Statistical yearbook = Annuaire statistique; 59th iss. (New York, 2016). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы
ОбложкаStatistical yearbook = Annuaire statistique. 2016, 59th iss. / UN. - New York: UN publ, 2016. - x, 378 p.: tab. ISBN 978-92-1-061387-3
Шифр: (И/C6-U50/N 2016-59) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ....................................................... iii
Explanatory notes ............................................... v
Introduction .................................................... 1

I  World summary
1  World statistics - selected series ........................... 7

Part One: Population and social statistics

II  Population and migration
2  Population, surface area and density ........................ 13
3  International migrants and refugees ......................... 20

III  Gender
4  Proportion of seats held by women in national parliament .... 35

IV  Education v
5  Education at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels ..... 39
6  Public expenditure on education ............................. 55

V  Health
7  Health personnel ............................................ 67
8  Expenditure on health ....................................... 76

VI  Crime
9  Intentional homicides and other crimes ...................... 87

Part Two: Economic activity

VII  National accounts
10 Gross domestic product and gross domestic product per
   capita ..................................................... 103
11 Gross value added by kind of economic activity ............. 122

VIII  Finance
12  Balance of payments summary ............................... 137

IX  Labour market
13 Labour force and unemployment .............................. 153
14 Employment by economic activity ............................ 167

X  Price and production indices
15 Consumer price indices ..................................... 179
16 Agricultural production indices ............................ 190

XI  International merchandise trade
17 Total imports, exports and balance of trade ................ 201

Part Three: Energy, environment and infrastructure

XII  Energy
18 Production, trade and supply of energy ..................... 221

XIII  Environment
19 Threatened species ......................................... 245
20 CO2 emissions estimates .................................... 267

XIV  Science and technology
21 Patents .................................................... 279

XV  Communication
22 Cellular mobile telephone subscriptions .................... 289
23 Internet usage ............................................. 301

XVI  International tourism and transport
24 Tourist/visitor arrivals and tourism expenditure ........... 307

XVII  Development assistance
25 Net disbursements of official development assistance to
   recipients ................................................. 321
26 Net disbursements of official development assistance
   from donors ................................................ 338

I   Country and area nomenclature, regional and other
    groupings ................................................. 341
II  Technical notes ........................................... 351
III Conversion coefficients and factors ....................... 375
IV  Tables added, omitted and discontinued .................... 377

Note: See Annex IV for table names presented in previous
issues of the Statistical Yearbook which are not contained
in the present issue.

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