Hydrogeological and environmental investigations in Karst systems (Berlin; Heidelberg, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаHydrogeological and environmental investigations in Karst systems / eds.: B.Andreo. - Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2015. - xxv, 638 p.: ill., tab. - (Environmental Earth sciences; vol.1). - Bibliogr. at the end of the art. - ISBN 978-3-642-17434-6; ISSN 1866-6280
Шифр: (И/Д47-99) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Comparative Study of the Physicochemical Response of Two
Karst Systems During Contrasting Flood Events in the French
Jura Mountains .................................................. 1
C. Cholet, M. Steinmann, J.-B. Charlier and S. Denimal
Spatial and Temporal Hydrodynamic Variations of Flow
in the Karst Vadose Zone (Rustrel, France) in Function of
Depth and Fracturing Density ................................... 11
A. Barbel-Perineau, C. Emblanch and C. Danquigny
Characterization of the Functionality of Karstic Systems
Based on the Study of the SIc-PCO2 Relation ..................... 19
S. Minvielle, N. Peyraube, R. Lastennet and A. Denis
Contribution of Hydrogeological Time Series Statistical
Analysis to the Study of Karst Unsaturated Zone (Rustrel,
France) ........................................................ 27
C. Ollivier, C. Danquigny, N. Mazzilli and A. Barbel-Perineau
Transmissive and Capacitive Behavior of the Unsaturated Zone
in Devonian Limestones, Implications for the Functioning
of the Epikarstic Aquifer: An Introduction ..................... 35
A. Poulain, G. Rochez, I. Bonniver and V. Hallet
Feasibility and Limits of Electrical Resistivity Tomography
to Monitor Water Infiltration Through Karst Medium During
a Rainy Event .................................................. 45
S.D. Carrière, K. Chalikakis, C. Danquigny, R. Clément and
C. Emblanch
Role of the Soil-Epikarst-Unsaturated Zone in the
Hydrogeological Functioning of Karst Aquifers. The Case
of the Sierra Gorda de Villanueva del Trabuco Aquifer
(Southern Spain) ............................................... 57
M. Mudarra and B. Andreo
Significance of Preferential Infiltration Areas for
Groundwater Recharge Rate Estimated with APLIS in the
Mountain Karst Aquifer System of Sierra de las Nieves
(Southern Spain) ............................................... 67
C. Guardiola-Albert, S. Martos-Rosillo, J.J. Durán,
E. Pardo-Igúzquiza, P.A. Robledo-Ardila and J.A. Luque
A Method for Automatic Detection and Delineation of Karst
Depressions and Hills .......................................... 75
E. Pardo-Igúzquiza, J.J. Durán, P.A. Robledo-Ardila,
J.A. Luque-Espinar, A. Pedrera, C. Guardiola-Albert and
S. Martos-Rosillo
Comparison of the APLIS and Modified-APLIS Methods to
Estimate the Recharge in Fractured Karst Aquifer,
Amazonas, Peru ................................................. 83
K. Espinoza, M. Marina, J.H. Fortuna and F. Altamirano
Synthesis of Groundwater Recharge of Carbonate Aquifers
in the Betic Cordillera (Southern Spain) ....................... 91
S. Martos-Rosillo, A. González-Ramón, P. Jiménez, J.J. Durán,
B. Andreo and E. Mancera-Molero
Recharge Processes of Karst Massifs: Examples from Southern
Italy ......................................................... 103
F. Fiorillo and M. Pagnozzi
Use of Tracing Tests to Study the Impact of Boundary
Conditions on the Transfer Function of Karstic Aquifers ....... 113
L. Duran, M. Fournier, N. Massei and J.-P. Dupont
A Computer Method for Separating Hard to Separate Dye
Tracers ....................................................... 123
P.-A. Schnegg
Standardized Approach for Conducting Tracing Tests in Order
