Новые книги из фондов ГПНТБ СО РАН (17-11-1998)
Новые книги
из фондов ГПНТБ СО РАН

(экспонировались с 17 по 24 ноября 1998 г.)
в конце описаний указаны шифры хранения  
ОбложкаAnnual Review of Materials Science. - Palo Alto, 1998. - V.28. - 683 p.ОбложкаGerman Essays on Science in the 20th century / Albert Einstein, Werner Heisenberg, Max Planck, a.o. - N.Y.: Continuum, 1996. - V.82. - 314 p.(The German Library).
ОбложкаGerman Essays on Science in the 19th century /Paul Ehrlich,Alexander von Humboldt, Werner von Siemens, a.o.- N.Y.: Continuum, 1996. - V.36. - 309 p.(The German Library).ОбложкаDolby R.G.A. Uncertain Knowledge: An image of science for a changing world. - Cambridge: University Press. - 365p.
ОбложкаEuropean Wheat Aneuploid Co-operative. Newsletters 1998: Proc.of the 10th EWAC meeting Viterbo (Italy) 16-19 June 1997 / Ed.C.Ceoloni, A.J.Worland. - Viterbo,Italy; Norwich, UK, 1998. - 164 p.ОбложкаChanging Agricaltural Structure and Policies in Europe toward the 21st century: Proc.of the workshop,16-21 august 1998,Haifa University,Israel. - 6th conf.of the Internat. Soc.for the study of European Ideals: 20th century European Narratives: Tradition and Innovation.
ОбложкаYear Book 1997 / Finnish Academy of Science and Letters /Ed.Pentii Kauranen. - Helsinki, 1998. - 84 p.ОбложкаApplicationes Mathematicae / Polish Academy of Sciences.Institute of Mathematics. - Warshawa, Wroclaw, 1998. - V.25, 3. - 392 p.
  • 1. Gemballa S., Britz R. Homology of Intermuscular Bones in Acanthomorph Fishes. - NY.: American Museum of Natural History. - 1998. - 25 p. -(American Museum Novitates N 3241).
  • 2. Ammonites from the Limestone (Albian) in Northeast Texas / Kennedy W.J. a.o. - NY.: American Museum of Natural History. - 1998. - 46 p. -(American Museum Novitates N 3236).
  • 3. Philippine Rodents: Redefinitions of Known Species of Batomys (Muridae, Murinae) and Description of a New Species from Dinagat Island / Musser G.G. a.o. - NY.: American Museum of Natural History. - 1998. - 29 p. -(American Museum Novitates N 3237).
  • 4. Myers C.W., Rodriguez L.O.,Icochea J. Epipedobates simulans, a New Cryptic Species of Poison Frog from Southeastern Peru, with Notes on E. macero and E. petersi (Dendrobatidae). - NY.: American Museum of Natural History. - 1998. - 20 p. -(American Museum Novitates N 3228).
  • 5. Simmons N.B., Handley C.O.,JR. A Revision of Centronycteris Gray (Chiroptera: Emballonuridae) with Notes on Natural History. - NY.: American Museum of Natural History. - 1998. - 28 p. -(American Museum Novitates N 3239).
  • 6. Makovicky P.J., Sues H.D. Anatomy and Phylogenetic Relationships of the Theropod Dinosaur Microvenator celer from the Lower Cretaceous of Montana. - NY.: American Museum of Natural History. - 1998. - 27 p. -(American Museum Novitates N 3240).
  • 7. Gabbert S.L. Basicranial Anatomy of Herpetotherium(Marsupialia: Didelphimorphia) from the Eocene of Wyoming. - NY.: American Museum of Natural History. - 1998. - 13 p. -(American Museum Novitates N 3225).
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