Geotechnical instrumentation and monitoring in open pit and underground mining

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Geotechnical instrumentation and monitoring in open pit and underground mining: proceedings of the Australian conference on geotechnical instrumentation and monitoring in open pit and underground mining, Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, 21-23 June 1993 / ed. by Szwedzicki T. - Rotterdam: Balkema, 1993. - 523 p. - ISBN 90-5410-321-3.

Preface ...................................................................... IX

Opening address

Geotechnical monitoring in surface and underground mining - An overview ....... 3

Keynote lectures

Some ideas on the use of mine induced seismic monitoring to characterize
a fractured rockmass based on a conceptual stress-velocity-seismicity-
geomechanical model .......................................................... 15

Measuring stress and deformation in rock masses .............................. 33

Technical papers

Seismic monitoring at Long Shaft in the Kambalda region - A case study ....... 55

A remote controlled monitoring system for tests in underground structures .... 65

Three decades in instrumentation ............................................. 73
B.P.Boisen and R.B.Monroe

Stress measurement with overcoring technique in Xincheng Gold Mine ........... 79
M.Cai, L.Qiao, C.Li, J.Yu and T.Yang

Stress measurement with hydraulic fracturing technique in Ekou Mine .......... 87
M.Cai, B.Yu, W.Wu, G.Chen and L.Jia

Improvement of a spiral strain gauge to monitor load and strains on cable
bolts used as ground support ................................................. 91

Deformation monitoring using the Global Positioning System .................. 101

Deformations or errors - On data control and analysis in mining
deformation surveys ......................................................... 111

Recent experiences with the borehole slotter for measuring in-situ stress ... 117
K.J.Dugan, I.H.Hulls and D.R.Miller

The use of specific energy as a drillability index .......................... 125
P.Dunn, C.Roberts and B.Ballardin

A 2-d model of skin rock burst and its application to rock burst
monitoring .................................................................. 133
A.V.Dyskin, L.N.Germanovich and K.B.Ustinov

Piezometric monitoring of bauxite residue management facilities ............. 143
D.Elias and M.Briggs

An empirical concept for open pit slope monitoring .......................... 149

Victorious East failure at Ora Banda-A case study ........................... 155

Geophysical monitoring in a room and pillars talc mine in Italy ............. 161
L.Ferrero, A.Godio and L.Sambuelli

Application of continuous monitoring to investigate the rock mass response
to mechanised pillar extraction ............................................. 169
I.L.Follington and I.N.Hutchinson

Monitoring seismic events, Eastern Goldfields, Western Australia ............ 175

Pillar size and stope span design at the Cadjebut Mine, Western Australia ... 183
C.Gwatkin, D.Lawrence, C.Moormann, M.Lee, K.McNabb, L.Wardle
and M.Wold

An approach for back slope stability analysis ............................... 195
R.A.Halatchev, P.Stephanov, D.A.Gabeva-Halatcheva

Rock slope classification for the optimal design of monitoring networks ..... 201

Groundwater monitoring - Essential for planning mine dewatering/
depressurization ............................................................ 211

The use of extensometers for monitoring stope block behaviour at Porgera,
Papua New Guinea ............................................................ 215

On the accuracy of multi-failure triaxial test for determination of peak
and residual strengths of rocks ............................................. 223
S.M.F.Hossaini and V.S.Vutukuri

Monitoring of rock pressure behaviour for a stope and prediction of roof
weighting ................................................................... 229
Hou Zhongjie and Wang Xinyi

An instrumentation program for performance monitoring of a cable bolt
reinforced rockmass ......................................................... 237
D.J.Hutchinson and M.S.Diederichs

Surveying in a geotechnical environment ..................................... 245

Specific energy as a criterion for drillability of rocks - A laboratory
study ....................................................................... 253
A.K.Jain and D.P.Singh

Open pit slope design and monitoring - A deterministic approach ............. 265

