Annual report for the year. 56: for the year 2015 (Ceske Budejovice, 2016). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAnnual report for the year. 56: for the year 2015 / Hydrobiologicky ustav (Ceske Budejovice), Biologicke centrum AV CR. - Ceske Budejovice: Biology centre AS CR, 2016. - 46 p.: ill. - ISSN 1210-9629
Шифр: (И/Е08-Н99/56) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Director's preface / Úvod ředitele ústavu ..................... 6/7

Departments / Oddělení ...................................... 10/11
Department of Hydrochemistry and Ecosystem Modelling ........... 10
Oddělení hydrochemie a ekosystémového modelování ............... 11
Department of Aquatic Microbial Ecology ........................ 14
Oddělení mikrobiálni ekologie vody ............................. 15
Department of Fish and Zooplankton Ecology ..................... 20
Oddělení ekologie ryb a zooplanktonu ........................... 21

Current Research Highlights / Shrnutf nejdůležitĕjších
projektů ....................................................... 26
The effect of solar light on key members of freshwater
   Betaproteobacteria .......................................... 26
Phytoplankton responses to environmental forcing - lessons
   learned from 30 years of monitoring the Rimov Reservoir
   (GACR 2015-2017) ............................................ 27
Do long-term zooplankton data in the Slapy Reservoir reflect
   land use and / or climate changes in the past 50 years? ..... 28
Changes in fish isotopic signals: linking land use and
   reservoir food webs ......................................... 29

Recent Research Outputs / Vybrané výsledky ..................... 31
Integrated soil and water conservation in the catchment of
   Drachensee reservoir ........................................ 31
Integrovaná ochrana půdy a vody v povodí Drachensee ............ 31
Hydroacoustical distinguishing between fish and bubbles, and
   quantification of methane bubble ebullition in temperate
   freshwater reservoirs ....................................... 33
Non-fish prey in the diet of an exclusive piscivore, the
   Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis ............................. 34
Dominance and high diversity of rotifers driven by the water
   flow regime and repeated disturbance by huge flood events
   in a mountain pond .......................................... 35

Data and Statistics ............................................ 36
Regular monitoring of the reservoirs Slapy and Rimov:
   dissolved and dispersed substances in reservoir water ....... 36
Regular monitoring of the reservoirs Slapy and Rimov:
   microbial characteristics, chlorophyll and zooplankton ...... 37
Projects ....................................................... 38
Students' theses finished in 2015 .............................. 40
Publications ................................................... 41

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