P-type ATPases: methods and protocols (New York, 2016). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаP-type ATPases: methods and protocols / ed. by M.Bublitz. - New York: Humana Press: Springer Science+Business Media LCC New York, 2016. - xiv, 544 p.: ill. - (Methods in molecular biology; 1377) (Springer protocols). - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.541-544. - ISBN 978-1-4939-3178-1; ISSN 1064-3745
Шифр: (Pr 852/1377) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ......................................................... v
Contributors ................................................... xi
1  An Introduction to P-type ATPase Research .................... 1
   Poul Nissen

Part I. Protein Production, Isolation, Purification, and 
2  Purification of Na, K-ATPase from Pig Kidney ................. 5
   Natalya U. Fedosova
3  Preparation of Ca2+-ATPasela Enzyme from Rabbit 
   Sarcoplasmic Reticulum ...................................... 11
   Jesper V. Møller and Claus Olesen
4  Isolation of H+, K+-ATPase-enriched Membrane Fraction
   from Pig Stomachs ........................................... 19
   Kazuhiro Abe and Claus Olesen
5  Overproduction of PIB-Type ATPases .......................... 29
   Xiangyu Liu, Oleg Sitsel, Kaituo Wang, and Pontus Gourdon
6  Coordinated Overexpression in Yeast of a P4-ATPase
   and Its Associated Cdc50 Subunit: The Case of the 
   Drs2p/Cdc50p Lipid Flippase Complex ......................... 37
   Hassina Azouaoui, Cédric Montigny, Aurore Jacquot, 
   Raphaëlle Barry, Philippe Champeil, and Guillaume Lenoir
7  The Plasma Membrane Ca2+-ATPase: Purification
   by Calmodulin Affinity Chromatography, and Reconstitution
   of the Purified Protein ..................................... 57
   Verena Niggli and Ernesto Carafoli
8  Expression of Na, K-ATPase and H, K-ATPase Isoforms with 
   the Baculovirus Expression System ........................... 71
   Jan B. Koenderink and Herman G.P. Swarts
9  Time-Dependent Protein Thermostability Assay ................ 79
   Ilse Vandecaetsbeek and Peter Vangheluwe

Part II. Activity Assays
10 Colorimetric Assays of Na, K-ATPase ......................... 89
   Kathleen J. Sweadner
11 ATPase Activity Measurements by an Enzyme-Coupled
   Spectrophotometric Assay ................................... 105
   Pankaj Sehgal, Claus Olesen, and Jesper V. Møller
12 Antimony-Phosphomolybdate ATPase Assay ..................... 111
   Gianluca Bartolommei and Francesco Tadini-Buoninsegni
13 ATPase Activity Measurements Using Radiolabeled ATP ........ 121
   Herman G.P. Swarts and Jan B. Koenderink
14 Assaying P-Type ATPases Reconstituted in Liposomes ......... 127
   Hans-Jürgen Apell and Bojana Damnjanovic
15 Coupling Ratio for Ca2+ Transport by Calcium Oxalate
   Precipitation .............................................. 157
   Pankaj Sehgal, Claus Olesen, and Jesper V. Møller
16 Calcium Uptake in Crude Tissue Preparation ................. 161
   Philip A. Bidwell and Evangelia G. Kranias
17 Measuring H+ Pumping and Membrane Potential Formation
   in Sealed Membrane Vesicle Systems ......................... 171
   Alex Green Wielandt, Michael G. Palmgren, Anja Thoe 
   Fuglsang, Thomas Günther-Pomorski, and Bo Højen Justesen
18 Assay of Flippase Activity in Proteoliposomes Using 
   Fluorescent Lipid Derivatives .............................. 181
   Magdalena Marek and Thomas Günther-Pomorski

Part III. In Vitro Functional Studies
19 The Use of Metal Fluoride Compounds as Phosphate Analogs
   for Understanding the Structural Mechanism in P-type
   ATPases .................................................... 195
   Stefania J. Danko and Hiroshi Suzuki
20 Phosphorylation/Dephosphorylation Assays ................... 211
   Hiroshi Suzuki
21 Tryptophan Fluorescence Changes Related to Ca2+-ATPase
   Function ................................................... 227
   Pankaj Sehgal, Claus Olesen, and Jesper V. Møller