Study on the features and classification of floor heave for roadway driven
in soft rocks ............................................................... 275
Jiang Yaodong, Lu Shiliang, Sun Yonglian and Zhou Chuliang

Stability monitoring on the West Wall of the Muja open cut .................. 283

MultiVib - An inexpensive and flexible approach to far field blast
monitoring .................................................................. 293
D. La Rosa and A.Cocker

Innovations in subsurface subsidence monitoring techniques .................. 299

Survey based open pit wall monitoring - Experience based realities .......... 303
A.M.Lang, C.F.Swindells and G.J.Higham

Piezometers at great depth - Hydrogeology at Malanjkhand Copper Project,
India ....................................................................... 311

Geotechnical instrumentation and ground behaviour monitoring at Mount Isa ... 321
A.S.Logan, E.Villaescusa, V.R.Stampton,M.A.Struthers and M.L.Bloss

Detection of abandoned mine workings at KCGM's open pit operations .......... 331

Strata pressure law for roadway in soft rocks and relationship between
support and surrounding rock ................................................ 339
Lu Shiliang and Wang Caigen

Underground mining applications of the UCQ regional seismic network ......... 345
B.McKavanagh, K.McCue, B.Boreham, G.Gibson, J.Hafner, G.Klenowski
and R.Cuthbertson

Monitoring rock mass response to mining ..................................... 357

A technique for preparing rock mass discontinuity geometry files for
slope stability monitoring design ........................................... 365
A.G.Meyers, S.D.Priest and D.J.Walker

The influence of geotechnical monitoring on mine design at Mt Charlotte ..... 375

A laboratory technique for predicting subsidence due to dewatering in the
Collie Coal Basin ........................................................... 383
H.R.Nikraz and M.E.Press

Monitoring of post-failure pillar behaviour - Laboratory studies ............ 393
R.Ormonde and T.Szwedzicki

Monitoring for prediction of pit wall instability: Examples from two
Western Australian open pits ................................................ 401
C.M.Orr, J.Moncrieff, M.Horswill and L.Hill

Instrumentation of roof support for colliery pillar extraction .............. 409
J.Shepherd and T.Lewandowski

Prediction and monitoring of ground movement in an opencast mine by model
study ....................................................................... 417
T.N.Singh, M.Goyal and V.K.Singh

Observation and auscultation of the geotechnical behaviour of a slope in
an open cast mine influenced by old underground mining
(South-western part of France) .............................................. 427
V.Soukatchoff, R.Hadadou, D.Driancourt and Y.Paquette

Understanding pit slope movements ........................................... 435

Research on the ultrasonic wave-spectrum method and its application ......... 447
Sun Yonglian, Lu Shiliang, Zhou Chuliang and Jiang Yaodong

Stability study and mineralogical evaluation of clays for lignite mine ...... 455
S.Tangchawal, S.Phuvichit and V.Pisutha-Arnond

Optimisation of rock reinforcement design through field monitoring .......... 463

Theory and strategy for monitoring the performance of rock reinforcement .... 473
A.G.Thompson and C.R.Windsor

Confirmation of a failure mechanism using open pit monitoring methods ....... 483

Identification of a slope failure over a year before final collapse using
multiple monitoring methods ................................................. 491
P.W.Thompson and S.Cierlitza

Instrumentation monitoring at an underground mine to establish failure
mechanisms, confirm numerical modelling and determine safe working
conditions .................................................................. 501
P.W.Thompson, S.MacGregor and P.Dight

Rock stress change monitoring using CSIRO HI Cells and Yoke Gauges .......... 513

Author index ................................................................ 523

Вверх Geotechnical instrumentation and monitoring in open pit and underground mining: proceedings of the Australian conference on geotechnical instrumentation and monitoring in open pit and underground mining, Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, 21-23 June 1993 / ed. by Szwedzicki T. - Rotterdam: Balkema, 1993. - 523 p. - ISBN 90-5410-321-3.

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