Patent enforcement in the US, Germany and Japan (Oxford, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаPatent enforcement in the US, Germany and Japan / by T.Takenaka et al. - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. - lix, 461 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.451-461. - ISBN 978-0-19-967920-1
Шифр: 01


Место хранения: 01 | ГПНТБ СО РАН | Новосибирск

Оглавление / Contents
Table of Cases ............................................... xvii
Table of Legislation ......................................... xlix

                        PART I. INTRODUCTION
1  History
A  The Evolution of International Institutions ............... 1.01
   1  The World Intellectual Property Organization and
      the World Trade Organization ........................... 1.01
   2  The European Patent Organization and the European
      Union .................................................. 1.04
   3  Trilateral Patent Office Initiatives and Beyond ........ 1.07
B  United States ............................................. 1.10
   1  Early Patent System: 1730-1869 ......................... 1.10
   2  Anti-Patent Era: 1870-1982 ............................. 1.14
   3  Pro-Patent Era: 1980-2012 .............................. 1.20
   4  American Invents Act: 2012-present ..................... 1.23
C  Getmany ................................................... 1.26
   1  Pre-Patent Era in Germany .............................. 1.26
   2  Patents in the Nazi Era ................................ 1.30
   3  Post-World War II ...................................... 1.35
   4  The EPC and Patent Harmonization in the EU ............. 1.39
D  Japan ..................................................... 1.49
   1  Meiji Restoration ...................................... 1.49
   2  Major Developments through the Twentieth Century ....... 1.54
   3  Pro-Patent Era ......................................... 1.57

2  Patent Enforcement Institutions
A  United States ............................................. 2.01
   1  Overview ............................................... 2.01
   2  Courts ................................................. 2.03
   3  USPTO .................................................. 2.15
   4  US International Trade Commission ...................... 2.17
B  Germany ................................................... 2.19
   1  Overview ............................................... 2.19
   2  Patent Offices—EPO and GPTO ............................ 2.20
   3  Courts ................................................. 2.28
   4  Customs Office ......................................... 2.56
C  Japan ..................................................... 2.60
   1  Overview ............................................... 2.60
   2  Courts ................................................. 2.62
   3  Japan Patent Office .................................... 2.70
   4  Customs Office ......................................... 2.73

                        PART II. INFRINGEMENT
3  Introduction 

4  United States
   A  Acts of Infringement ................................... 4.01
   1  Direct Infringement .................................... 4.01
   2  Indirect Infringement .................................. 4.06
   3  Patent Term and Extension .............................. 4.10
   4  Extraterritorial Infringement .......................... 4.12
B  Extent of Patent Protection ............................... 4.17
   1  Overview ............................................... 4.17
   2  Infringement Analysis .................................. 4.22
   3  Claim Construction ..................................... 4.32
   4  Application of Construed Claims to Accused Embodiment .. 4.83
   5  Doctrine of Equivalents ................................ 4.91

5  Germany
A  Acts of Infringement ...................................... 5.01
   1  Direct Infringement .................................... 5.01
   2  Indirect Infringement .................................. 5.25
   3  Extraterritorial Infringement .......................... 5.41
   4  Exemptions to Patent Infringement ...................... 5.51
   5  Patent Term and Extension .............................. 5.56
B  Extent of Patent Protection ............................... 5.61
   1  Overview ............................................... 5.61
   2  Infringement Analysis .................................. 5.63
   3  Claim Construction ..................................... 5.68
   4  Application of Construed Claims to Accused
      Embodiment ............................................ 5.107
   5  Doctrine of Equivalents ............................... 5.110

6  Japan
A  Acts of Infringement ...................................... 6.01
   1  Direct Infringement .................................... 6.01
   2  Indirect Infringement .................................. 6.13
   3  Patent Term and Extension .............................. 6.20
   4  Extraterritorial Infringement .......................... 6.23
B  Extent of Patent Protection ............................... 6.25
   1  Overview ............................................... 6.25
   2  Infringement Analysis .................................. 6.29
   3  Claim Construction ..................................... 6.38
   4  Application of Construed Claims to Accused Embodiment .. 6.69
   5  Doctrine of Equivalents ................................ 6.72

