ОбложкаДугарцыренова В.А. Руководство по написанию проектов научного исследования на английском языке (для социальных дисциплин). - М.: URSS: ЛЕНАНД, 2018. - 222 с.
Оглавление книги
Acknowledgments ................................................. 8
Foreword ........................................................ 9

Part 1. An Introduction to Research Proposals .................. 11
1  What is a Research Proposal ................................. 11
2  Requirements for Writing Research Proposals ................. 12
   2.1  The structure of research proposals .................... 12
   2.2  АРА format requirements ................................ 14

Part 2. Writing the Introduction Section ....................... 16
1  What is an Introduction ..................................... 16
2  The Mechanics of Writing an Introduction .................... 22
   Move 1: Establishing a Territory ............................ 22
   2.1  Showing the importance of the topic .................... 22
   2.2  Providing background information on the topic
        (optional) ............................................. 28
   2.3  Clarifying definitions (optional) ...................... 29
   2.4  Reviewing previous research ............................ 30
   Move 1 Revision Activities .................................. 32
   Move 2: Establishing a Niche ................................ 35
   2.5  Indicating a research gap .............................. 35
   2.6  Presenting justification for the present study
        (optional) ............................................. 37
   Move 2 Revision Activities .................................. 37
   Move 3: Occupying the Niche ................................. 40
   2.7  Stating the study's purpose ............................ 40
   2.8  Stating the study's research questions (optional) ...... 40
   2.9  Stating the study's hypothesis (optional) .............. 42
   2.10 Presenting methodology (Methods) ....................... 45
   2.11 Stating the study's expected outcomes .................. 46
   Move 3 Revision Activities .................................. 48
   All Moves Revision Activities ............................... 49
   3. Further Practice ......................................... 52

Part 3. Writing the Literature Review Section .................. 56
1  What is a Literature Review ................................. 56
2  Planning the Search and Review of Literature ................ 62
   2.1  Searching for relevant sources ......................... 62
   2.2  Evaluating and selecting sources ....................... 69
   2.3  Structuring reading and writing ........................ 72
3  The Mechanics of Writing the Literature Review Section ...... 74
   Move 1: Establishing a Territory ............................ 74
   3.1  Identifying the research area and topic of
        investigation .......................................... 74
   3.2  Providing background information on the topic .......... 75
   3.3  Clarifying definitions ................................. 76
   3.4  Providing a detailed review of studies ................. 77
        3.4.1  Presenting and evaluating studies ............... 78
        3.4.2  Discussing theoretical perspectives ............. 81
        3.4.3  Using sources to support the author's claims .... 83
   Move 2: Establishing a Niche ................................ 85
   3.5  Indicating a research gap .............................. 85
   3.6  Providing a justification for the present study
        (optional) ............................................. 86
   Move 3: Occupying the Niche (Introducing the Present
   Study) ...................................................... 87
   3.7  Stating the study's purpose and/ or research
        questions .............................................. 87
   3.8  Stating the study's hypothesis (optional) .............. 88
4  Acknowledging Sources ....................................... 90
   4.1  Using major styles of reporting ........................ 90
   4.2  Avoiding plagiarism .................................... 94
   4.3  Using direct quotes .................................... 95
   4.4  Using in-text references ............................... 96
   4.5  Compiling a list of references ......................... 99
5  Further Practice ........................................... 102

Part 4. Writing the Methods Section ........................... 104
1  What is Methods ............................................ 104
2  Planning Data Collection and Analysis ...................... 110
   2.1  Planning data collection .............................. 110
   2.2  Planning data analysis ................................ 114
3  The Mechanics of Writing the Methods Section ............... 117
   Move 4: Presenting an Overview of the Study's Methodology .. 117
   3.1  Restating the study's purpose, research questions
        or hypothesis (optional) .............................. 117
   3.2  Presenting the study's research design (optional) ..... 117
   Move 5: Presenting Data Collection Methods and Procedures .. 119
   3.3  Discussing/justifying data collection methods ......... 119
   3.4  Discussing/justifying data collection procedures ...... 124
   Move 6: Presenting Data Analysis Methods and Procedures .... 126
   3.5  Discussing/justifying data analysis methods and
        procedures ............................................ 126
   Move 7: Outlining Scope and Limitations .................... 129
   3.6  Discussing the study's scope and limitations .......... 129
4  Further Practice ........................................... 134

