(Forschungsbericht; 2016-45 (Koln, 2016). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаWang Y. Advances in Meter-resolution Multipass Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry: Diss. … Dr-Ing. / Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Institut für Methodik der Fernerkundung, Oberpfaffenhofen. - Köln: DLR, 2016. - 190 S.: Ill. - (Forschungsbericht; 2016-45). - Res. also Germ. - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - ISSN 1434-8454
(Pr 1120/2016-45) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Abstract ........................................................ i
Zusammenfassung ............................................... iii
List of Abbreviations ........................................... v
List of Symbols ............................................... vii

1  Introduction ................................................. 1
1.1  Motivations and Objectives ................................. 1
1.2  Thesis Outline ............................................. 2

2  Basics ....................................................... 3
2.1  Single-look SAR Signal ..................................... 3
     2.1.1  Point Scatterer ..................................... 3
     2.1.2  Distributed Scatterer ............................... 3
     2.1.3  Layover of Scatter ers .............................. 4
2.2  Multipass InSAR ............................................ 4
     2.2.1  Single-look InSAR Statistics ........................ 5
2.3  The Relativeness of Multipass InSAR Estimates .............. 6
2.4  Robust Estimation .......................................... 8
     2.4.1  Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) .................. 9
     2.4.2  M-estimator ......................................... 9
     2.4.3  Influence Function ................................. 10

3    State-of-the-art of Multipass SAR Interferometry .......... 12
3.1  State-of-the-art .......................................... 12
     3.1.1  Persistent Scatterer Interferometry ................ 12
     3.1.2  Small Baseline Subset .............................. 15
     3.1.3  SqueeSAR (Adaptive Multilooking) ................... 17
     3.1.4  SAR Tomography and Differential SAR Tomography ..... 18
     3.1.5  InSAR Point Cloud Fusion ........................... 20
     3.1.6  Optical and SAR Images Fusion ...................... 21
3.2  Contribution of this Thesis ............................... 22
     3.2.1  Computationally Efficient TomoSAR Inversion ........ 22
     3.2.2  TomoSAR Point Cloud Fusion ......................... 22
     3.2.3  InSAR Optical Fusion ............................... 22
     3.2.4  Robust Estimators .................................. 22

4    Summary of the Work ....................................... 24
4.1  Computationally Efficient Tomographic SAR Inversion ....... 24
     4.1.1  Pre-classification of Single and Double
            Scatterers ......................................... 24
     4.1.2  Computational Cost Analysis ........................ 27
     4.1.3  Tomographic Reconstruction of Entire City .......... 27
4.2  Automatic Feature-based TomoSAR Point Cloud Fusion ........ 29
     4.2.1  Point Density Estimation ........................... 29
     4.2.2  L-shape End Point Estimation ....................... 30
     4.2.3  Fusion Result ...................................... 33
4.3  Semantic Interpretation of InSAR Estimates Using Optical
     Images .................................................... 34
     4.3.1  Geometric Co-registration of Optical Images and
            InSAR Point Cloud .................................. 34
     4.3.2  TomoSAR Point Cloud Rendering ...................... 38
     4.3.3  Practical Demonstration ............................ 41
4.4  Robust Estimators for Multipass SAR Interferometry ........ 44
     4.4.1  Robust Covariance Matrix Estimators ................ 44
     4.4.2  Generalized Rank Covariance Estimator .............. 49
     4.4.3  Robust Phase History Parameters Estimators ......... 51
     4.4.4  Practical Demonstration of the Robust InSAR
            Optimization ....................................... 54

5    Conclusion and Outlook .................................... 60
5.1  Conclusion ................................................ 60
5.2  Outlook ................................................... 61

References ..................................................... 63
Acknowledgement ................................................ 75
Appendices ..................................................... 76
A    Wang Y., Zhu X., Bamler R. (2014) An Efficient 
     Tomographic Inversion Approach for Urban Mapping Using
     Meter Resolution SAR Image Stacks. IEEE Geoscience and
     Remote Sensing Letters, 11 (7): 1250-1254 ................. 77
В    Wang Y., Zhu X. (2015a) Automatic Feature-based Geometric
     Fusion of Multi-view TomoSAR Point Clouds in Urban Area.
     IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth
     Observation and Remote Sensing, 8(3): 953-965 ............. 85
С    Wang Y., Zhu X., Zeisl B., Pollefeys M. (2015b) Fusing
     Meter-Resolution 4-D InSAR Point Clouds and Optical
     Images for Semantic Urban Infrastructure Monitoring.
     IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,
     in press ................................................. 101
D    Wang Y., Zhu X., Bamler R. (2012) Retrieval of Phase
     History Parameters from Distributed Scatterers in Urban
     Areas Using Very High Resolution SAR Data. ISPRS
     Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 73: 89-99 .. 147
E    Wang Y., Zhu X. (2015c) Robust Estimators in Multipass
     SAR Interferometry. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and
     Remote Sensing, 54 (2): 1-13 ............................. 161
F    Publishers Copyright Policies ............................ 177

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