                    PART III. VALIDITY CHALLENGE
7  United States
A  Introduction .............................................. 7.01
B  Fundamental Rules ......................................... 7.04
   1  Claim Construction ..................................... 7.04
   2  Burden of Proof ........................................ 7.08
   3  Doctrines to Preclude an Invalidity Defense ............ 7.10
   4  Amendment .............................................. 7.12
   5  Measures to Prevent Conflicting Validity Decisions ..... 7.18
   6  Estoppel ............................................... 7.24
C  Non-Coutt Patent Validity Procedures at the USPTO ......... 7.26
   1  Ex Parte Re-examination ................................ 7.26
   2  Inter Partes Rev lew ................................... 7.35
   3  Post-grant Review ...................................... 7.44
   4  Special Post-grant Review for Business Methods ......... 7.49
   5  Interference Proceedings ............................... 7.52
   6  Derivation Proceedings ................................. 7.56
   7  Submission of Prior Art ................................ 7.62
   8  Reissue ................................................ 7.63
   9  Patentability Validity Defenses in Civil Actions ....... 7.67
   10 Other Type of Defenses ................................ 7.106

8  Germany
A  Out-of-Court Invalidation Procedures ...................... 8.05
   1  Opposition at the GPTO ................................. 8.05
   2  Opposition at the EPO .................................. 8.18
   3  Limitation Proceedings at the GPTO and EPO ............. 8.30
B  Coutt Invalidation Procedures ............................. 8.35
   1  Handling of a Defense Based on Lack of Validity
      Raised in a German Infringement Court .................. 8.35
   2  Invalidity Litigation ("Nullity Suit") at the German
      Patent Court ........................................... 8.36
C  Patentability and Validity Challenges ..................... 8.46
   1  Challenges Regarding Patentability—Filing of
      Third-party Observations ............................... 8.54
   2  Patent Eligibility (Not an Invention, Excluded
      Inventions) ............................................ 8.66
   3  Lack of Novelty (Article 54 EPC) ....................... 8.74
   4  Lack of an Inventive Step (Obviousness) (Article 56
      EPC) ................................................... 8.87
   5  Lack of Industrial Applicability (Article 57 EPC) ...... 8.99
   6  Lack of Enablement (Sufficiency) ...................... 8.113
   7  Inadmissible Broadening ............................... 8.124
   8  Derivation (Entitlement) .............................. 8.137
   9  Scope of the Validity Challenge—Nullity Proceedings ... 8.140
D  Other Defenses in Litigation Proceedings ................. 8.142
   1  Derivation/Lack of Entitlement ........................ 8.143
   2  (Co-)Ownership in Cases of Inventions by Employees .... 8.144
   3  License ............................................... 8.145
   4  Patent Misuse ......................................... 8.146
   5  Laches and Estoppels, in Particular Prosecution
      History Estoppels ..................................... 8.147
   6  Double Patenting ...................................... 8.152
   7  Prior Right and Prior Use Right ....................... 8.157
   8  Compulsory License for Technology Standard ............ 8.160
   9  Experimental Use Exemption ............................ 8.161
   10 Exhaustion ............................................ 8.162

9  Japan
A  Introduction .............................................. 9.01
B  Patent Invalidation Procedures ............................ 9.04
   1  Overview ............................................... 9.04
   2  Correction of Claims ................................... 9.13
   3  Opposition Procedure ................................... 9.15
   4  Comparison with Invalidity Defense at Infringement
      Procedure .............................................. 9.16
   5  Measures to Prevent Delay and Conflicting Validity
      Decisions .............................................. 9.23
C  Patentability Invalidity Defenses ......................... 9.28
   1  Comparison between Grounds for Rejection and
      Invalidity ............................................. 9.28
   2  Frequently Cited Invalidity Grounds .................... 9.30
   3  Inventorship and Ownership ............................. 9.34
D  Other Types of Defenses ................................... 9.38
   1  Private Use and Experimental Use Exception ............. 9.38
   2  Prior User Right and Intervening Right ................. 9.42
   3  Employee Inventions: Shop Right ........................ 9.47
   4  Licenses ............................................... 9.50
   5  Exhaustion ............................................. 9.53

10 United States
A  Jurisdiction ............................................. 10.01
   1  Subject Matter Jurisdiction ........................... 10.02
   2  Venue ................................................. 10.03
   3  International Jurisdiction ............................ 10.09
B  Parties .................................................. 10.13
   1  Standing to Sue ....................................... 10.14
   2  Defendants ............................................ 10.18
C  Costs .................................................... 10.22
   1  Court Fees and Other Costs ............................ 10.23
   2  Attorney's Fees ....................................... 10.25
D  Procedure ................................................ 10.26
   1  Procedure Overview and Pending Time ................... 10.26
   2  Pleading Standard ..................................... 10.28
   3  Evidence Collection ................................... 10.31
   4  Jury Trial ............................................ 10.52
   5  Border Measures/ITC Proceedings ....................... 10.57
   6  Pre-trial Proceedings ................................. 10.72
   7  Appeals ............................................... 10.78
E  Other Types of Actions ................................... 10.87
   1  Declaratory Judgment Action ........................... 10.87
   2  Preliminary Injunction ................................ 10.90