to Validate and Refine Vulnerability Mapping Criteria ......... 131
M. Sinreich and A. Pochon
Hydrogeological Characterization of Karst Tributaries of the
San Franciscan Depression, River Corrente, West Bahia,
Brazil ........................................................ 139
C.C. Bicalho, M. Berbert-Born and E. Silva-Filho
Middle Term Evolution of Water Chemistry in a Karst River:
Example from the Loue River (Jura Mountains, Eastern France)... 147
J. Mudry, F. Degiorgi, E. Lucot and P.-M. Badot
Hydrologic Influences of the Blanco River on the Trinity
and Edwards Aquifers, Central Texas, USA ...................... 153
B.A. Smith, B.B. Hunt, A.G. Andrews, J.A. Watson,
M.O. Gary, D.A. Wierman and A.S. Broun
Chemical, Thermal and Isotopic Evidences of Water Mixing
in the Discharge Area of Torrox Karst Spring (Southern
Spain) ........................................................ 163
J.A. Barberá and B. Andreo
Characterization of Carbonate Aquifers (Sierra de Grazalema,
S Spain) by Means of Hydrodynamic and Hydrochemical Tools ..... 171
D. Sánchez, B. Andreo, M. López, M.J. González and
M. Mudarra
In Situ Study of Hydrochemical Response of a Fractured-
Layered Carbonate Regional Aquifer: Comparative
Analyses of Natural Infiltration and Artificial Leakage
of a Large Dam Lake (Vouglans, Jura, France) .................. 181
C. Bertrand, Y. Guglielmi, S. Denimal, J. Mudry and G. Deveze
Spatiotemporal Variations of Soil CO2 in Chenqi, Puding, SW
China: The Effects of Weather and LUCC ........................ 191
R. Yang, M. Zhao, C. Zeng, B. Chen and Z. Liu
Characterization and Dynamics of Two Karst Springs in a
Soil-Covered Karst Area, Lagoa Santa, Southeastern Brazil ..... 207
P.F.P. Pessoa and A.S. Auler
The Karst Hydrostructure of the Mount Canin (Julian Alps,
Italy and Slovenia) ........................................... 219
L. Zini, G. Casagrande, C. Calligaris, F. Cucchi, P. Manca,
F. Treu, E. Zavagno and S. Biolchi
Analysis of Groundwater Pathways by High Temporal
Resolution Water Temperature Logging in the Castleton Karst,
Derbyshire, England ........................................... 227
J. Gunn
Oxygen Isotope Composition Snapshot of Spring Waters
in a Karstified Plateau ....................................... 237
P. Malík, I. Slaninka, J. Švasta and J. Michalko
Groundwater Isotopic Characterization in Ordesa and Monte
Perdido National Park (Northern Spain) ........................ 245
L.J. Lambán, J. Jódar and E. Custodio
Methodological Procedure for Evaluating Storage Reserves
in Carbonate Aquifers Subjected to Groundwater Mining:
The Solana Aquifer (Alicante, SE Spain) ....................... 255
A. Ruiz-Constán, C. Marín-Lechado, S. Martos-Rosillo,
C. Fernández-Leyva, J.L. García-Lobón, A. Pedrera,
J.A. López-Geta, J.A. Hernandez Bravo and L. Rodríguez-
Structural Characterization of a Karstic Aquifer Based on
Gravity and Magnetics: Los Chotos-Sazadilla-Los Nacimientos
(Jaén, SE Spain) .............................................. 263
A. Ruiz-Constán, J.P. González de Aguilar, A. Pedrera,
S. Martos-Rosillo, J. Galindo-Zaldívar and C. Martín-
Fractal Modeling and Estimation of Karst Conduit Porosity ..... 271
E. Pardo-Igúzquiza, J.J. Durán, P.A. Robledo-Ardila and
C. Paredes
Integral Porosity Estimation of the Sierra de Las Nieves
Karst Aquifer (Málaga, Spain) ................................. 277
E. Pardo-Igúzquiza, J.A. Luque-Espinar, J.J. Durán,
A. Pedrera, S. Martos-Rosillo, C. Guardiola-Albert and
P.A. Robledo-Ardila
A Three-Dimensional Karst Aquifer Model: The Sierra de Las
Nieves Case (Málaga, Spain) ................................... 285
E. Pardo-Igúzquiza, J.J. Durán and P.A. Robledo-Ardila
How Karst Areas Amplify or Attenuate River Flood Peaks?
