Hazardous air pollutant handbook: measurements, properties, and fate in ambient air

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Книжные оглавления
Hazardous air pollutant handbook: measurements, properties, and fate in ambient air / Spicer C.W., Gordon S.M., Holdren M.W., Kelly T.J., Mukund R. - Boca Raton: Lewis Publishers, 2002. - 230 p. - ISBN 1-56670-571-1.

Chapter 1
Hazardous Air Pollutants: A Brief Introduction
1.1 Background ................................................................ 1
1.2 The List of Hazardous Air Pollutants ...................................... 2
1.3 Impact of the HAPs List ................................................... 8
1.4 Organization of Information in this Book .................................. 9
References ................................................................... 10

Chapter 2
The Title III Hazardous Air Pollutants: Classification and Basic Properties
2.1 The 188 Hazardous Air Pollutants: Diversity and Derivation ............... 11
2.2 Some Common Features of the Title III HAPs ............................... 11
2.3 Chemical and Physical Properties of the 188 HAPS ......................... 12
2.4 Polarizability and Water Solubility as Defining Characteristics
    of Polar and NonpolarVOCs ................................................ 13
Appendix ..................................................................... 23

Chapter 3
Measurement Methods for the 188 Hazardous Air Pollutants in Ambient Air
3.1 Introduction ............................................................. 55
3.2 Background ............................................................... 56
3.3 Survey Approach .......................................................... 57
3.4 Status of Current Methods ................................................ 59
3.5 HAPs Method Development: Future Directions ............................... 60
3.6 Summary .................................................................. 62
References ................................................................... 62
Appendix ..................................................................... 65

Chapter 4
Concentrations of the 188 HAPs in Ambient Air
4.1 Introduction ............................................................ 127
4.2 Survey Procedures ....................................................... 127
4.3 Ambient Air Concentrations of HAPs ...................................... 129
4.4 Data Gaps ............................................................... 131
4.5 Recent Data for High Priority HAPs ...................................... 134
4.6 Summary ................................................................. 134
References .................................................................. 134
Appendix .................................................................... 136

Chapter 5
Atmospheric Transformation Products of Clean Air Act Title III
Hazardous Air Pollutants
5.1 Introduction ............................................................ 175
5.2 Experimental Approaches for the Study of HAP Transformations ............ 176
5.3 Hazardous Air Pollutant Transformations ................................. 179
5.4 Transformations of 33 high priority HAPs ................................ 182
5.5 Transformations of Other Atmospheric Chemicals .......................... 183
5.6 Summary ................................................................. 184
References .................................................................. 185
Appendix .................................................................... 187

Index ....................................................................... 225

Вверх Hazardous air pollutant handbook: measurements, properties, and fate in ambient air / Spicer C.W., Gordon S.M., Holdren M.W., Kelly T.J., Mukund R. - Boca Raton: Lewis Publishers, 2002. - 230 p. - ISBN 1-56670-571-1.

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