Forschungsbericht; 2016-48 (Koln, 2016). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаXu J. Inversion for limb infrared atmospheric sounding: Diss. … Dr.-Ing. / Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, nstitut für Methodik der Fernerkundung, Oberpfaffenhofen. – Köln: DLR, 2016. - XIX,156 p.: ill., tab. - (Forschungsbericht; 2016-48). - Res. also Germ. - Bibliogr.: p.143-156. - ISSN 1434-8454
Шифр: (Pr 1120/2016-48) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
1    Introduction ............................................... 1
1.1  Atmospheric Remote Sensing ................................. 1
1.2  Inverse Problems ........................................... 3
1.3  Software Development ....................................... 5
1.4  Outline of Thesis .......................................... 6

2    Atmospheric Limb Emission Sounding ......................... 7
2.1  Limb Emission .............................................. 7
2.2  History and State of the Art ............................... 7
2.3  Overview of the TELIS Instrument ........................... 9
     2.3.1  Instrument concept ................................. 10
     2.3.2  Measurement concept ................................ 12

3    Radiative Transfer and Optimized Forward Model ............ 15
3.1  Basics of Radiative Transfer Theory ....................... 15
     3.1.1  Equation of radiative transfer ..................... 16
     3.1.2  Molecular absorption coefficient ................... 16
3.2  Implementation ............................................ 19
     3.2.1  Geometry of the line-of-sight ...................... 20
     3.2.2  Path integration ................................... 21
     3.2.3  Molecular absorption computation ................... 23
     3.2.4  Instrumental response and field-of-vicw functions .. 23
     3.2.5  Miscellaneous ...................................... 24
     3.2.6  Job execution ...................................... 25
3.3  Automatic Differentiation for Jacobian .................... 25
3.4  Verification .............................................. 27
     3.4.1  Monochromatic spectra: HCl only .................... 28
     3.4.2  TELIS-like spectra: all absorbers .................. 30

4    Inversion Methodology ..................................... 35
4.1  Retrieval Framework ....................................... 35
4.2  Numerical Regularization Methods .......................... 36
     4.2.1  Tikhonov regularization ............................ 38
     4.2.2  Iterative regularization methods ................... 41
     4.2.3  Multi-parameter regularization ..................... 43
4.3  Inversion Diagnostics ..................................... 43
     4.3.1  Sensitivity analysis ............................... 43
     4.3.2  Error analysis and characterization ................ 44
4.4  B-spline Scheme ........................................... 48
     4.4.1  Knots selection .................................... 48
     4.4.2  Test example ....................................... 49
4.5  Implementation ............................................ 50
4.6  Verification .............................................. 51

5    Simulations ............................................... 55
5.1  Retrieval Tests ........................................... 55
     5.1.1  Retrieval setup .................................... 56
     5.1.2  Preprocessing ...................................... 57
     5.1.3  Retrieval performance .............................. 60
5.2  Sensitivity to Error Sources .............................. 66
     5.2.1  Spectroscopic parameter errors ..................... 67
     5.2.2  Calibration error .................................. 68
     5.2.3  Instrument model parameter errors .................. 71
     5.2.4  Atmospheric profile errors ......................... 75
     5.2.5  Baseline offset: instrumental and physical
            effects ............................................ 76
5.3  Capability of Multi-channel Simultaneous Fitting .......... 78
5.4  Summary ................................................... 81

6    TELIS Retrievals .......................................... 83
6.1  Retrieval Strategy ........................................ 84
     6.1.1  Auxiliary parameters ............................... 85
     6.1.2  Overview of error analysis ......................... 86
     6.1.3  Comparison approach ................................ 89
6.2  03 Retrieval .............................................. 90
     6.2.1  Check on different microwindows .................... 90
     6.2.2  Error characterization ............................. 96
     6.2.3  Comparison with spaceborne observations ............ 97
6.3  HCl Retrieval ............................................. 99
     6.3.1  Observation in the polar winter 2010 .............. 100
     6.3.2  Error characterization ............................ 101
     6.3.3  Internal comparison ............................... 103
     6.3.4  External comparison ............................... 106
6.4  СО Retrieval ............................................. 109
     6.4.1  Observations in the polar winters 2010-2011 ....... 110
     6.4.2  Error characterization ............................ 111
     6.4.3  Comparison with MLS data .......................... 112
6.5  OH Retrieval ............................................. 114
     6.5.1  Observations in the polar winters 2009-2010 ....... 114
     6.5.2  Error characterization ............................ 118
6.6  Summary .................................................. 121

7    Conclusions .............................................. 123
7.1  Final Remarks ............................................ 123
7.2  Outlook .................................................. 124

Appendices .................................................... 127
A    Supplementary Information on TELIS's Far Infrared
     Spectra .................................................. 127
A.l  Molecular Emission Lines in TELIS's 1.8THz Channel ....... 127
A.2  Measurements Overview .................................... 127
A.3  Main Spectral Features in the 1.8 THz Channel ............ 127

В    PILS Input File .......................................... 133
B.l  Main Input Body .......................................... 133
B.2  Forward Configurations ................................... 134

С    Symbols .................................................. 137

D    Acronyms ................................................. 139

Bibliography .................................................. 143

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