Dresdner Wasserbauliche Mitteilungen; H.59 (Dresden, 2017). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаTatis-Muvdi R. A contribution to the hydromorphological assessment of running waters based on habitat dynamics = Ein Beitrag zur hydromorphologischen Bewertung von Fliesswassern anhand der Habitatdynamik: der Titel u. der Inhalt des Heftes entsprechen der zur Erlangung des akad. Grades Doktor-Ingenieur (Dr.-Ing.) eingereichten Diss. - Dresden: Institut für Wasserbau und Technische Hydromechanik, 2017. - XX,140 p.: ill., tab. - (Dresdner Wasserbauliche Mitteilungen; H.59). - Загл. серии на обл.: Wasserbauliche Mitteilungen. - Bibliogr.: p.127-140. - ISBN 978-3-86780-512-4; ISSN 0949-5061
Шифр: (Pr 1194/59) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Foreword ...................................................... iii
Abstract ........................................................ v
Kurzfassung ................................................... vii
Contents ....................................................... xi
List of Figures ................................................ xv
List of Tables .............................................. xviii
List of Symbols ............................................... xix

1    Motivation ................................................. 1

2    Objectives of the dissertation ............................. 9

3    Approach and structure of the thesis ...................... 11
3.1  Construction of a conceptual basis ........................ 12
3.2  Development of the methodological framework ............... 12
3.3  Technical aspects ......................................... 13
3.4  Proof-of-concept .......................................... 13

4    Hydromorphology in the current state of the art ........... 15
4.1  Areas for potential development ........................... 15
4.2  Addressing the gap between biology and hydromorphology .... 16
     4.2.1  Hydromorphology in the context of the WFD .......... 16
     4.2.2  Hydromorphological quality in the context of the
            WFD ................................................ 17
     4.2.3  The need for biological criteria in
            hydromorphological analysis ........................ 19
     4.2.4  Changes in the scientific view of rivers ........... 22
4.3  Hydromorphology-macrozoobenthos relations ................. 22
     4.3.1  Water quality ...................................... 23
     4.3.2  Biotic interactions ................................ 23
     4.3.3  Food sources ....................................... 24
     4.3.4  Colonization and spatial processes ................. 26
     4.3.5  Physical habitat ................................... 27

5    Conceptual basis .......................................... 29
5.1  Potential vs. actual biological effects ................... 29
5.2  Scale and macrozoobenthos habitat in streams .............. 32
5.3  Temporal variability and disturbance ...................... 34
5.4  The physical habitat template and patch dynamics in
     streams ................................................... 35
5.5  Taxon-habitat relationships ............................... 39
5.6  Taxon-specific and integrative approaches ................. 41

6    Development of the methodological framework ............... 45
6.1  Element 1: The 'hydromorphological template' as the
     distribution of aquatic habitable space ................... 46
6.2  Element 2: Scales and variables for describing the
     hydromorphological template ............................... 48
     6.2.1  Selecting analysis scales for the
            hydromorphological template ........................ 48
     6.2.2  Are high-resolution 3D models necessary? ........... 50
     6.2.3  Habitable space patches ............................ 51
     6.2.4  Analysis variables: patch dynamics indicators ...... 52  Patch area and area-duration curves ............ 53  Reach-scale habitable space losses -  ........ 55  Point-based reach-scale habitable space
                availability - hsAv ............................ 56  Patch duration ................................. 58  Patch juxtaposition ............................ 60
6.3  Element 3: Measuring the limiting role of
     hydromorphology ........................................... 63

7    Technical aspects ......................................... 65
7.1  General description of the approach ....................... 65
7.2  Hydraulic simulation ...................................... 65
     7.2.1  Model extent and resolution ........................ 66  Proposed resolution and extent in this
                approach ....................................... 67
     7.2.2  Limitations in process representation .............. 67
7.3  Substrate map ............................................. 69
7.4  Habitat suitability assignment ............................ 71
7.5  Patch building ............................................ 71
7.6  Patch tracking algorithm .................................. 72
7.7  Calculation of patch dynamics indicators .................. 74

8    Proof of concept .......................................... 75
8.1  Introduction .............................................. 75
8.2  Methodology ............................................... 76
     8.2.1  Available data and study area ...................... 76
     8.2.2  Analysis design and research hypothesis ............ 78
     8.2.3  Classification of species sensitivity .............. 80
     8.2.4  Hydrodynamic numerical modeling of the sampling
            reaches ............................................ 82  Model geometry ................................. 83  Boundary conditions and bottom roughness ....... 83  Hydrodynamic numerical code .................... 85  LISFLOOD-ACC ................................... 87  Model calibration .............................. 89
     8.2.5  Designating habitable space ........................ 93
     8.2.6  Computation of habitat dynamics indicators using
            punctual substrate data - hsAv ..................... 94
8.3  Results ................................................... 96
     8.3.1  Dynamics of aquatic habitable space in trained
            and restored reaches ............................... 96
     8.3.2  Relationship between habitable space dynamics and
            macrozoobenthos community .......................... 97
8.4  Discussion ............................................... 100

9    Concluding remarks ....................................... 105

10   Outlook .................................................. 107

11   R scripts ................................................ 109

12   References ............................................... 127

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