Forschungsbericht; 2015-38 (Koln, 2016.). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаProceedings of the 4th International conference on transport, atmosphere and climate, (TAC-4), Bad Kohlgrub, Germany, June 22-25, 2015 / ed. by R.Sausen et al.; Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre, Oberpfaffenhofen. - Köln: DLR, 2016. - 198 p.: ill. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art. - (Forschungsbericht; 2015-38). - ISSN 1434-8454
Шифр: (Pr1120/2015-38) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Foreword ........................................................ 3
Scientific Programme Committee .................................. 4
Table of Contents ............................................... 5
Agenda .......................................................... 7
Opening address ................................................ 13
   Ilse Aigner
Opening address ................................................ 15
   Prof. Rolf Нenke

Emissions and near field processes
EASA's Work to Support the Regulation of Aircraft Engine
Emissions ...................................................... 17
   Erika Herms
A Volatile Particle Microphysical Simulation Model for the
Evolution of Surrogate Organic Emissions in an Aircraft
Exhaust Plume .................................................. 21
   Jay Peck, Zhenhong Yu, Richard C. Miake-Lye, David
   S. Liscinsky
Development of a Certification Method for Aircraft Engine
Non-volatile PM Emissions: Results from the North American
Reference System Deployment in the Aviation - Particle
Regulatory Instrument Demonstration Experiment (A-PRIDE)
4 Campaign ..................................................... 27
   Philip D. Whitefield, Prem Lobo, Donald E. Hagen,
   Elizabeth A. Black, Richard C. Miake-Lye. Zhenhong Yu,
   Lukas Durdina, Benjamin T. Brem, Jing Wang, Gregory J.
   Smallwood, Kevin A. Thomson, Theodor Rindiisbacher,
   Frithjof Siegerist, Amewu A. Mensah, Joel C. Corbin,
   Manuel Abegglen, Berko Sierau
Measurement of aircraft engine emissions inside the airport
area ........................................................... 28
   Ralf Kurtenbach, Peter Wiesen, Oleksander Zaporozhets.
   Kateryna Synylo
Estimating Gaseous Emissions Production of an Entire Flight
of a Commercial Aircraft Based on Emission Measurements
and Actual Flight Data Records ................................. 34
   Enis T. Turgut, Mustafa Cavcar, Ozan D. Yay, Mehmet
   Ucarsu, Elif Yilmaz, Oznur Usanmaz, Kadir Armutlu, Tuncay
Procedures to apply NOx correlation methods to engine
concepts with staged, lean combustor technology ................ 41
   M. Plohr

Interdisciplinary Topicy
TEAMPlay for Europe ............................................ 51
   P.H.H. Brok, R. Berghof S. Maertens, M. Hepting
Limiting aviation's full climate impact by market-based
measures: Results of the research project AviClim .............. 56
   K. Dahlmann, R, Sausen, J. D. Scheelhaase, M. Jung,
   H. Nieße, H. Keimel, Martin Schaefer, Florian Wolters

Mitigation of aviation's climate impact
The Implications of Intermediate Stop Operations on Aviation
Emissions and Climate .......................................... 62
   F. Linke, V. Golіnick, V. Grewe
Climate impact assessment of routing strategies: Interactive
air traffic in a climate model ................................. 71
   H. Yamashita, V. Grewe, P. Jockel, F. Linke, M. Schaefer,
   D. Sasaki

Impact on air quality and climate
The impact of shipping on air pollution in North Sea coastal
areas - situation today and in the future ...................... 78
   V. Matthias, A. Aulinger, J. Bieser, M. Quante
The global impact of the transport sector on atmospheric
aerosol and climate in the Representative Concentration
Pathways ....................................................... 85
   M. Righi, J. Hendricks, R. Sausen
Aircraft emissions of NOx: radiative forcing from long-term
stratospheric changes of H2O and O3 ............................ 91
   G. Pitari, G. Di Genova, E. Mancini, I. Cionni, O.A. Sovde,
   L. Lim

Impact on clouds
Influence of Fuel Sulfur Content on Contrail Formation in
the Near-Field of a Commercial Aircraft ........................ 97
   J.C. Khou, W. Ghedhaifi, X. Vancassel, E. Montreuil,
   F. Garnier
A numerical study of contrail-to-cirrus transition using 3D
large-eddy simulations ........................................ 103
   R. Paoli, O. Thouron, D. Cariolle
Angle dependent extinction of solar radiation by individual
condensation trails ........................................... 108
   J. Rosenow, H. Fricke
Study of a contrail cluster observed during the ML-CIRRUS
campaign ...................................................... 118
   M. Vázquez-Navarro. L. Bugtiaro, U. Schumann, M. Wirth
Simulating Contrails with COSMO-ART Based on Real Time
Flight Tracks ................................................. 127
   S. Gruber, В. Vogel, H. Vogel, J. Bechtold, M. Jung,
   H. Pak
Contrail predictions for ML-CIRRUS - Method and Experiences ... 132
   U. Schumann, К Graf, L. Bugliaro, A. Dönbrack,
   С. Voigt. M. Wirth, Н. Ziereis, A. Giez, A. Minikin
On dehydration effects from contrails in a coupled
contrail-climate model ........................................ 139
   U. Schumann, Joyce E. Penner, Yibin Chen, Cheng Zhou.
   Kaspar Graf

Clouds and cloud processes
Modelling the chemistry in contrails from the vortex to the
diffusion phase using a mesoscale model ....................... 145
   H. Clark, O. Thouron. R. Paoli, D. Cariolle
Uncertainties with respect to contrail coverage modelling in
REACT4C ....................................................... 153
   L.L. Lim, , R. Rodriguez De León, D.S. Lee, O.A. Sovde
Ice optical thickness retrieval using SEVIRI-1/2/3 aboard
the Mcteosat 8-10 satellites: towards a cirrus life cycle
analysis ...................................................... 158
   J. Strandgren. L. Bugliaro. M. Schmidl

Examining the effect of aviation NOx emissions as a short-
lived climate-forcer: assessing the linearity of the NOx -
O3 chemical system ............................................ 164
   S.J. Freeman, L.L. Lim and D.S. Lee
Arctic black carbon from on-road diesel and aircraft
emissions ..................................................... 170
   G. Pitari, G. Di Genova
Impact on climate, metric and mitigation
Aviation impacts on climate: Where are we heading? ............ 176
   L.L. Lim, К. Walker, В. Owen, D.S. Lee
REACT4C: Simplified Mitigation Studies	_ 181
   L.L. Lim, D.S. Lee, В. Owen, A. Skowron. S. Maіthes,
   U. Burkhardt. S. Dietmüller, G. Pitari. G. Di Genova,
   D. Iachetti, I. Isaksen. O.A. Søvde
The global impact of weather-dependent climate-optimal
trajectories in the North Atlantic ............................ 186
   S. Matthes, S. Dietmьller, O.A. Søvde, L.L. Lim,
   A. Skowron, D. Iachetti, G. Pitari

Interdisciplinary Topicy
The DLR Transport and the Environment Project - Building
competency for a sustainable mobility future .................. 192
   A. Henning. M. Plohr. E.D. Özdemir, M. Hepting,
   H. Keimel, S. Sanok, R. Sausen, Т. Pregger, S. Seum,
   M. Heinrichs, S. Müller, С. Winkler, Т. Neumann,
   О. Seebach, V. Matthias, В. Vogel

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