Bellanger M.G. Adaptive digital filters

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Bellanger M.G. Adaptive digital filters / Bellanger M.G. - 2nd ed. - New York: Dekker, 2001. - 451 p. - (Signal processing and communications; vol.11). - ISBN 0-8247-0563-7.

Series Introduction K.J.Ray Liu .............................. iii Preface ......................................................... v 1. Adaptive Filtering and Signal Analysis ........................ 1 2. Signals and Noise ............................................ 15 3. Correlation Function and Matrix .............................. 57 4. Gradient Adaptive Filters ................................... 101 5. Linear Prediction Error Filters ............................. 145 6. Fast Least Squares Transversal Adaptive Filters ............. 189 7. Other Adaptive Filter Algorithms ............................ 235 8. Lattice Algorithms and Geometrical Approach ................. 293 9. Rotation-Based Algorithms ................................... 331 10. Spectral Analysis .......................................... 357 11. Circuits and Miscellaneous Applications .................... 385 12. Adaptive Techniques in Communications ...................... 407 Index .......................................................... 447

Вверх Bellanger M.G. Adaptive digital filters / Bellanger M.G. - 2nd ed. - New York: Dekker, 2001. - 451 p. - (Signal processing and communications; vol.11). - ISBN 0-8247-0563-7.

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