11 Germany
A  Jurisdiction and Venue ................................... 11.01
   1  Subject Matter Jurisdiction ........................... 11.01
   2  Venue ................................................. 11.04
   3  International Jurisdiction ............................ 11.08
B  Parties .................................................. 11.11
   1  Standing to Sue ....................................... 11.12
   2  Defendants ............................................ 11.20
C  Costs .................................................... 11.23
   1  Court Fees ............................................ 11.23
   2  Customary Costs for Legal Representation .............. 11.31
D  Procedure ................................................ 11.37
   1  Procedural Overview and Pending Time .................. 11.37
   2  Evidence Procedure .................................... 11.47
   3  Border Measures ....................................... 11.77
   4  Pre-trial Measures ................................... 11.100
E  Other Important Proceedings ............................. 11.114
   1  Declaratory Judgment Action .......................... 11.114
   2  Preliminary Injunction ............................... 11.123

12 Japan
A  Jurisdiction ............................................. 12.01
   1  Subject Matter Jurisdiction and Venue ................. 12.01
   2  International Jurisdiction ............................ 12.02
   3  Results of Judicial Reform ............................ 12.09
B  Parties .................................................. 12.13
   1  Standing to Sue ....................................... 12.13
   2  Defendants ............................................ 12.15
C  Costs .................................................... 12.17
   1  Court Fees ............................................ 12.18
   2  Attorneys' Fees ....................................... 12.20
D  Procedure ................................................ 12.22
   1  Procedure Overview and Pending Time ................... 12.22
   2  Evidence Collection ................................... 12.26
   3  Border Measures ....................................... 12.44
   4  Pre-trial Proceedings ................................. 12.49
E  Other Important Proceedings .............................. 12.55
   1  Declaratory Judgment Action ........................... 12.55
   2  Preliminary Injunction ................................ 12.59

                          PART V. REMEDIES
13 United States
A  Claim for Injunctive Relief .............................. 13.01
   1  Requirements .......................................... 13.02
   2  Scope of Injunction Order ............................. 13.19
   3  Execution of Injunction Order ......................... 13.23
B  Exclusion Order .......................................... 13.26
C  Claim for Damages ........................................ 13.38
   1  Requirements .......................................... 13.39
   2  Methods of Calculation ................................ 13.42
   3  Increased Damages and Attorney Fees ................... 13.71
D  Claim for Destruction .................................... 13.83

14 Germany
A  Claim for Injunctive Relief .............................. 14.02
   1  Requirements .......................................... 14.02
   2  Scope of the Claim .................................... 14.05
   3  Compulsory Enforcement ................................ 14.08
B  Claim for Damages ........................................ 14.11
   1  Requirements .......................................... 14.11
   2  Calculation of Damages ................................ 14.14
C  Claim on Account of Unjust Enrichment .................... 14.30
D  Claims for Destruction, Recall, and Removal from
   Distribution Channels .................................... 14.31
   1  Claim for Destruction ................................. 14.31
   2  Claims for Recall and Removal from Distribution
      Channels .............................................. 14.33
   E  Claim for Information ................................. 14.38
   1  Patent Act Information Disclosure Claim ............... 14.39
   2  Civil Code Information Disclosure Claim ............... 14.43

15 Japan
A  Injunctive Relief ........................................ 15.01
   1  Requirements .......................................... 15.01
   2  Scope ................................................. 15.02
   3  Compulsory Enforcement ................................ 15.04
B  Damages .................................................. 15.06
   1  Requirements .......................................... 15.07
   2  Calculation of the Amount of Damages .................. 15.09
C  Unjust Enrichment ........................................ 15.25
D  Claim for Destruction .................................... 15.26

                       PART VI. BEST PRACTICE
16 Analysis and Proposal of Best Practice
A  Comparative Analysis ..................................... 16.01
   1  Introduction .......................................... 16.01
   2  Extent of Patent Protection ........................... 16.03
   3  Defenses .............................................. 16.15
   4  Validity Challenge Procedures ......................... 16.19
   5  Enforcement Procedure ................................. 16.26
   6  Remedies .............................................. 16.31
B  Proposal of Best Practice ................................ 16.37
   1  Introduction .......................................... 16.37
   2  Extent of Patent Protection ........................... 16.40
   3  Defenses .............................................. 16.43
   4  Validity Challenges ................................... 16.45
   5  Procedure ............................................. 16.50
   6  Remedies .............................................. 16.55

Index ......................................................... 451

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