Principles of evolutionary medicine (Oxford; New York, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаPrinciples of evolutionary medicine / P.Gluckman at al. - 2nd ed. - Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2009. - xiv, 378 p.: ill. - Ref.: p.341-363. - Ind.: p.365-378. - ISBN 978-0-19-966392-7
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Оглавление / Contents
1  Introduction ................................................. 3
   1.1  What is disease? ........................................ 5
   1.2  What evolution is: fundamental principles ............... 8
   1.3  Time ................................................... 13
   1.4  Constraints ............................................ 15
   1.5  We are not alone ....................................... 15
   1.6  Culture and gene-culture coevolution ................... 16
   1.7  How evolutionary arguments fit alongside other
        biological perspectives ................................ 16
   1.8  Evolution and medicine ................................. 17
   Key points .................................................. 18
2  Evolutionary theory ......................................... 19
   2.1  Introduction ........................................... 19
   2.2  What does evolutionary theory explain? ................. 21
   2.3  How does evolution work? ............................... 24
   2.4  Areas of debate and the limitations of the
        adaptationist argument ................................. 39
   2.5  Conclusion ............................................. 46
   Key points .................................................. 48
3  The molecular basis of variation and inheritance ............ 49
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 49
   3.2  Genes and disease ...................................... 49
   3.3  The molecular basis of human genetic variation ......... 50
   3.4  Factors affecting genetic variation .................... 59
   3.5  Single-gene or Mendelian disorders ..................... 65
   3.6  No single genes for common diseases .................... 68
   3.7  Epigenetic mechanisms as a cause of variation .......... 71
   3.8  Non-genetic inheritance ................................ 73
   3.9  Conclusion ............................................. 77
   Key points .................................................. 77
4  Evolution and development ................................... 79
   4.1  Introduction ........................................... 79
   4.2  Development: pre-ordained or plastic? .................. 81
   4.3  Is development important to evolution? ................. 82
   4.4  Developmental plasticity ............................... 84
   4.5  Responses to environmental cues during development ..... 86
   4.6  Epigenetic processes and development ................... 90
   4.7  Learning and instinct .................................. 91
   4.8  The evolution of novelty ............................... 93
   4.9  Conclusion ............................................. 94
   Key points .................................................. 96
5  The human life history ...................................... 97
   5.1  Introduction ........................................... 97
   5.2  General overview of life-history theory ................ 98
   5.3  Body size and shape ................................... 107
   5.4  Growth in humans ...................................... 113
   5.5  Evolutionary analysis of the distinct features of
        human growth .......................................... 124
   5.6  Conclusion ............................................ 127
   Key points ................................................. 129
6  Human evolution and the origins of human diversity ......... 131
   6.1  Introduction .......................................... 131
   6.2  The hominoid clade .................................... 131
   6.3  Hominin evolution ..................................... 132
   6.4  Genomic changes that make us human .................... 147
   6.5  Human adaptation to local selection pressures ......... 148
   6.6  Are humans still evolving? ............................ 153
   6.7  Social and medical implications of human diversity .... 155
   6.8  Conclusion ............................................ 157
   Key points ................................................. 158


7  An evolutionary framework for understanding human health
   and disease ................................................ 161
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 161
   7.2  Fundamental principles of evolutionary medicine ....... 162
   7.3  Why has evolution left our bodies vulnerable to
        disease? .............................................. 165
   7.4  An evolutionary classification of ultimate
        mechanisms affecting disease risk ..................... 167
   7.5  Testing hypotheses in evolutionary medicine ........... 175
   Key points ................................................. 175
8  Reproduction ............................................... 177
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 177
   8.2  Sexual reproduction ................................... 178
   8.3  Why did sex evolve? ................................... 178
   8.4  Sex determination ..................................... 181
   8.5  Reproductive strategies ............................... 182
   8.6  Mate choice ........................................... 183
   8.7  Sexual differences in the human ....................... 186
   8.8  Sex differences in morbidity and mortality ............ 188
   8.9  Human reproductive life cycle ......................... 190
   8.10 Conclusion ............................................ 203
   Key points ................................................. 204
9  Nutritional and metabolic adaptation ....................... 205
   9.1  Introduction .......................................... 205
   9.2  Strategies for energy storage ......................... 206
   9.3  Human diet: an evolutionary history ................... 210
   9.4  How can change in the environment increase disease
        risk? ................................................. 218
   9.5  Conclusion ............................................ 235
   Key points ................................................. 236
10 Coevolution, infection, and immunity ....................... 237
   10.1 Introduction .......................................... 237
   10.2 Coevolution ........................................... 237
   10.3 Humans and their associated species ................... 238
   10.4 The challenge of infectious disease ................... 240
   10.5 Pathogen emergence .................................... 241
   10.6 Pathogen virulence and transmission ................... 242
   10.7 Host defenses ......................................... 244
   10.8 Public health measures ................................ 252
   10.9 Vaccination ........................................... 253
   10.10 Antibiotics .......................................... 255
   10.11 Conclusion ........................................... 258
   Key points ................................................. 258
11 Psychology and behavior .................................... 261
   11.1 Introduction .......................................... 261
   11.2 Biological determinants of culture and behavior ....... 261
   11.3 Evolution of the human brain and behavior ............. 263
   11.4 Evolution of social behavior .......................... 264
   11.5 Evolutionary perspectives on psychology ............... 278
   11.6 Evolutionary psychiatry ............................... 279
   11.7 Conclusion ............................................ 284
   Key points ................................................. 286
12 Cancer ..................................................... 287
   12.1 Introduction .......................................... 287
   12.2 Epidemiology of cancer ................................ 288
   12.3 Ecology of cancer ..................................... 289
   12.4 The biology of cancer ................................. 290
   12.5 Cancer in the light of evolutionary mechanisms ........ 293
   12.6 Implications of an evolutionary approach for the
        prevention and treatment of cancer .................... 299
   12.7 Conclusion ............................................ 302
   Key points ................................................. 302
13 Evolutionary principles applied to medical practice and
   public health .............................................. 303
   13.1 Introduction: Understanding health and disease from
        an evolutionary perspective ........................... 303
   13.2 Testing evolutionary hypotheses in medicine ........... 305
   13.3 Clinical examples ..................................... 305
   13.4 An evolutionarily mismatched or novel environment ..... 305
   13.5 Life-history-associated factors ....................... 311
   13.6 Excessive and uncontrolled defense mechanisms ......... 313
   13.7 Consequences of coevolution with microbes ............. 315
   13.8 Results of evolutionary constraints ................... 317
   13.9 An apparently harmful allele is maintained by
        balancing selection ................................... 319
   13.10 The consequences of sexual selection ................. 321
   13.11 The outcomes of cladal and demographic history ....... 322
   13.12 Value and limits of an evolutionary medicine
         perspective .......................................... 324
   Key points ................................................. 326
14 Evolution, medicine, and society ........................... 327
   14.1 Introduction .......................................... 327
   14.2 Origins of Darwin's theory ............................ 327
   14.3 From Darwin to "Social Darwinism" ..................... 331
   14.4 Eugenics .............................................. 332
   14.5 The "Modern Synthesis," human evolution, and
        medicine .............................................. 335
   14.6 Evolution, society, and religion ...................... 337
   14.7 Evolutionary thought and the human condition .......... 339
   Key points ................................................. 339

References .................................................... 341
Index ......................................................... 365

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