Forschungsbericht; 2017-01 (Koln, 2017). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаFlock A.K. Desing and performance analysis of three-dimensional air intakes for supersonic combustion ramjet engines: Diss. … Dr.-Ing. / Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Institut für Aerodynamik und Strömungstechnik, Abteilung Über- und Hyperschalltechnologien, Köln. - Köln: DLR, 2017. - 153 p.: ill. - (Forschungsbericht; 2017-01). - Res. also Germ. - Bibliogr.: p.143-149. - ISSN 1434-8454
Шифр: (Pr 1120/2017-01) 02


Место хранения: 02 | Отделение ГПНТБ СО РАН | Новосибирск

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ......................................................... 3
Contents ........................................................ 5
List of Figures ................................................. 9
List of Tables ................................................. 13
Nomenclature ................................................... 15
Abstract ....................................................... 19
Kurzfassung - German Abstract .................................. 21

1    Introduction .............................................. 23
1.1  Framework - Research Training Group 1095 .................. 23
1.2  Supersonic Combustion Ramjet Engine ....................... 23
     1.2.1  General Description ................................ 23
     1.2.2  Fields of Application .............................. 25
     1.2.3  Flight Demonstrators ............................... 25
1.3  SCRamjet Intakes .......................................... 27
     1.3.1  Intake Design ...................................... 28
     1.3.2  Intake Performance Parameters ...................... 28
     1.3.3  Intake Starting .................................... 30
1.4  Objective of Current Work ................................. 30

2    Current Scientific Knowledge .............................. 32
2.1  Intake Design ............................................. 32
     2.1.1  Compression Flow Field ............................. 32
     2.1.2  Truncation Effects ................................. 33
     2.1.3  Streamline Tracing ................................. 35
     2.1.4  Viscous Effects .................................... 35
2.2  Performance Determination ................................. 37
     2.2.1  Experimental ....................................... 37
     2.2.2  Numerical .......................................... 37
2.3  Intake Starting ........................................... 38
     2.3.1  General Research ................................... 38
     2.3.2  Self-Starting Intake Configurations ................ 40

3    Aerodynamic Theory ........................................ 41
3.1  Fundamentals .............................................. 41
     3.1.1  Standard Atmosphere ................................ 41
     3.1.2  Gas Properties ..................................... 41
     3.1.3  Quasi One-Dimensional Flow ......................... 41
     3.1.4  Oblique and Normal Shock Relations ................. 42
3.2  Axisymmetric Compression Flow Fields ...................... 43
     3.2.1  Taylor McColl Equations ............................ 43
     3.2.2  Method of Characteristics .......................... 44
3.3  Boundary Layer Flow ....................................... 45
     3.3.1  Boundary Layer Equations ........................... 45
     3.3.2  Approximate Solution: Approach with Integral
            Method ............................................. 46
     3.3.3  Walz' Integral Method: Rechenverfahren II .......... 49

4    Intake Design Tool ........................................ 51
4.1  Overview .................................................. 51
4.2  Compression Flow Field .................................... 51
     4.2.1  Busemann Flow Field ................................ 52
     4.2.2  Reversed Nozzle Flow Field ......................... 53
4.3  Truncation Effects ........................................ 54
     4.3.1  Leading Edge Truncation Effects .................... 54
     4.3.2  Rear Side Truncation Effects ....................... 55
4.4  Streamline Tracing Algorithm .............................. 56
4.5  Viscous Effects ........................................... 57
4.6  Performance Parameters Calculation ........................ 59

5    Intake Starting Prediction ................................ 62
5.1  Empirical Relation ........................................ 62
5.2  Semi-Empirical Relation ................................... 62