Part 5. Writing the Expected Outcomes Section ................. 137
1  What is Expected Outcomes .................................. 137
2  The Mechanics of Writing the Expected Outcomes Section ..... 139
   2.1  Discussing the study's significance ................... 139
   2.2  Reporting preliminary findings (optional) ............. 142
   2.3  Disseminating findings ................................ 142
3  Further Practice ........................................... 143

Part 6. Writing Other Sections ................................ 145
1  Writing Preliminary Sections ............................... 145
   1.1  Title ................................................. 145
   1.2  Title page ............................................ 146
   1.3  Abstract and keywords ................................. 147
   1.4  Table of contents ..................................... 150
2  Writing Supporting Sections ................................ 151
   2.1  References ............................................ 151
   2.2  Appendices ............................................ 151

The Language Guide ............................................ 153
1  The Introduction Section ................................... 153
   1.1  Language for showing topic importance ................. 153
   1.2  Language for providing background information ......... 155
   1.3  Language for clarifying definitions ................... 156
   1.4  Language for indicating a research gap ................ 159
   1.5  Language for stating the study's purpose .............. 164
   1.6  Language for presenting the study's hypothesis ........ 167
2  The Literature Review Section .............................. 169
   2.1  Language for identifying the research area and topic
        of investigation ...................................... 169
   2.2  Language for reviewing studies using major styles of
        reporting ............................................. 170
   2.3  Language for making references to studies ............. 172
   2.4  Language for discussing studies' merits and
        Limitations ........................................... 173
3  The Methods Section ........................................ 175
   3.1  Language for stating the study's purpose in Methods
        sections .............................................. 175
   3.2  Language for justifying the choice of methods ......... 176
   3.3  Language for describing data collection and analysis
        procedures ............................................ 178

   3.4  Language for outlining the study's scope and
        limitations ........................................... 180
4  The Expected Outcomes Section .............................. 183
   4.1  Language for discussing the study's significance ...... 183
   4.2  Language for reporting preliminary findings ........... 185
   4.3  Language for describing graphical information ......... 185
   4.4  Language for discussing ways to disseminate findings .. 186
   References ................................................. 187
   Cited Journal Articles and Research Proposals .............. 188

Appendices .................................................... 192
   Appendix A. Common Mistakes in Students' Research
               Proposal Writing ............................... 192
   Appendix B. Title Page Template (APA Style) ................ 193
   Appendix C. The Introduction Checklist ..................... 194
   Appendix D. The Literature Review Checklist ................ 195
   Appendix E. The Methods Checklist .......................... 196
   Appendix F. The Expected Outcomes Checklist ................ 197
   Appendix G. The APA References Checklist ................... 198
   Appendix H. Adapted Sample Student Proposal in Business/
               Economics (APA style) .......................... 199
   Appendix I. Adapted Sample Student Proposal in Politica
               Science (APA style) ............................ 211
   Appendix J. Glossary of Key Research Terms ................. 221

Учебное пособие посвящено основам написания проектов будущего научного исследования (англ. - research proposal) на английском языке. В пособии подробно рассматриваются особенности подготовки научного текста в жанре «research proposal», а также вводятся и раскрываются базовые научные понятия и термины, составляющие основу международного научного дискурса. За основу представленного подхода к делению и организации научного текста взят формат IMRD, востребованный зарубежными научными журналами в ряде социальных дисциплин (экономике, политологии, лингвистике, психологии, педагогике и пр.). Этим подходом продиктованы логика изложения материала и подбор предложенных читателю частотных оборотов научной речи, отобранных из обширного корпуса англоязычных научных публикаций.
При подготовке пособия использовались результаты современных отечественных и зарубежных исследований в области обучения академическому письму, корпусной лингвистики и эрратологии.
Пособие содержит справочный материал и практические задания. Материал отдельных глав иллюстрируется выдержками из научных работ, опубликованных в ведущих рецензируемых журналах по целому ряду социальных дисциплин.
Пособие предназначено для студентов высших учебных заведений, которым предстоит подготовка и защита проектов дипломного исследования на английском языке. Оно также может быть адресовано всем тем, кто интересуется практическими аспектами написания научных работ на английском языке с учетом международных требований и чей минимальный уровень владения английским языком соответствует уровню В2 по общеевропейской шкале. Пособие может быть использовано как в аудитории, так и в самостоятельной работе.

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