Part IV. Ligand Binding Studies
22 Determination of the ATP Affinity of the Sarcoplasmic 
   Reticulum Ca2+-ATPase by Competitive Inhibition of 
   [γ-32P]TNP-8N3-ATP Photolabeling ........................... 233
   Johannes D. Clausen, David B. Mcintosh, David G. Woolley, 
   and Jens Peter Andersen
23 Ca2+ Binding and Transport Studied with Ca2+/EGTA Buffers
   and 45Ca2+ ................................................. 261
   Pankaj Sehgal, Claus Olesen, and Jesper V. Møller
24 Assay of Copper Transfer and Binding to PIB-ATPases ........ 267
   Teresita Padilla-Benavides and José M. Argüello

Part V. Electrophysiology
25 Voltage Clamp Fluorometry of P-Type ATPases ................ 281
   Robert E. Dempski
26 Electrophysiological Measurements on Solid Supported
   Membranes .................................................. 293
   Francesco Tadini-Buoninsegni and Gianluca Bartolommei
27 Electrophysiological Characterization of Na, K-ATPases
   Expressed in Xenopus laevis Oocytes Using Two-Electrode
   Voltage Clamping ........................................... 305
   Florian Hilbers and Hanne Poulsen

Part VI. Functional Studies by Cell Culture and Transgenic
28 Functional Studies of Na+,K+-ATPase Using Transfected 
   Cell Cultures .............................................. 321
   Elena Arystarkhova and Kathleen J. Sweadner
29 HPLC Neurotransmitter Analysis ............................. 333
   Thomas Hellesøe Holm, Toke Jost Isaksen, and Karin 
30 Behavior Test Relevant to α23Na+/K+-ATPase Gene 
   Modified Mouse Models ...................................... 341
   Toke Jost Isaksen, Thomas Hellesøe Holm, and Karin Lykke-
31 Zebrafish Whole-Mount In Situ Hybridization Followed
   by Sectioning .............................................. 353
   Canan Doganli, Jens Randel Nyengaard, and Karin Lykke-
32 Whole-Mount Immunohistochemistry for Anti-F59 in 
   Zebrafish Embryos (1-5 Days Post Fertilization (dpf)) ...... 365
   Canan Doganli, Lucas Bukata, and Karin Lykke-Hartmann
33 Cell-Based Lipid Flippase Assay Employing Fluorescent 
   Lipid Derivatives .......................................... 371
   Maria S. Jensen, Sara Costa, Thomas Günther-Pomorski, 
   and Rosa L. López-Marqués
34 Transient Expression of P-type ATPases in Tobacco
   Epidermal Cells ............................................ 383
   Lisbeth R. Poulsen, Michael G. Palmgren, and Rosa L.

Part VII. Lipid Techniques
35 Lipid Exchange by Ultracentrifugation ...................... 397
   Nikoіaj During Drachmann and Claus Olesen
36 Reconstitution of Na+, K+-ATPase in Nanodiscs .............. 403
   Jonas Lindholt Gregersen, Natalya U. Fedosova, Poul
   Nissen, and Thomas Boesen

Part VIII. Crystallization
37 Crystallization of P-type ATPases by the High Lipid-
   Detergent (HiLiDe) Method .................................. 413
   Oleg Sitsel, Kaituo Wang, Xiangyu Liu, and Pontus Gourdon
38 Two-Dimensional Crystallization of the Ca2+-ATPase
   for Electron Crystallography ............................... 421
   John Paul Glaves, Joseph O. Primeau, and Howard S. Young
39 Two-Dimensional Crystallization of Gastric H+, K*-ATPase
   for Structural Analysis by Electron Crystallography ........ 443
   Kazuhiro Abe

Part IX. Computational Approaches in Analyzing P-Type ATPases
40 MD Simulations of P-Type ATPases in a Lipid Bilayer 
   System ..................................................... 459
   Henriette Elisabeth Autzen and Maria Musgaard
41 Computational Classification of P-Type ATPases ............. 493
   Dan Sondergaard, Michael Knudsen, and Christian Norgaard 
   Storm Pedersen
42 Molecular Modeling of Fluorescent SERCA Biosensors ......... 503
   Bengt Svensson, Joseph M. Autry, and David D. Thomas
43 How to Compare, Analyze, and Morph Between Crystal 
   Structures of Different Conformations: The P-Type ATPase 
   Example .................................................... 523
   Jesper L. Karlsen and Maike Bublitz

Index ......................................................... 541

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