International trade statistics yearbook; vol.2: Trade by product (New York, 2016). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы
ОбложкаInternational trade statistics yearbook. Vol.2: Trade by product / Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Statistical Division. - New York: United Nations, 2016. - XXIX,437 p. : ill., tab. . - (Economic & Social Affairs). - ISBN 978-92-1-161615-6
Шифр: (И/У5-I.69/2015-2)


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Оглавление / Contents
Introduction ................................................... xi
Concepts and definitions of International Merchandise Trade 
Statistics .................................................... xii
Concepts and definitions of Statistics of International 
Trade in Services ............................................. xiv
   Description of world trade tables of part 1 (Tables A to 
   K) ....................................................... xviii
   Description of tables and graphs of commodity profiles 
   in part 2 and service trade profiles in part 3 .............. xx
   Sources ................................................... xxii
   Method of Estimation ..................................... xxiii
   Conversion of classification ............................. xxiii
   Currency conversion and Period ............................ xxiv
   Country Nomenclature and Country Grouping  ................ xxiv

Abbreviations and Explanation of symbols ................... xxviii
Disclaimer ................................................... xxix
Contact ...................................................... xxix

Part 1 World Trade Tables ....................................... 1
Total imports and exports by regions and countries or areas 
in U.S. dollars (Table A) ....................................... 3
Total imports and exports by countries or areas in national 
currency (Table B) ............................................. 21
External trade conversion factors (Table C) .................... 30
World exports by provenance and destination in U.S. dollars 
(Table D) ...................................................... 38
Growth of world exports by provenance and destination 
(Table E) ..................................................... 116
Structure of world exports by provenance and destination
(Table F) ..................................................... 118
Indices of total exports and imports by countries or areas 
(Table G) ..................................................... 123
Indices of total exports and imports by regions (Table H) ..... 133
Indices and values of manufactured goods exports (Table I) .... 136
Indices and values of fuel imports - Developed economies 
(Table J) ..................................................... 140
Some indicators on fuel imports - Developed economies 
(Table K) ..................................................... 144

Part 2 Commodity Trade Profiles ............................... 149
Food and live animals (SITC Section 0) ........................ 151
Beverages and tobacco (SITC Section 1) ........................ 189
Crude materials, inedible, except fuels (SITC Section 2) ...... 195
Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials (SITC 
Section 3) .................................................... 231
Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes (SITC Section 4) .... 243
Chemicals and related products, n.e.s. (SITC Section 5) ....... 249
Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material (SITC 
Section 6) .................................................... 283
Machinery and transport equipment (SITC Section 7) ............ 337
Miscellaneous manufactured articles (SITC Section 8) .......... 389
Commodities and transactions not classified elsewhere in 
SITC (SITC Section 9) ......................................... 421

Part 3: Service Trade Profiles ................................ 425
Transportation (EBOPS code 205) ............................... 426
Travel (EBOPS code 236) ....................................... 427
Communications services (EBOPS code 245) ...................... 428
Construction services (EBOPS code 249) ........................ 429
Insurance services (EBOPS code 253) ........................... 430
Financial services (EBOPS code 260) ........................... 431
Computer and information services (EBOPS code 262) ............ 432
Royalties and license fees (EBOPS code 266) ................... 433
Other business services (EBOPS code 268) ...................... 434
Personal, cultural, and recreational services (EBOPS code 
287) .......................................................... 435
Government services, n.i.e. (EBOPS code 291) .................. 436

                 Part 2 COMMODITY TRADE PROFILES
     Full list of included 3-digit SITC groups (SITC, Rev.3)

              Food and live animals (SITC Section 0)
001  Live animals other than animals of division 03 ........... 152
011  Meat of bovine animals, fresh, chilled or frozen ......... 153
012  Other meat, meat offal, fresh, chilled, frozen 
     (for human) .............................................. 154

016  Meat, edible offal, salted, in brine, dried, etc; 
     flours, meals ............................................ 155
017  Meat and edible meat offal, prepared or preserved, nes ... 156

