Digital presentation and preservation of cultural and scientific heritage; Vol.6 (Sofia, 2016). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаDigital presentation and preservation of cultural and scientific heritage: proc. of the 6th Intern. conf., Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, Sept. 26-28, 2016. - Sofia: Institute of mathematics and informatics BAS.
Vol.6. - 2016. - 303 p.: ill. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art. - 460 p. -
ISSN 1314-4006
Шифр: (И/T-D56/6) 02


Место хранения: 02 | Отделение ГПНТБ СО РАН | Новосибирск

Оглавление / Contents
Invited Papers
1  Natalia Manola - e-Infrastructures: The starting blocks
   for Open Science and Innovation. The Open AIRE case ......... 19
2  Jiri Rákosník, Peter Stanchev, Radoslav Pavlov - European
   Digital Mathematics Library EuDML. Current State and
   Future Plans ................................................ 29
3  Panos Constantopoulos - Leveraging Digital Cultural
   Memories .................................................... 37
4  Gita Senka - Experiment with Digital Technology in Arts
   and Culture, the Case of Latvia ............................. 43
5  K. Stefanov, B. Bontchev, P. Boytchev, A. Georgiev,
   A. Grigorov - Reusing Components from Cultural Heritage
   Games - the RAGE Project Approach ........................... 49

Full Papers
6  Maria M. Nisheva, Pavel I. Pavlov, Peter L. Stanchev -
   Semantic Search in Heterogeneous Digital Repositories:
   Case Studies ................................................ 65
7  Zsolt László Márkus, Gábor Kaposi, Miklуs Veres, Tibor
   Szkaliczki, Detelin Luchev, Desislava Paneva-Marinova -
   BOOK@HAND Bells: Mobile Presentation of the Valuable Bells
   of the Historic and Culture Heritage of Bulgaria ............ 73
8  Júlia Nagy, Zsolt László Márkus, Gábor Kaposi, György
   Szántó, Tibor Szkaliczki, Norbert Vass - New Tourist
   Service Based on Virtual Reality Glasses in the Town
   of Miskolc, Hungary ......................................... 81
9  Feng Zhao, Soo Choon Loy - Exploring a Relic's History
   Through 3D Digitization ..................................... 93
10 Rodica-Mariana Ion, Sofia Teodorescu, Loan Alin Bucurică,
   Mihaela-Lucia Ion, Daniela Turcanu-Caruţiu - Restoration
   and Preservation of Cultural Heritage Monuments. Digital
   Presentation and Practical Solutions ....................... 107
11 Boris Shishkov - Digitization of Cultural Heritage -
   a Service-Oriented Approach ................................ 117
12 Kamen Angelov - Main Architectures Used in ETL as a Tool,
   Necessary for the Integration of Data in Large Volumes -
   a Task in the Field of Digital Preservation of Cultural
   Heritage ................................................... 129
13 Maxim Goynov, Konstantin Rangochev, Desislava Paneva-
   Marinova, Vladimir Sapunjiev - Tracking Interoperability
   Service in Digital Libraries for Orthodox Art and
   Knowledge .................................................. 137
14 Magdelena Stoyanova, Detelin Luchev, Dessislava Paneva-
   Marinova - Optimization of Natural Dyes' Non-contact
   Characterization and Interdisciplinary Application Using
   Ensemble Classifiers and Genetic Algorithms ................ 147
15 Ralitsa Dutsova - Digital Presentation of Bulgarian
   Language Heritage - Tools and Web-applications ............. 161
16 Ivan Derzhanski, Olena Siruk - Affinal Kinship
   Terminology in the Corpus of Bulgarian and Ukrainian
   Parallel Texts ............................................. 169
17 Stefka Kovacheva - Presentation of UNESCO Bulgarian
   Cultural Heritage Sites as Knowledge System in a Learning
   Environment ................................................ 179

Short Papers
18 Stefka Kovacheva, Ludmila Dimitrova, Kalin Pezhgorski -
   E-learning environment UNESCO Bulgarian Architectural
   Heritage Sites ............................................. 191
19 Galina Bogdanova, Todor Todorov, Nikolay Noev - Using
   Graph Databases to Represent Knowledge Base in the Field
   of Cultural Heritage ....................................... 199
20 Nikolay Noev, Galina Bogdanova, Todor Todorov - Towards
   Better Presenting and Searching of Bells Knowledge ......... 207
21 Elena G. Shatko, Galina Bogdanova, Todor Todorov -
   Digital Archive of Cultural-Historic Heritage of Belarus:
   Certification of Bells Cast During 16th-19th Centuries ..... 213
22 Pavel Hristov, Emilian Petkov - Development of Web-Based
   Information System for Visualization of Three-dimensional
   Models of Museum Exhibits .................................. 219
23 Vladimir Georgiev, Lyubomir Milkov, Yavor Angelov,
   Stanimir Dimitrov - Online 3D Knowledge Management System
   for Human Anatomy .......................................... 227

Project Papers
24 Radovesta Stewart, Maria Zheleva-Monova, Yanislav Zhelev,
   Radoslav Pavlov — Digitalizing the Proceedings of the
   Bulgarian Museums, or How to Rescue from Oblivion
   Priceless Studies on the Cultural Heritage ................. 235
25 Stanislava Slavova-Petkova, Maria Dimova, Detelin
   Luchev - Learning Scenario for Better Understanding of
   Fairy Tales Using Role-playing and Serious Games Methods ... 241
26 Mihaela Krasteva - The Impact of Technology on the
   Modern Art ................................................. 247
27 Valeri Katzounov - Endangered Photo Collections about
   the Participation of Pre-industrial Bulgaria in Three
   Wars in the Beginning of the 20th Century .................. 255
28 Alexander Herschung - Long Term Preservation of Websites ... 261
29 Tsvetanka Trifonova, Kaloyan Zdravkov - Digital library
   of scientific forums organized by the Faculty of
   Mathematics and Informatics of the University "St. Cyril
   and St. Methodius" - Veliko Tarn ovo ....................... 267
30 Katrina Koleva, Kalina Sotirova, Elena Naidenova -
   Digitization of Documentation at the Scientific Archive
   of the National Institute of Archeology with Museum ........ 275

31 Boyan Bontchev, Desislava Paneva-Marinova, Lubomil
   Draganov - An Educational 3D Maze Game for Bulgarian
   Orthodox Iconography ....................................... 283
32 Mirko Robov - Creating a Digital Model of the Damages of
   the Earthquake of Metropolitan Tarnovo /13th century/ ...... 285
33 Iliya Valev - Digital Archive of Soldiers' Legacy of the
   Socialist Period ........................................... 289
34 Philip Mihaylov - A Digitalization of the Museum Funds -
   a Possible Software for Scientific Passports ............... 293

Workshop: Open Access to Scientific Publications and Data
35 Peter Stanchev, Zlatina Karova, Yanita Zherkova, Radoslav
   Pavlov, George Simeonov, Bhanu Neupane - The Seventh
   National Information Day: Open Access to Scientific
   Information and Data ...................................... 297

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