Forschungsbericht; 2017-22 (Koln, 2017). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаJiao J. Aeroacoustic wind tunnel correction based on numerical: Diss. zur … Dr.-Ing. / Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Institut für Flugfuhrung, Braunschweig. - Köln: DLR, 2017. - IX,135 p. : ill. - Res. also Germ. - Bibliogr.: p. 131-135. - (Forschungsbericht; 2017-22). - ISSN 1434-8454
Шифр: (Pr 1120/2017-22) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
1    Introduction ............................................... 1
1.1  Background ................................................. 1
1.2  Free shear layer effects in the open-jet test section
     wind tunnel ................................................ 2
1.3  Literature review .......................................... 4
     1.3.1  Studies on the mean flow gradient effect in the
            free shear layer .................................... 4
     1.3.2  Studies on the turbulence effect in the free shear
            layer ............................................... 6
1.4  Objective and the approach ................................. 8
1.5  Outline of the thesis ...................................... 8

2    Amiet's approach .......................................... 11
2.1  Introduction .............................................. 11
2.2  Basic idea and the correction model ....................... 12
2.3  Angle correction .......................................... 14
     2.3.1  Total reflection ................................... 15
     2.3.2  Zone of silence .................................... 15
     2.3.3  Application of the angle correction in the
            open-jet wind tunnel ............................... 16
2.4  Amplitude correction ...................................... 17
     2.4.1  Application of the amplitude correction in the
            open jet wind tunnel ............................... 18
2.5  Summary ................................................... 19

3    Numerical method .......................................... 21
3.1  Introduction .............................................. 21
3.2  PIANO (Perturbation Investigation of Aerodynamic Noise) ... 22
     3.2.1  Governing Equations ................................ 22
     3.2.2  Numerical algorithm ................................ 23
     3.2.3  Boundary conditions ................................ 24
     3.2.4  Sound source model ................................. 25
3.3  Reconstruction of the turbulence (FRPM method) ............ 26
     3.3.1  Governing equations ................................ 27
     3.3.2  Modeling of turbulent velocities (FRPM method) ..... 28
3.4  Acoustic quantities ....................................... 31

4    Numerical Results ......................................... 33
4.1  Sound propagation through analytical shear layers (2D) .... 33
     4.1.1  Computational setup ................................ 33
     4.1.2  Characteristics of the base flow ................... 35
     4.1.3  Sound propagation through constant thickness
            shear layers ....................................... 38
     4.1.4  Alteration of the sound wave amplitude through
            constant thickness shear layers .................... 45
     4.1.5  Sound propagation through wind tunnel shear
            layers ............................................. 48
     4.1.6  Alteration of the sound wave amplitude through
            spreading shear layers ............................. 52
     4.1.7  Source directivity in constant thickness and wind
            tunnel shear flows ................................. 54
4.2  Sound propagation through the curved shear layer (2D) ..... 56
     4.2.1  Computational setup ................................ 56
     4.2.2  Characteristics of the base flow ................... 57
     4.2.3  Centerline models applied in Amiet's approach ...... 59
     4.2.4  Sound propagation through curved shear layers ...... 59
     4.2.5  Alteration of the sound wave amplitude through
            curved shear layers ................................ 61
     4.2.6  Sound propagation through the curved shear layer
            considering the nozzle rim reflection .............. 63
     4.2.7  Alteration of sound wave amplitude through the
            curved shear layer as nozzle surface considered .... 64
4.3  Sound propagation through analytical shear layers (3D) .... 66
     4.3.1  Computational setup ................................ 67
     4.3.2  Sound propagation through the planar and the
            realistic wind tunnel shear layers ................. 68
     4.3.3  Alteration of the sound wave amplitude through 3D
            analytical shear layers ............................ 77
4.4  Sound propagation through turbulent shear layers (2D) ..... 82
     4.4.1  Computational setup ................................ 82
     4.4.2  Characteristics of the turbulence part in the
            free shear layer ................................... 84
     4.4.3  Sound propagation through the turbulent shear
            layer .............................................. 85
     4.4.4  Alteration of the sound wave characteristics
            through the turbulent shear layer .................. 88
     4.4.5  Role of turbulent pressure fluctuation in the
            scattering effects ................................. 96
4.5  Sound propagation through turbulent shear layers (3D) ..... 96
     4.5.1  Computational setup ................................ 96
     4.5.2  Sound propagation through the turbulent shear
            layer ............................................. 100
     4.5.3  Alteration of the sound wave characteristics
            through the turbulent shear layer ................. 100

5    Summary, conclusions and outlook ......................... 105
5.1  Summary .................................................. 105
5.2  Conclusions .............................................. 106
5.3  Outlook .................................................. 107

A    Derivation of Amiet's approach ........................... 109
A.l  Refraction angle change .................................. 109
A.2  Refraction amplitude change .............................. 112
В    Figures of the numerical results ......................... 115
С    Instabilities in the 3D simulation in the turbulent
     shear layer .............................................. 123

Nomenclature .................................................. 127
Bibliography .................................................. 131

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