media started with attempts to generalize the results of Rieman gas dynamics of a one-phase medium for the case of a mixture of a liquid with gas or vapor bubbles. This mixture was presented as a certain gas having a density close to that of a liquid, and the compressibility of a gas. When solving other problems for such systems, however, the processes of dissipation, mass exchange, and inertia of the combined mass of gas-liquid and vapor-liquid inclusions - which result in the dispersion of the speed of sound - had to be taken into account. Therefore, a generalization of a one-phase Rieman gas dynamics proved to be a failure.
    By the beginning of the 1970s, the problem of creating gas dynamics for two-phase media, which takes into account (at least to a first approximation) the aforementioned effects, was on the agenda. The two-phase medium has proved to be much more complex than one-phase flows so Rieman gas dynamics proved to be a failure.
    The present volume is an attempt to present the fundamentals of gas dynamics of gas-liquid and vapor-liquid media. These studies were initiated by the distinguished thermophysicist, Academician S.S.Kutateladze in Siberia, in the city of Novosibirsk, at the Institute of Thermophysics of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Both the Russian publication and this English translation are a posthumous tribute to his memory.
    The book was translated by an English teacher at the Novosibirsk State University, L.Ya.Yuzina. The publication of the English edition was made possible by the long-term cooperation between thermophysicists of Russia, and publisher Mr. W.Begell.
    Editing of this edition was masterfully done by Prof. A.E.Bergles of the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Prof. E.J.Rymaszewski, also of Rensselaer, assisted with the translation.
    So now, upon the presentation of this English translation, we wish to express our gratitude to all those who have taken part in its publication for their friendly assistance.
Wave dynamics of two-phase (gas-liquid) systems is a new, intensively developing branch of mechanics of heterogenous systems and thermophysics. Investigations in this field require the involvement of modern data on non-linear wave dynamics, the elaboration of new methods of allowing for interphase interactions, and the practical application of such modern concepts of wave motion as "kinematic" and "dynamic" waves, or "multi-wave models".
    Current interest in such investigations is accounted for by the fact that two-phase flows are the main working fluid in power installations, in equipment for chemical technology, and in various other elements of modern technology. Working processes in the metallurgical, petroleum-extracting, and oil-refining industries, and in cryogenic engineering are accompanied by the formation of vapor-liquid systems.
    Many two-phase systems are well known to be of high compressibility (i.e., the velocity of sound in such systems is small) and, hence, calculations of the dynamics of such media, which move at comparatively small velocities, require gas-dynamical methods. Apart from high compressibility, which makes the medium greatly non-linear, the motion of two-phase system is accompanied by processes of interphase heat and mass exchange, resulting in a considerable dissipation of the medium, while the inertial properties of the gas phase result in the dependence of the velocity of sound on frequency, i.e., in a dispersion of the velocity of sound. Therefore, the methods of conventional gas-dynamics are inefficient for the described specificity of two-phase fluids and give unsatisfactory calculation results. The aim of the investigations presented in this book was to construct non-stationary gas-dynamics that allows, at least to a first approximation, for the peculiarities of two-phase systems listed above. The research done was concentrated on the creation of simple wave models and the corresponding equations, on the solution of these equations, and on the organization of principal physical experiments that help one to gain insight into the nature and basic regularities of gas-dynamical flows. The basic results were obtained in the Institute of Thermophysics of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences within the period from 1970 through 1984.
 Wave propagation in gas-liquid media (1993)
This work is dedicated to the memory of Academician S.S.Kutateladze, an outstanding worker in the field of power engineering, who was a pioneer in this area of thermophysics and energetics. This book represents information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reprinted material is quoted with permission, and sources are indicated. A wide variety of references are listed. Every reasonable effort has been made to give reliable data and information, but the author and the publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or for the consequences of their use.
    Neither this book nor any part may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, microfilming, and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

вверхNakoryakov V.E. Wave propagation in gas-liquid media / Nakoryakov V.E., Pokusaev B.G., Shreiber I.R. - 2nd ed. - Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1993. - 222 p. - Bibliogr.: P.211-219. - ISBN 0-8493-9906-8 || Шифр: B253.322/N18 ИТФ

Научные школы ННЦ В.Е.Накоряков | Указатель трудовПодготовили Анастасия Болдырева и Сергей Канн  

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