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ОбложкаN-heterocyclic carbenes in catalytic organic synthesis / eds.: S.P.Nolan, C. S.J.Cazin. - Stuttgart; New York: Thieme. - (Science of Synthesis).
1 / M. Albrecht [et. al.]. - 2017. - XXXII,516 p.: ill., tab. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art. - Keyword ind.: p. 473-492. - Auth. ind.: p. 493-508.
- ISBN 978-3-13-201291-2
Шифр: (И/Г(2)-N10/1) 02


Место хранения: 02 | Отделение ГПНТБ СО РАН | Новосибирск

Оглавление / Contents
     Preface .................................................... V
     Volume Editors' Preface ................................... IX
     Abstracts ................................................. XI
     Table of Contents ...................................... XXIII
1.1  Introduction to N-Heterocyclic Carbenes .................... 1
     1.1.1  Historic Perspectives on Carbenes
            F. Nahra and C.S.J. Cazin ........................... 1
     1.1.2  Types of N-Heterocyclic Carbenes
            C. Segarra and M. Albrecht .......................... 5
     1.1.3  Synthesis of N-Heterocyclic Carbenes and Their 
            H.V. Huynh and D. Yuan ............................. 19
     1.1.4  Synthesis of N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes
            M. Ruamps, G. Lavigne, and V. Cesar ................ 47
     1.1.5  Quantifying Steric and Electronic Properties of 
            N-Heterocyclic Carbenes
            S.V.C. Vummaleti, L. Falivene, and L. Cavallo ...... 59
1.2  Cross Coupling ............................................ 79
     1.2.1  Suzuki-Miyaura Coupling
            M.J. Chetcuti ...................................... 79
     1.2.2  Cross-Coupling Reactions Other Than Suzuki-
            Miyaura Coupling
            M. Ogasawara ...................................... 141
     1.2.3  The Buchwald-Hartwig Reaction
            A.R. Martin ....................................... 161
     1.2.4  С—О, C—S, and С—В Bond Formation
            T.O. Ronson and I.J.S. Fairlamb ................... 183
1.3  С—H Bond Functionalization
     M. Elie, J.-L. Renaud, and S. Caillard ................... 199
1.4  Addition Reactions ....................................... 261
     1.4.1  Hydrogenation
            Y. Makida and R. Kuwano ........................... 261
     1.4.2  Transfer Hydrogenation
            M.K. Whittlesey ................................... 285
     1.4.3  Hydrosilylation
            L. Baudrenghien and I.E. Markó .................... 301
     1.4.4  Catalytic Boron Addition Reactions
            A.B. Cuenca and E. Fernández ...................... 323
     1.4.5  Hydroamination
            P.R. Payne and M.R. Cagné ......................... 361
     1.4.6  Hydrothiolation, Hydroalkoxylation, and
            P. de Frémont ..................................... 387
     1.4.7  Hydration
            A. Biffis and C. Tubaro ........................... 411
     1.4.8  Hydroarylation
            Y. Nakao .......................................... 425
     1.4.9  Chloroacylation and Chloroalkoxycarbonylation of
            D.N. Lastovickova, A.J. Teator, and 
            C.W. Bielawski .................................... 439
     1.4.10 Hydroformylation
            A.M. Trzeciak ..................................... 447
     1.4.11 Hydroaminomethylation
            P. Kalck and M. Urrutigoïty ....................... 463
     Keyword Index ............................................ 473
     Author Index ............................................. 493
     Abbreviations ............................................ 509

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