| Innovative impact processes: machines, theory, experiments, modeling / T.Penchev et al.; ed. by D.Karastoyanov; Bulg. Acad. of Sciences, Inst. of information a. communication technologies. - Sofia: Prof. Marin Drinov Publishing House of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2016. - 111 p.: ill., tab. - Bibliogr.: p.109-111.
- ISBN 978-954-322-860-7 Шифр: (И/Ж-I.64) 02
INTRODUCTION .................................................... 7
Chapter 1 IMPACT MACHINES ...................................... 9
1.1 Hammers for ordinary impact ................................ 9
1.2 Hammers for controlled impact ............................. 15
Chapter 2 CONTROLLED IMPACT THEORY ............................ 18
2.1 Impact parameters in ordinary impact ...................... 18
2.2 Impact parameters in controlled impact .................... 24
2.3 Mechanics of controlled impact ............................ 32
2.3.1 The medium resistance S depends on the square of
the speed .......................................... 32
2.3.2 The medium resistance S depends linearly of V ...... 34
2.3.3 The resistance is a linear function of body
position, defined by its coordinate x .............. 34
DEFORMATION .................................................... 36
3.1 Experimental set-up ....................................... 36
3.2 Methods ................................................... 40
3.3 Elastic deformation ....................................... 41
3.4 Upsetting ................................................. 43
3.5 Die forging ............................................... 52
3.6 Experimental verification of the formulas for rebound
velocity and rebound force ................................ 57
3.7 Analysis of the results ................................... 61
MATERIAL COMPACTING ............................................ 63
4.1 Aim of the experiments .................................... 63
4.2 Methods ................................................... 64
4.3 Materials for briquetting with "ordinary impact" and
with "controlled impact" .................................. 66
4.4 Results ................................................... 66
4.4.1 Results from briquetting with "ordinary impact"
and with "controlled impact" ....................... 66
4.4.2 Results from briquetting with "controlled impact"
and different sized chips .......................... 73
4.4.3 Results from briquetting of steel powder with
"controlled impact" ................................ 76
4.5 Analysis of the results ................................... 78
Chapter 5 FEM OF IMPACT PROCESSES ............................. 79
5.1 Selection of FE method for modeling of impact plastic
deformation processes ..................................... 79
5.2 Research for the accuracy of the model of continuous
media ..................................................... 85
5.3 Investigation of the friction coefficient influence on
modeling of the impact deformation processes .............. 88
5.4 FE modeling of impact force and energy dissipation in
upsetting by ordinary and controlled impact ............... 91
5.5 FE modeling of the deformation process by reverse
extrusion with ordinary and controlled impact ............. 93
5.6 Modeling of impact of a sphere on plate ................... 96
5.7 Analysis of the results .................................. 103
Chapter 6 HISTORICAL REVIEW .................................. 105
References .................................................... 109