022  Milk and cream and milk products other than butter or
     cheese ................................................... 157
023  Butter and other fats and oils derived from milk ......... 158
024  Cheese and curd .......................................... 159
025  Eggs, birds', egg yolks, fresh, dried or preserved; egg 
     albumin .................................................. 160
034  Fish, fresh (live or dead), chilled or frozen ............ 161
035  Fish, dried, salted or in brine; smoked fish; flours,
     meals, etc ............................................... 162
036  Crustaceans, molluscs, aquatic invertebrates; flours 
     and pellets .............................................. 163
037  Fish, crustaceans, molluscs, aquatic invertebrates, 
     prepared, nes ............................................ 164
041  Wheat (including spelt) and meslin, unmilled ............. 165
042  Rice ..................................................... 166
043  Barley, unmilled ......................................... 167
044  Maize (not including sweet corn), unmilled ............... 168
045  Cereals, unmilled (other than wheat, rice, barley and
     maize) ................................................... 169
046  Meal and flour of wheat and flour of meslin .............. 170
047  Other cereal meals and flours ............................ 171
048  Cereal, flour or starch preparations of fruits or
     vegetables ............................................... 172
054  Vegetables, fresh, chilled , frozen, simply preserved;
     roots .................................................... 173
056  Vegetables, roots and tubers, prepared or preserved,
     nes ...................................................... 174
057  Fruit and nuts (not including oil nuts), fresh or dried .. 175
058  Fruits, preserved, and fruit preparations (excluding 
     fruit juices) ............................................ 176
059  Fruit and vegetable juices, unfermented and without 
     added spirit ............................................. 177
061  Sugars, molasses and honey ............................... 178
062  Sugar confectionery ...................................... 179
071  Coffee and coffee substitutes ............................ 180
072  Cocoa .................................................... 181
073  Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa,
     nes ...................................................... 182
074  Tea and mate ............................................. 183
075  Spices ................................................... 184
081  Feeding stuff for animals (not including unmilled 
     cereals) ................................................. 185
091  Margarine and shortening ................................. 186
098  Edible products and preparations, nes .................... 187

              Beverages and tobacco (SITC Section 1)
111  Non-alcoholic beverages, nes ............................. 190
112  Alcoholic beverages ...................................... 191
121  Tobacco, unmanufactured; tobacco refuse .................. 192
122  Tobacco, manufactured (whether or not containing
     tobacco substitutes) ..................................... 193

      Crude materials, inedible, except fuels (SITC Section 2)
211  Hides and skins (except furskins), raw ................... 196
212  Furskins, raw (including heads, tails, paws, etc), 
     other than those of 211 .................................. 197
222  Oil-seeds and oleaginous fruits used for extraction of
     'soft' fixed oils ........................................ 198
223  Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits used for the extraction 
     of other fixed oils ...................................... 199
231  Natural rubber, balata, gutta-percha, chicle, etc, in 
     primary forms ............................................ 200
232  Synthetic and reclaimed rubber; waste, scrap of
     unhardened rubber ........................................ 201
244  Cork, natural, raw, and waste (including natural cork 
     in blocks or sheets) ..................................... 202
245  Fuel wood (excluding wood waste) and wood charcoal ....... 203
246  Wood in chips or particles and wood waste ................ 204
247  Wood in the rough or roughly squared ..................... 205
248  Wood, simply worked, and railway sleepers of wood ........ 206
251  Pulp and waste paper ..................................... 207
261  Silk ..................................................... 208
263  Cotton ................................................... 209
264  Jute, other textile bast fibres, nes, not spun; tow and 
     waste .................................................... 210
265  Vegetable textile fibres (other than cotton or jute) 
     not spun; waste .......................................... 211
266  Synthetic fibres suitable for spinning ................... 212
267  Other man-made fibres suitable for spinning; waste of
     man-made fibres .......................................... 213
268  Wool and other animal hair (including wool tops) ......... 214
269  Worn clothing and other worn textile articles; rags ...... 215
272  Fertilizers crude, other than those of division 56 ....... 216
273  Stone, sand and gravel ................................... 217
274  Sulphur and unroasted iron pyrites ....................... 218
277  Natural abrasives, nes (including industrial diamonds) ... 219
278  Other crude minerals ..................................... 220
281  Iron ore and concentrates ................................ 221
282  Ferrous waste and scrap; remelting scrap ingots of iron
     or steel ................................................. 222
283  Copper ores and concentrates; copper mattes, cement
     copper ................................................... 223
284  Nickel ores and concentrates; nickel mattes, nickel 
     oxide sinters ............................................ 224
285  Aluminium ores and concentrates (including alumina) ...... 225
287  Ores and concentrates of base metals, nes ................ 226
288  Non-ferrous base metal waste and scrap, nes .............. 227
289  Ores, concentrates precious metals; waste, scrap and
     sweepings (no gold) ...................................... 228
291  Crude animal materials, nes .............................. 229
292  Crude vegetable materials, nes ........................... 230

      Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials (SITC 
                           Section 3)
321  Coal, whether or not pulverized, but not agglomerated .... 232
322  Briquettes, lignite and peat ............................. 233
325  Coke, semi-coke of coal, lignite or peat, agglomerated 
     or not; retort carbon .................................... 234
333  Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous 
     minerals, crude .......................................... 235
334  Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous
     minerals, (not crude) .................................... 236
335  Residual petroleum products, nes, and related materials .. 237
342  Liquefied propane and butane ............................. 238
343  Natural gas, whether or not liquefied .................... 239
344  Petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons, nes ...... 240
351  Electric current ......................................... 241

         Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes (SITC
                           Section 4)
411  Animal oils and fats ..................................... 244
421  Fixed vegetable fats and oils, 'soft', crude, refined 
     or fractionated .......................................... 245
422  Fixed vegetable fats and oils, crude, refined or 
     fractionated, not 'soft' ................................. 246
431  Animal or vegetable fats and oils, processed; waxes of; 
     inedible ................................................. 247

     Chemicals and related products, n.e.s. (SITC Section 5)
511  Hydrocarbons, nes, and their derivatives ................. 250
512  Alcohols, Phenols, phenol-alcohols and their 
     derivatives .............................................. 251
513  Carboxylic acids, and their derivatives .................. 252
514  Nitrogen-function compounds .............................. 253
515  Organo-inorganic and heterocyclic compounds, nucleic 
     acids; salts ............................................. 254
516  Other organic chemicals .................................. 255
522  Inorganic chemical elements, oxides and halogen salts .... 256
523  Metal salts and peroxysalts, of inorganic acids .......... 257
524  Other inorganic chemicals; organic, inorganic compounds 
     precious metals .......................................... 258
525  Radioactive and associated materials ..................... 259
531  Synthetic organic colouring matter and preparations 
     based thereon ............................................ 260
532  Dyeing and tanning extracts, and synthetic tanning 
     materials ................................................ 261
533  Pigments, paints, varnishes and related materials ........ 262
534  Medicinal and pharmaceutical products, other than
     medicament of 542 ........................................ 263
535  Medicaments (including veterinary medicaments) ........... 264
551  Essential oils, perfume and flavour materials ............ 265
553  Perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparations (excluding
     soaps) ................................................... 266
554  Soap, cleansing and polishing preparations ............... 267
562  Fertilizers ( other than those of group 272) ............. 268
571  Polymers of ethylene, in primary forms ................... 269
572  Polymers of styrene, in primary forms .................... 270
573  Polymers of vinyl chloride or of other halogenated 
     olefins .................................................. 271
574  Polyacetals, epoxide resins, etc, and other polyethers 
     in primary forms ......................................... 272
575  Other plastics, in primary forms ......................... 273
579  Waste, parings and scrap, of plastics .................... 274
581  Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings therefore of 
     plastics ................................................. 275
582  Plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of plastics ........ 276
583  Monofilament of any cross-sectional dimension exceed 
     1 mm, of plastics ........................................ 277
591  Pesticides, disinfectant, put up in preparation,
     articles or packings for retail .......................... 278
592  Starches, insulin and wheat gluten; albuminoidal 
     substances; glues ........................................ 279
593  Explosives and pyrotechnic products ...................... 280
597  Prepared additives, de-icing and liquid for 
     transmissions; lubricant, etc ............................ 281
598  Miscellaneous chemical products, nes ..................... 282

    Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material (SITC
                         Section 6)
611  Leather .................................................. 284
612  Manufactures of leather or of composition leather, nes;
     saddlery, harness ........................................ 285
613  Furskins, tanned or dressed, other than those of 
     heading 848.31 ........................................... 286
621  Materials of rubber (e.g., pastes, plates, rods, 
     threads, tubes of rubber) ................................ 287
625  Rubber tyres, interchangeable tyre treads, tyre flaps 
     and inner tubes .......................................... 288
629  Articles of rubber, nes .................................. 289
633  Cork manufacture ......................................... 290
634  Veneers, plywood, particle board,and other wood, 
     worked, nes .............................................. 291
635  Wood manufactures, nes ................................... 292
641  Paper and paperboard ..................................... 293
642  Paper and paperboard, cut to size or shape; articles of 
     paper or paperboard ...................................... 294
651  Textile yarn ............................................. 295
652  Cotton fabrics, woven (not including narrow or special 
     fabrics) ................................................. 296
653  Fabrics, woven, of man-made textile materials (not 
     narrow or special fabrics) ............................... 297
654  Other textile fabrics, woven ............................. 298
655  Knitted or crocheted fabrics, nes ........................ 299
656  Tulles, lace, embroidery, ribbons, trimmings and other 
     smallwares ............................................... 300
657  Special yarns, special textile fabrics and related 
     products ................................................. 301
658  Made-up articles, wholly or chiefly of textile 
     materials, nes ........................................... 302
659  Floor coverings, etc ..................................... 303
661  Lime, cement, and fabricated construction materials 
     (except glass and clay) .................................. 304
662  Clay construction materials and refractory construction
     materials ................................................ 305
663  Mineral manufactures, nes ................................ 306
664  Glass .................................................... 307
665  Glassware ................................................ 308
666  Pottery .................................................. 309
667  Pearls and precious or semiprecious stones, unworked or 
     worked ................................................... 310
671  Pig iron, spiegeleisen, sponge iron, iron or steel 
     granules and powders ..................................... 311
672  Ingots and other primary forms, of iron or steel; 
     semi-finished products ................................... 312
673  Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, not
     clad, plated or coated ................................... 313
674  Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, clad,
     plated or coated ......................................... 314
675  Flat-rolled products of alloy steel ...................... 315
676  Iron and steel bars, rods, angles, shapes and sections ... 316
677  Rails or railway track construction material, of iron 
     or steel ................................................. 317
678  Wire of iron or steel .................................... 318
679  Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, and tube or pipe 
     fittings of iron or steel ................................ 319
681  Silver, platinum and other metals of the platinum group .. 320
682  Copper ................................................... 321
683  Nickel ................................................... 322
684  Lead ..................................................... 324
685  Zinc ..................................................... 325
686  Tin ...................................................... 326
689  Miscellaneous non-ferrous base metals employed in 
     metallurgy and cermets ................................... 327
691  Structures and parts of structures, nes, of iron, steel 
     or aluminium ............................................. 328
692  Metal containers for storage or transport ................ 329
693  Wire products (excluding insulated electrical wiring) 
     and fencing grills ....................................... 330
694  Nails, screws, nuts, bolts, and the like of iron, 
     steel, copper, aluminium ................................. 331
695  Tools for use in the hand or in machines ................. 332
696  Cutlery .................................................. 333
697  Household equipment of base metal, nes ................... 334
699  Manufactures of base metal, nes .......................... 335

       Machinery and transport equipment (SITC Section 7)
711  Steam boilers, superheated water boiler; auxiliary 
     plants; parts thereof .................................... 338
712  Steam turbines and other vapour turbines and parts 
     thereof, nes ............................................. 339
713  Internal combustion piston engines and parts thereof,
     nes ...................................................... 340
714  Engines and motors, non-electric; parts, nes (not 
     those of 712, 713 and 718) ............................... 341
716  Rotating electric plant and parts thereof, nes ........... 342
718  Power generating machinery and parts thereof, nes ........ 343
721  Agricultural machinery (excluding tractors) and parts
     thereof .................................................. 344
722  Tractors (other than those of headings 744.14 and 
     744.15) .................................................. 345
723  Civil engineering and contractors' plant and equipment;
     parts thereof ............................................ 346
724  Textile and leather machinery and parts thereof, nes ..... 347
725  Paper and paper manufacture machinery, and parts 
     thereof .................................................. 348
726  Printing and bookbinding machinery and parts thereof ..... 349
727  Food- processing machines (excluding domestic); parts 
     thereof .................................................. 350
728  Other machinery, equipment, for specialized industries;
     parts nes ................................................ 351
731  Machine tools working by removing metal or other 
     material ................................................. 352
733  Machine tools for working metal, sintered metal 
     carbides or cermets ...................................... 353
735  Parts, nes, accessories suitable for use with machines 
     falling within 731&733 ................................... 354
737  Metalworking machinery and parts thereof, nes ............ 355
741  Heating and cooling equipment and parts thereof, nes ..... 356
742  Pumps for liquids; liquid elevators; parts for such
     pumps and liquid elevators ............................... 357
743  Pumps (other than liquid), air or other gas compressors 
     and fans, etc; parts ..................................... 358
744  Mechanical handling equipment and parts thereof, nes ..... 359
745  Non-electrical machinery, tools and mechanical 
     apparatus, parts thereof, nes ............................ 360
746  Ball or roller bearings .................................. 361
747  Taps, cocks, valves, etc; pressure-reducing, 
     thermostatically control valves .......................... 362
748  Transmission shafts (camshafts, crankshafts) and 
     cranks; parts thereof .................................... 363
749  Non-electric parts and accessories of machinery, nes ..... 364
751  Office machines .......................................... 365
752  Automatic data processing machines and units thereof ..... 366
759  Parts and accessories (not covers, carrying cases, etc)
     for machines of 751-752 .................................. 367
761  Television receivers ..................................... 368
762  Radio-broadcast receivers ................................ 369
763  Sound recorders or reproducers; television image and 
     sound recorders .......................................... 370
764  Telecommunications equipment, nes, and parts, nes, and 
     accessories of 76 ........................................ 371
771  Electric power machinery, and parts thereof .............. 372
772  Electrical apparatus for switching, protecting or 
     connecting electrical circuits ........................... 373
773  Equipment for distributing electricity, nes .............. 374
774  Electro-medical and radiological equipment ............... 375
775  Household-type electrical and non-electrical equipment,
     nes ...................................................... 376
776  Thermionic, microcircuits, transistors, valves, 
     cathodes, diodes, etc .................................... 377
778  Electrical machinery and apparatus, nes .................. 378
781  Cars, other motor vehicles principally designed for the
     transports of persons .................................... 379
782  Motor vehicles for the transport of goods; special-
     purpose motor vehicles ................................... 380
783  Road motor vehicles, nes ................................. 381
784  Parts and accessories of the motor vehicles of 722, 
     781, 782 and 783 ......................................... 382
785  Motorcycles and cycles motorized and non-motorized; 
     invalid carriages ........................................ 383
786  Trailers, semi-trailers; other vehicles, not 
     mechanically propelled ................................... 384
791  Railway vehicles (including hovertrains) and
     associated equipment ..................................... 385
792  Aircraft and associated equipment; spacecraft and their 
     launch vehicles; parts ................................... 386
793  Ships, boats (including hovercraft) and floating 
     structures ............................................... 387

