Selected topics of computational and experimental fluid mechanics (Cham, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаSelected topics of computational and experimental fluid mechanics / eds.: J.Klapp et al. - Cham: Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2015. - xxv, 548 p.: ill., tab. - (Environmental science and engineering. Envirinmental science). - Bibliogr. at the end of the art. - ISBN 978-3-319-11486-6; ISSN 1863-5520; ISSN 1431-6250
Шифр: (И/В25-S45) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Part I. Invited Lectures
Compositional Flow in Fractured Porous Media: Mathematical 
Background and Basic Physics .................................... 3
Leonardo Di G. Sigalotti, Eloy Sira, Leonardo Trujillo and
Jaime Klapp
Turbulent Thermal Convection ................................... 37
Enrico Fonda and Katepalli R. Sreenivasan
Dissipative Particle Dynamics: A Method to Simulate Soft
Matter Systems in Equilibrium and Under Flow ................... 51
C. Pastorino and A. Gama Goicochea
Flow Coherence: Distinguishing Cause from Effect ............... 81
F.J. Beron Vera
Parametrisation in Dissipative Particle Dynamics:
Applications in Complex Fluids ................................. 91
Estela Mayoral-Villa and Eduardo Nahmad-Achar
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics for Free-Surface Flows ........ 119
A. Barreiro, J.M. Dominguez, A.J.C. Crespo, O. Garcia-Feal
and M. Gómez Gesteira
Numerical Modelling of the Extratropical Storm Delta Over
Canary Islands: Importance of High Resolution ................. 137
O. Jorba, C. Marrero, E. Cuevas and J.M. Baldasano
Four-Winged Flapping Flyer in Forward Flight .................. 147
R. Godoy-Diana, P. Jain, M. Centeno, A. Weinreb and B. Thiria
Flows from Bins: New Results .................................. 159
D.A. Serrano, A. Medina, G. Ruiz Chavarría and F. Sanchez
Some Aspects of Turbulence Role in Oceanic Currents ........... 179
A. Ruiz Angulo
Alya Red CCM: HPC-Based Cardiac Computational Modelling ....... 189
M. Vázquez, R. Aris, J. Aguado-Sierra, G. Houzeaux,
A. Santiago, M. López, P. Córdoba, M. Rivero and J.C. Cajas
Singularities in Surface Waves ................................ 209
G.	Ruiz Chavarria and T. Rodriguez Luna

Part II. Multiphase Flow and Granular Media Isotherms of
Natural and Forced Convection Around
a Heated Horizontal Cylinder Embedded in a Porous Medium ...... 229
M. Sánchez, A. Torres, F. Aragón, I. Carvajal and A. Medina
Parameter Estimation in a Model for Tracer Transport
in One-Dimensional Fractals ................................... 239
E.C. Herrera-Hernández and M. Coronado
Mixed Convection in a Rectangular Enclosure
with Temperature-Dependent Viscosity and Viscous Dissipation .. 253
A. Gómez López, B. Estela García Rojas, R.O. Vargas Aguilar
and L.A. Martinez-Suástegui
Characterization of a Bubble Curtain for PIV Measurements ..... 261
R.G. Ramírez de la Torre, D.C. Vargas-Ortega,
M.S. Centeno-Sierra, R. Méndez-Fragoso and C. Stern Forgach
Numerical Simulation of a Gas-Stirred Ladle ................... 271
H. Zambrano, A. Bencomo, L. Trujillo and L. Di G. Sigalotti
Folding of the Apolipoprotein Al Driven by the Salt
Concentration as a Possible Mechanism to Improve
Cholesterol Trapping .......................................... 281
M.A. Balderas Altamirano, A. Gama Goicochea and E. Pérez
Contents xiii Graphical Analysis of Fluid Flow Through
Polymeric Complex Structures Using Multi-scale Simulations .... 293
Estela Mayoral-Villa, Mario A. Rodríguez-Meza, Jaime Klapp,
Eduardo de la Cruz-Sánchez, César Ruiz-Ferrel and Aaron
Mass Flow Rate of Granular Material from an L-Valve
Without Aeration .............................................. 303
D.A. Serrano, G. Ruiz Chavarría, S. Álvarez and A. Medina

