Forschungsbericht; 2017-09 (Koln, 2017). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаWeiss L. Initial design of crashworthy composite structures: Diss. … Dr.-Ing. / Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft- und Raumfahrt, Institut für Faserverbundleichtbau und Adaptronik, Braunschweig. - Köln: DLR, 2017. - XV,217 p.: ill., tab. - (Forschungsbericht; 2017-09). - Res. also Germ. - Bibliogr.: p.201-213. - ISSN 1434-8454
Шифр: (Pr 1120/2017-09) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
List of Abbreviations .......................................... ix
List of Symbols ................................................ xi
1  Introduction ................................................. 1
2  Crashworthiness in Composite Design .......................... 9
   2.1  Constitutive Material Properties ........................ 9
   2.2  Energy Absorption Devices .............................. 12
   2.3  Crashworthy Design ..................................... 18
   2.4  Crashworthiness in Transportation Vehicle Development .. 21
   2.5  Structural Optimisation for Crashworthiness ............ 25
3  Topological Optimisation of Composite Structures ............ 31
   3.1  Structural Model Derivation ............................ 33
   3.2  Preliminary Notes on the Optimisation Task ............. 51
   3.3  Principles of Element Positioning ...................... 57
   3.4  Principles of Characteristic Response Derivation ....... 65
   3.5  Simultaneous Consideration of Static and Crash Loads ... 72
   3.6  Benefits of Simultaneous Consideration of Static and
        Crash Loads ............................................ 81
   3.7  Method Assessment ...................................... 87
4  Preliminary Composite Design by Numerical Methods ........... 91
   4.1  Analysis Verification .................................. 95
   4.2  Deformation Work of Straight Composite Z-Frames ....... 100
   4.3  Deformation Work of Curved Composite Z-Frames ......... 104
   4.4  Structural Optimisation for Preliminary Composite
        Design ................................................ 107
   4.5  Method Assessment ..................................... 114
5  Preliminary Composite Design by Experimental Methods ....... 117
   5.1  Deformation Element ................................... 119
   5.2  Friction as an Energy Absorption Principle ............ 120
   5.3  Piezoelectric Deformation of Cylindrical Composite
        Structures ............................................ 129
   5.4  Prospects for Preliminary Design ...................... 140
   5.5  Method Assessment ..................................... 144
6  Applicability to Aircraft CFRP Fuselage Design ............. 147
   6.1  Hybrid Modelling Approach for Stiffened Panels ........ 147
   6.2  Implications on the Current Fuselage Design Process ... 155
   6.3  Method Assessment ..................................... 159
7  Conclusion and Outlook ..................................... 161
   7.1  Conclusion ............................................ 161
   7.2  Outlook ............................................... 164
Appendices .................................................... 165
   Al  Appendix of Chapter 1 .................................. 165
   A2  Appendix of Chapter 2 .................................. 165
   A3  Appendix of Chapter 3 .................................. 170
   A4  Appendix of Chapter 4 .................................. 179
   A5  Appendix of Chapter 5 .................................. 187
   A6  Appendix of Chapter 6 .................................. 198
Bibliography .................................................. 201
Own Publications .............................................. 215
Curriculum Vitae .............................................. 217

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