The Unique U.S.-Russian relationship in biological science and biotechnology: recent experience and future directions (Washington, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы
ОбложкаThe Unique U.S.-Russian relationship in biological science and biotechnology: recent experience and future directions / Comm. on U.S.-Russia bioengagement development, security, a. cooperation policy a. global affairs, Nat. research council of the Nat. acad. in cooperation with Russ. acad. of sciences. - Washington: National academies press, 2013. - xi, 244 p.: ill. - Bibliogr.: p.131-133. - ISBN 13: 978-0-309-26980-3. - ISBN 10: 0-309-26980-6
Шифр: (И/Е-U55) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Summary ......................................................... 1
Introduction ................................................... 11
1  Importance of U.S.-Russian Bioengagement .................... 23
2  Ensuring Appropriate Use of Biological Assets ............... 39
3  Advancing the Frontiers of Biological Research .............. 51
4  Application of Science in the Public and Private Sectors .... 61
5  Programs with Regional and Global Reaches ................... 73
6  Impacts of Bilateral Programs and Projects .................. 93
7  Impediments in Carrying Out Approved and Funded 
   Collaborative Projects ...................................... 91
8  Lessons Learned ............................................ 101
9  Strategies and Coordination ................................ 109
10 Recommendations for Future Bioengagement ................... 115

Appendix A. Available Resources ............................... 123
A.1  Biographical Sketches of Committee Members ............... 125
A.2  Relevant Reports of National Academies, Books, and 
     Other Publications ....................................... 131
A.3  Organizations Consulted .................................. 135

Appendix В. Examples of U.S.-Russian Agreements of Special
Relevance for Bioengagement ................................... 137

Appendix С. Activities in Bioengagement of Selected U.S.
Government Departments and Agencies ........................... 139
C.l  Department of State ...................................... 141
C.2  Defense Threat Reduction Agency .......................... 143
C.3  Department of Energy ..................................... 151
C.4  Department of Health and Human Services .................. 157
C.5  National Institutes of Health ............................ 169
C.6  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ............... 173
C.7  National Science Foundation .............................. 177
C.8  U.S. Agency for International Development ................ 179
C.9  Environmental Protection Agency .......................... 183
C.10 Agricultural Research Service ............................ 185
C.ll Fish and Wildlife Service ................................ 189

Appendix D. Interest of Selected Russian Research
Institutions with Active Bioengagement Programs ............... 191
D.l  State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology,
     Vector ................................................... 193
D.2  All-Russian Research Institute of Phytopathology ......... 195
D.3  Research Institute of Influenza .......................... 197
D.4  Selected Institutes of the Siberian Branch of the 
     Russian Academy of Sciences .............................. 199

Appendix E. Activities of Other Organizations ................. 205
E.l  Bilateral Presidential Commission ........................ 207
E.2  International Science and Technology Center .............. 209
E.3  Skolkovo Foundation and Innovation Center ................ 217
E.4  Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology ............. 219
E.5  Rusnano and Other Russian Investors ...................... 221

Appendix F. Other Topics of Interest .......................... 223
F.1  U.S.-Russian Joint Peer-Reviewed Articles, Reviews, and
     Conference Proceedings ................................... 225
F.2  Russian Research Personnel and Funding ................... 227
F.3  Russia's Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Sectors ........ 229
F.4  Assessment of Developments in Agrobiotechnology in the
     United States and Russia ................................. 233
F.5  Scientific Forum for Biomedical and Behavioral Research .. 239
F.6  Funding and Related Mechanisms ........................... 243

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