Part III. Convection and Diffusion
Heat Transfer in Biological Tissues ........................... 313
M.E. Bravo, P. De Jesús Sánchez, R.O. Vargas Aguilar and
A.E. Chávez
Simulation of In-situ Combustion in a Matrix-Fracture
System at Laboratory Scale .................................... 321
O. Cazarez-Candia and C.G. Aguilar-Madera
Numerical Simulation of In-situ Combustion in a Fracture-
Porous Medium System .......................................... 329
O. Cazarez-Candia, P.V. Verazaluce-Barragán and
J.R. Hernández-Pérez
Mathematical Modeling of Steam Injection in Vertical Wells .... 339
F. Aguilar-Gastelum and O. Cazarez-Candia
Oxygen Transport Under Combustion Conditions
in a Fracture-Porous Medium System ............................ 347
O. Cazarez-Candia, G. Rojas Altamirano and
C.G. Aguilar-Madera
Numerical Simulation of the Flow in an Open Cavity with Heat
and Mass Transfer ............................................. 357
G.E. Ovando Chacon, S.L. Ovando Chacon, J.C. Prince
Avelino, A. Servin Martínez and J.A. Hernández Zarate
3D Numerical Simulation of Rayleigh-Benard Convection
in a Cylindrical Container .................................... 367
N.Y. Sánchez Torres, E.J. López Sánchez, S. Hernández Zapata
and G. Ruiz Chavarría
Solidification in the Presence of Natural Convection
in a Hele-Shaw Cell ........................................... 375
G. Ramírez, J.E. Cisneros, G. Hernández Cruz and E. Ramos
Confinement and Interaction Effects on the Diffusion
of Passive Particles .......................................... 385
A. Gonzalez, E. Diaz Herrera, M. Sandoval, M.A. Chavez Rojo
and J.A. Moreno Razo
Thermal Convection in a Cylindrical Enclosure with Wavy
Sidewall ...................................................... 395
F.A. Sanchez Cruz, S. Martínez Martínez, H.G. Ramírez
Hernández and S. Méndez Díaz

Part IV. Vortex, Oceanography and Meteorology
Numerical Simulation of the Flow Past a Pair of Magnetic
Obstacles ..................................................... 415
J. Román, A. Beltrán and S. Cuevas
Steady and Unsteady Vortex Flow Generated by Electromagnetic
Forcing ....................................................... 427
C.G. Lara, A. Figueroa and S. Cuevas
Numerical Simulation of a Spanwise Vortex in a Periodic
Forced Flow ................................................... 439
E.J. López-Sánchez and G. Ruíz Chavarría
Erosion and Deposition of Particles in a Periodic Forced
Flow .......................................................... 447
P. Villamil Sapien, I. Sánchez Calvo González,
E.J. López-Sánchez and G. Ruíz Chavarría

Part V. General Fluid Dynamics and Applications
Numerical and Simplified Analytical Solutions
for Typical Spillways ......................................... 457
F. Rojano, A. Rojano, W. Ojeda, R. Mercado, M. Iniguez and
T. Espinosa
Modeling and Simulation of a Biopolymer Processing
in a Single Screw Extruder .................................... 465
U. Romero Ortiz, A. López Villa and R.O. Vargas Aguilar
Contents xv An Analytical Solution for Friction Stir Welding
ofanAISI 1018 Steel ........................................... 473
V.H. Ferrer L., C.A. Hernández C. and R.O. Vargas Aguilar
Numerical Simulation of Water Flow in a Venturi Tube
Using the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Method .............. 481
C.E. Alvarado-Rodríguez, A. Aviles, J. Klapp and
F.I. Gomez-Castro
Dynamic Behavior of a Drop on a Vertically Oscillating
Surface ....................................................... 489
Fátima Flores Galicia, Flor Guadalupe Haro Velázquez,
Gerardo Rangel Paredes, David Porta Zepeda, Carlos
Echeverría Arjonilla and Catalina Stern Forgach
Critical Phenomena of a Drop Through a Stratified Fluid ....... 497
Verónica Álvarez González, Angélica Zarazúa Cruz, Carlos
Echeverria Arjonilla, David Porta Zepeda and Catalina Stern
Accretion Centers Induced in a Molecular Cloud Core
After a Penetrating Collision ................................. 505
G. Arreaga-Garcia and J. Klapp
Numerical Simulations of Interacting Galaxies: Bar
Morphology .................................................... 515
J.C. Luna Sánchez, M.A. Rodríguez Meza, A. Arrieta and
R. Gabbasov
A Newtonian Approach to the Cosmological Dark Fluids .......... 527
A. Aviles, J.L. Cervantes-Cota, J. Klapp, O. Luongo and
H. Quevedo
Capillary Rise in a Taylor-Hauksbee Cell with a Tilted Edge ... 541
A. Jara, S. de Santiago, F.J. Higuera, M. Pliego, A. Medina
and C.A. Vargas

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