Handbook of Raman spectroscopy: from the research laboratory to the process line.

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Handbook of Raman spectroscopy: from the research laboratory to the process line / ed. by Lewis I.R., Edwards H.G.M. - New York: Dekker, 2001. - 1054 p. - (Practical spectroscopy; vol.28). - ISBN 0-8247-0557-2.

Preface ................................................................. v
Contributors ........................................................... xi

 1 Theory of Raman Scattering ........................................... 1
   Laurence A.Nafie

 2 Evolution and Revolution of Raman Instrumentation - Application of
   Available Technologies to Spectroscopy and Microscopy ............... 11
   Fran Adar

 3 Raman Spectrometry and Its Adaptation to the Industrial
   Environment ......................................................... 41
   Joseph B.Slater, James M.Tedesco, Ronald C.Fairchild
   and Ian R.Lewis

 4 Raman Microscopy: Confocal and Scanning Near-Field ................. 145
   Kurt J.Baldwin, David N.Batchelder and Simon Webster

 5 Raman Imaging ...................................................... 191
   Patrick J.Treado and Matthew P.Nelson

 6 The Quest for Accuracy in Raman Spectra ............................ 251
   Charles K.Mann and Thomas J.Vickers

 7 Chemometrics for Raman Spectroscopy ................................ 275
   Jeremy M.Shaver

 8 Raman Spectra of Gases ............................................. 307
   Heinz W.Schrotter

 9 Raman Spectroscopy Applied to Crystals:
   Phenomena and Principles, Concepts and Conventions ................. 349
   David C.Smith and Constantin Carabatos-Nedelec

10 Raman Scattering of Glass .......................................... 423
   Constantin Carabatos-Nedelec

11 Raman Spectroscopic Applications to Gemmology ...................... 469
   Lore Kiefert, Henry A.Hanni, and Thomas Ostertag

12 Raman Spectroscopy on II-VI-Semiconductor Nanostructures ........... 491
   Bianca Schreder and Wolfgang Kiefer

13 In Vivo Raman Spectroscopy ......................................... 549
   Gerwin J.Puppels, Tom C.Bakker Schut, Peter J.Caspers,
   Rolf Wolthuis, M. van Aken, A. van der Laarse, Hajo A.Bruining,
   H.P.J.Buschman, Martin G.Shim and Brian C.Wilson

14 Some Pharmaceutical Applications of Raman Spectroscopy ............. 575
   Adrian C.Williams

15 Low-Frequency Raman Spectroscopy and Biomolecular Dynamics:
   A Comparison Between Different Low-Frequency Experimental
   Techniques. Collectivity of Vibrational Modes ...................... 593
   Ole Faurskov Nielsen

16 Raman Spectroscopic Studies of Ion-Ion Interactions in Aqueous
   and Nonaqueous Electrolyte Solutions ............................... 617
   Jose M.Alia

17 Environmental Applications of Raman Spectroscopy to Aqueous
   Systems ............................................................ 683
   Ted L.Williams and Timothy W.Collette

18 Raman and Surface Enhanced Resonance Raman Scattering:
   Applications in Forensic Science ................................... 733
   W.Ewen Smith, C.Rodger, Geoffrey Dent, and Peter C.White

19 Application of Raman Spectroscopy to Organic Fibers and Films ...... 749
   Stephen Michielsen

20 Raman Spectroscopy of Catalysts .................................... 799
   Israel E.Wachs

21 Applications of IR and Raman Spectroscopy to the Study of
   Medieval Pigments .................................................. 835
   Fernando Rull Perez

22 Raman Spectra of Quasi-Elemental Carbon ............................ 863
   James L.Lauer

23 Process Raman Spectroscopy ......................................... 919
   Ian R.Lewis

24 The Use of Raman Spectroscopy to Monitor the Quality of Carbon
   Overcoats in the Disk Drive Industry ............................... 975
   Andrew Whitley

25 Raman Spectroscopy in the Undergraduate Teaching Laboratory ........ 999
   Michael D.Morris

26 Raman Spectroscopy in the Characterization of Archaeological
   Materials ......................................................... 1011
   Howell G.M.Edwards

Index ................................................................ 1045

Вверх Handbook of Raman spectroscopy: from the research laboratory to the process line / ed. by Lewis I.R., Edwards H.G.M. - New York: Dekker, 2001. - 1054 p. - (Practical spectroscopy; vol.28). - ISBN 0-8247-0557-2.

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