6    Experimental Apparatus and Numerical Methods .............. 66
6.1  Intake Models ............................................. 66
     6.1.1  3D-GRK Intake ...................................... 66
     6.1.2  Streamline Traced Intake 1 - ST1 ................... 68
     6.1.3  Streamline Traced Intake 2 - ST2 ................... 68
     6.1.4  Streamline Traced Intake 3 - ST3 ................... 70
6.2  Blow Down Wind Tunnel H2K ................................. 72
6.3  Complementary Measurement Equipment ....................... 72
     6.3.1  Pressure Data Recording ............................ 72
     6.3.2  Mach Number Determination .......................... 73
     6.3.3  Schlieren Imaging .................................. 74
     6.3.4  Throttle System .................................... 74
     6.3.5  Temperature Data Recording ......................... 75
6.4  Numerical Simulation ...................................... 76
     6.4.1  DLR-TAU Software System ............................ 76
     6.4.2  Mesh Generation .................................... 76
     6.4.3  Mesh Analysis ...................................... 76
6.5  One-Dimensional Post-Analysis ............................. 77
     6.5.1  Combustion Chamber Model ........................... 79
     6.5.2  Nozzle Model ....................................... 80
6.6  Averaging ................................................. 80
     6.6.1  Conventional Averaging ............................. 81
     6.6.2  Stream-Thrust Averaging ............................ 81

7    Results ................................................... 83
7.1  Validation of Approach to Truncation Effects .............. 83
     7.1.1  Leading Edge Truncation ............................ 83
     7.1.2  Rear Side Truncation ............................... 88
7.2  Validation of Approach to Viscous Effects ................. 92
     7.2.1  Busemann Flow ...................................... 93
     7.2.2  Reversed Nozzle Flow ............................... 94
7.3  Comparison of Busemann Flow and Reversed Nozzle Flow ...... 96
     7.3.1  Geometry ........................................... 96
     7.3.2  Leading Edge Truncation ............................ 98
     7.3.3  Rear Side Truncation ............................... 98
     7.3.4  Viscous Effects .................................... 98
     7.3.5  Superimposed: Leading Edge Truncation and Viscous
            Effects ........................................... 101
     7.3.6  Evaluation and Summary ............................ 101
7.4  Streamline Traced Intakes ................................ 103
     7.4.1  ST1 Intake ........................................ 103
     7.4.2  ST2 Intake ........................................ 105
     7.4.3  ST3 Intake ........................................ 107
     7.4.4  Summary ........................................... 109
7.5  Starting Experiments ..................................... 111
     7.5.1  Mach Number Influence ............................. 111
     7.5.2  Cowl Geometry Influence ........................... 112
     7.5.3  Angle of Attack Influence ......................... 112
     7.5.4  In the Context of Kantrowitz Theory ............... 114
7.6  3D-GRK Intake ............................................ 116
     7.6.1  Back Pressure Influence ........................... 116
     7.6.2  Mass Flow Measurement ............................. 116
     7.6.3  CFD Analysis ...................................... 117
     7.6.4  Extrapolation to Flight Condition ................. 122
7.7  Comparison: 3D-GRK and Streamline Traced Intakes ......... 122
     7.7.1  Design Approach ................................... 122
     7.7.2  Geometry .......................................... 123
     7.7.3  Intake Performance ................................ 123
     7.7.4  Summary ........................................... 126

8    Conclusion ............................................... 127
8.1  Summary .................................................. 127
8.2  Outlook .................................................. 129

A   Appendix .................................................. 131
A.1   Overview of Flow Conditions ............................. 131
A.2  Integral Method - Rechenverfahren II ..................... 132
A.3  Calibration Curves ....................................... 134
A.4  Mesh Analysis - Additional Plots ......................... 136
A.5  Viscous Effects - Axisymmetric Contour Plots ............. 137
A.6  ST Configurations - Cross-Stream Parameters .............. 139
A.7  3D-GRK Configuration - Cross-Stream Parameters ........... 140
A.8  Comparison of Flight and Wind Tunnel Conditions .......... 141

Bibliography .................................................. 143
Index ......................................................... 151
Curriculum Vitae .............................................. 153

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