       Miscellaneous manufactured articles (SITC Section 8)
811  Prefabricated buildings .................................. 390
812  Sanitary, plumbing and heating fixtures and fittings, 
     nes ...................................................... 391
813  Lighting fixtures and fittings, nes ...................... 392
821  Furniture and parts thereof; stuffed furnishings ......... 393
831  Travel goods, handbags, etc, of leather, plastics, 
     textile, others .......................................... 394
841  Men's or boys' outerwear, of textile fabrics, not
     knitted or crocheted ..................................... 395
842  Women's or girls' outerwear, of textile fabrics, not
     knitted or crocheted ..................................... 396
843  Men's or boys' outerwear, of textile fabrics, knitted 
     or crocheted ............................................. 397
844  Women's or girls' outerwear, of textile fabrics, 
     knitted or crocheted ..................................... 398
845  Articles of apparel, of textile fabrics, whether or not
     knitted or crocheted, nes ................................ 399
846  Clothing accessories, of textile fabrics, whether or 
     not knitted or crocheted ................................. 400
848  Articles of apparel, and clothing accessories not
     textile fabrics; headgear ................................ 401
851  Footwear ................................................. 402
871  Optical instruments and apparatus, nes ................... 403
872  Instruments and appliances, nes, for medical and
     veterinary sciences ...................................... 404
873  Meters and counters, nes ................................. 405
874  Measuring, checking, analyzing and controlling
     instruments, apparatus nes ............................... 406
881  Photographic apparatus and equipments, nes ............... 407
882  Photographic and cinematographic supplies ................ 408
883  Cinematographic film, exposed and developed .............. 409
884  Optical goods, nes ....................................... 410
885  Watches and clocks ....................................... 411
891  Arms and ammunition ...................................... 412
892  Printed matter ........................................... 413
893  Articles, nes, of plastics ............................... 414
894  Baby carriages, toys, games and sporting goods ........... 415
895  Office and stationery supplies, nes ...................... 416
896  Works of art, collectors' pieces and antiques ............ 417
897  Gold, silverware, jewellery and articles of precious 
     materials, nes ........................................... 418
898  Musical instruments, parts/accessories; records, tapes 
     and similar recordings ................................... 419
899  Miscellaneous manufactured articles , nes ................ 420

       Commodities and transactions not classified elsewhere
                    in the SITC (SITC Section 9)
961 Coin (other than gold coin), not being legal tender ....... 422
971  Gold, non-monetary (excluding gold ores and 
     concentrates) ............................................ 423

                   Part 3 SERVICE TRADE PROFILES
      Main sub-categories of the Extended Balance of Payments 
               Services Classifications (EBOPS 2002)

205 Transportation ............................................ 426
236 Travel .................................................... 427
245 Communications services ................................... 428
249 Construction services ..................................... 429
253 Insurance services ........................................ 430
260 Financial services ........................................ 431
262 Computer and information services ......................... 432
266 Royalties and license fees ................................ 433
268 Other business services ................................... 434
287 Personal, cultural, and recreational services ............. 435
291 Government services, n.i.e ................................ 436

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