Olde Venterink H. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium flows controlling plant productivity and species richness: eutrophication and nature management in fens and meadows (Utrecht, 2000). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаOlde Venterink H. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium flows controlling plant productivity and species richness: eutrophication and nature management in fens and meadows = Stikstof, fosfor en kalium stromen als sturende factoren voor productiviteit en soortenrijkdom van planten: proefschr. ter verkrijging van de graad van Doctor aan de Univ. Utrecht / H.G.M. Olde Venterink. - Utrecht: Utrecht University, 2000. - 151 p.: ill., tab. - Res. also Dutch. - Bibliogr.: p.115-127. - ISBN 90-6266-193-9
Шифр: (И/П1-O.42) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction .......................................... 9
Chapter 2  Growth limitation by N, P and К along a biomass
           gradient in herbaceous wetlands ..................... 23
           H. Olde Venterink, R.E. van der Vliet & M.J. Wassen
Chapter 3  N, P and К budgets along nutrient availability-
           roductivity gradients in wetlands ................... 33
           H. Olde Venterink, N.M. Pieterse, J.D.M. Belgers,
           M.J. Wassen & P.C. de Ruiter
Chapter 4  Impact of drying and re-wetting on N, P and К
           dynamics in a wetland soil .......................... 55
           H. Olde Venterink, Т.Е. Davidsson, K. Kiehl &
           L. Leonardson
Chapter 5  Environmental control on biomass and species
           density in meadows and fens ......................... 69
           H. Olde Venterink, M.J. Wassen, J.D.M. Belgers &
           J.T.A. Verhoeven
Chapter 6  Patterns of productivity and species richness in
           herbaceous wetlands as differentiated for N, P
           and К limited conditions ........................... 83
           H. Olde Venterink, M.J. Wassen, A.W.M. Verkroost
           & P.C. de Ruiter
Chapter 7  Synthesis: eutrophication and nature management .... 99

References ................................................... 115
Summary ...................................................... 129
Nederlandse samenvatting ..................................... 133
Nawoord / Acknowledgements ................................... 143
Publications ................................................. 147
Curriculum vitae ............................................. 151

Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 have been submitted for
publication in international ecological journals.

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