Osmolovskii N.P. Applications to regular and bang-bang control: second-order necessary and sufficient optimality conditions in calculus of variations and optimal control (Philadelphia, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаOsmolovskii N.P. Applications to regular and bang-bang control: second-order necessary and sufficient optimality conditions in calculus of variations and optimal control / N.P.Osmolovskii, H.Maurer. - Philadelphia: Society for industrial and applied mathematics, 2012. - xviii, 382 p.: ill. - (Advances in design and control; 24). - Bibliogr.: p.367-376. - Ind.: p.377-382. - ISBN 978-1-611972-35-1
Шифр: (Pr 1213/24) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
List of Figures ................................................ xi
Notation ..................................................... xiii
Preface ...................................................... xvii
Introduction .................................................... 1

I  Second-Order Optimality Conditions for Broken Extremals in
the Calculus of Variations ...................................... 7

1  Abstract Scheme for Obtaining Higher-Order Conditions in
   Smooth Extremal Problems with Constraints .................... 9
   1.1  Main Concepts and Main Theorem .......................... 9
   1.2  Proof of the Main Theorem .............................. 15
   1.3  Simple Applications of the Abstract Scheme ............. 21
2  Quadratic Conditions in the General Problem of the
   Calculus of Variations ...................................... 27
   2.1  Statements of Quadratic Conditions for a Pontryagin
        Minimum ................................................ 27
   2.2  Basic Constant and the Problem of Its Decoding ......... 34
   2.3  Local Sequences, Higher Order γ, Representation of
        the Lagrange Function on Local Sequences with
        Accuracy up to o(γ) .................................... 39
   2.4  Estimation of the Basic Constant from Above ............ 54
   2.5  Estimation of the Basic Constant from Below ............ 75
   2.6  Completing the Proof of Theorem 2.4 ................... 102
   2.7  Sufficient Conditions for Bounded Strong and Strong
        Minima in the Problem on a Fixed Time Interval ........ 115
3  Quadratic Conditions for Optimal Control Problems with
   Mixed Control-State Constraints ............................ 127
   3.1  Quadratic Necessary Conditions in the Problem with
        Mixed Control-State Equality Constraints on a Fixed
        Time Interval ......................................... 127
   3.2  Quadratic Sufficient Conditions in the Problem with
        Mixed Control-State Equality Constraints on a Fixed
        Time Interval ......................................... 138
   3.3  Quadratic Conditions in the Problem with Mixed
        Control-State Equality Constraints on a Variable
        Time Interval ......................................... 150
   3.4  Quadratic Conditions for Optimal Control Problems
        with Mixed Control-State Equality and Inequality
        Constraints ........................................... 164
4  Jacobi-Type Conditions and Riccati Equation for Broken
   Extremals .................................................. 183
   4.1  Jacobi-Type Conditions and Riccati Equation for
        Broken Extremals in the Simplest Problem of the
        Calculus of Variations ................................ 183
   4.2  Riccati Equation for Broken Extremal in the General
        Problem of the Calculus of Variations ................. 214

II Second-Order Optimality Conditions in Optimal Bang-Bang
Control Problems .............................................. 221

5  Second-Order Optimality Conditions in Optimal Control
   Problems Linear in a Part of Controls ...................... 223
   5.1  Quadratic Optimality Conditions in the Problem on
        a Fixed Time Interval ................................. 223
   5.2  Quadratic Optimality Conditions in the Problem on
        a Variable Time Interval .............................. 237
   5.3  Riccati Approach ...................................... 245
   5.4  Numerical Example: Optimal Control of Production and
        Maintenance ........................................... 248
6  Second-Order Optimality Conditions for Bang-Bang Control ... 255
   6.1  Bang-Bang Control Problems on Nonfixed Time
        Intervals ............................................. 255
   6.2  Quadratic Necessary and Sufficient Optimality
        Conditions ............................................ 259
   6.3  Sufficient Conditions for Positive Definiteness of
        the Quadratic Form Ω on the Critical Cone fig.1 .......... 266
   6.4  Example: Minimal Fuel Consumption of a Car ............ 272
   6.5  Quadratic Optimality Conditions in Time-Optimal
        Bang-Bang Control Problems ............................ 274
   6.6  Sufficient Conditions for Positive Definiteness of
        the Quadratic Form Ω on the Critical Subspace fig.1 for
        Time-Optimal Control Problems ......................... 281
   6.7  Numerical Examples of Time-Optimal Control Problems ... 286
   6.8  Time-Optimal Control Problems for Linear Systems
        with Constant Entries ................................. 293
7  Bang-Bang Control Problem and Its Induced Optimization
   Problem .................................................... 299
   7.1  Main Results .......................................... 299
   7.2  First-Order Derivatives of x(tƒ,t0,x0,θ) with
        Respect to t0,tƒ,x0, and θ. Lagrange Multipliers
        and Critical Cones .................................... 305
   7.3  Second-Order Derivatives of x(tƒ,t0,x0,θ) with
        Respect t0,tƒ,x0,and θ ................................. 310
   7.4  Explicit Representation of the Quadratic Form for
        the Induced Optimization Problem ...................... 319
   7.5  Equivalence of the Quadratic Forms in the Basic and
        Induced Optimization Problem .......................... 333
8  Numerical Methods for Solving the Induced Optimization
   Problem and Applications ................................... 339
   8.1  The Arc-Parametrization Method ........................ 339
   8.2  Time-Optimal Control of the Rayleigh Equation
        Revisited ............................................. 344
   8.3  Time-Optimal Control of a Two-Link Robot .............. 346
   8.4  Time-Optimal Control of a Single Mode Semiconductor
        Laser ................................................. 353
   8.5  Optimal Control of a Batch-Reactor .................... 357
   8.6  Optimal Production and Maintenance with
        L1-Functional ......................................... 361
   8.7  Van der Pol Oscillator with Bang-Singular Control ..... 365

Bibliography .................................................. 367
Index ......................................................... 377

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