A Response Using a Diffusive Wave Model with Lateral Flows .... 293
J.-B. Charlier, R. Moussa, V. Bailly-Comte, J.-F. Desprats
and B. Ladouche
Comparison Between Hydrodynamic Simulation and Available
Data in a Karst Coastal Aquifer: The Case of Almyros Spring,
Crete Island, Greece .......................................... 303
A. Archontelis and J. Ganoulis
Assessing Freshwater Resources in Coastal Karstic Aquifer
Using a Lumped Model: The Port-Miou Brackish Spring
(SE France) ................................................... 313
B.	Arfib and J.-B. Charlier
Groundwater Flow Modeling in a Karst Area, Blau Valley,
Germany ....................................................... 323
C.	Neukum, J. Song, H.J. Köhler, S. Hennings and R. Azzam
Multi-scale Assessment of Hydrodynamic Properties in a Karst
Aquifer (Lez, France) ......................................... 331
A. Dausse, H. Jourde and V. Léonardi
KARSTMOD: A Generic Modular Reservoir Model Dedicated
to Spring Discharge Modeling and Hydrodynamic Analysis
in Karst ...................................................... 339
H. Jourde, N. Mazzilli, N. Lecoq, B. Arfib and D. Bertin
Relating Land Surface Information and Model Parameters
for a Karst System in Southern Spain .......................... 345
A. Hartmann, M. Mudarra, A. Marin, B. Andreo and T. Wagener
Neural Networks Model as Transparent Box: Toward
Extraction of Proxies to Better Assess Karst/River
Interactions (Coulazou Catchment, South of France) ............ 353
L. Kong-A-Siou, H. Jourde and A. Johannet
Neural Networks for Karst Spring Management. Case of the Lez
Spring (Southern France) ...................................... 361
L. Kong-A-Siou, V. Borrell-Estupina, A. Johannet and
S. Pistre
Nonlinear System Engineering Techniques Applied to
the Fuenmayor Karst Spring, Huesca (Spain) .................... 371
J.A. Cuchí, D. Chinarro and J.L. Villarroel
Controlling Factors of Wormhole Growth in Karst Aquifers ...... 379
Y. Cabeza, J.J. Hidalgo and J. Carrera
An Example of Karst Catchment Delineation for Prioritizing
the Protection of an Intact Natural Area ...................... 387
V. Ristic Vakanjac, Z. Stevanovic, M. Aleksandra,
B. Vakanjac and C.I. Marina
Assessment of Groundwater Vulnerability in Croatian Karstic
Aquifer in Jadro and Žrnovnica Springs Catchment Area ......... 397
J. Loborec, S. Kapelj, D. Dogančić and A.P. čić
Extension of DRASTIC Approach for Dynamic Vulnerability
Assessment in Fissured Area: Application to the Angad
Aquifer (Morocco) ............................................. 407
M. Amharref, R. Bouchnan and A.-S. Bernoussi
Validation of Vulnerability Assessment Using Time Series
Analysis—the Case of the Korentan Spring, SW Slovenia ......... 415
G. Kovačić and N. Ravbar
Safeguard Zones and Activities Permitted Cartography:
Application in Carbonate Aquifers of Southern of Spain ........ 425
A. Jiménez-Madrid, F. Carrasco and C. Martínez Assessment of
Groundwater Contamination in Yucatan Peninsula (Mexico) by
Geostatistical Analysis ....................................... 433
R. Alcaraz, E. Graniel, A.F. Castro and I. Vadillo
An Emblematic Case of Pollution of Wells and Karst Springs
Supplying the City of Ragusa (South-Eastern Sicily) ........... 441
R. Ruggieri
Attenuation of Bacteriological Contaminants in Karstic
Siphons and Relative Barrier Purifiers: Case Examples from
Carpathian Karst in Serbia .................................... 449
L. Vasić, Z. Stevanović, S. Milanović and B. Petrović
Impact of a Tunnel on a Karst Aquifer: Application
on the Brunnmuhle Springs (Bernese Jura, Switzerland) ......... 457
A. Malard, P.-Y. Jeannin and D. Rickerl
Hydrogeological Risks of Mining in Mountainous Karstic
Terrain: Lessons Learned in the Peruvian Andes ................ 465
D. Evans
Karstic Hydrogeology of the Uchucchacua Underground Mine
(Perú) and Its Interaction with Surface Waters ................ 477
D. Apaza-Idme, A. Pulido-Bosch and F. Sanchez-Martos
Caves and Mining in Brazil: The Dilemma of Cave Preservation
Within a Mining Context ....................................... 487
A.S. Auler and L.B. Piló
Definition of Microclimatic Conditions in a Karst Cavity:
Rull Cave (Alicante, Spain) ................................... 497
C. Pla, J.J. Galiana-Merino, J. Cuevas-González, J.M. Andreu,
J.C. Cañaveras, S. Cuezva, A. Fernández-Cortés,
E. García-Antón, S. Sánchez-Moral and D. Benavente
Natural Ventilation of Karstic Caves: New Data on the Nerja
Cave (Malaga, S of Spain) ..................................... 505
C. Liñán and Y. del Rosal
Environmental Study of Cave Waters: A Case Study in Las
Herrerías Cave (Llanes, Spain) ................................ 513
M. Meléndez, M. Jiménez-Sánchez, I. Vadillo, H. Stoll,
M.J. Domínguez-Cuesta, D. Ballesteros, E. Martos,
L. Rodríguez-Rodríguez and J. García-Sansegundo
Climate-Driven Changes on Storage and Sink of Carbon Dioxide
in Subsurface Atmosphere of Karst Terrains .................... 523
A. Fernández-Cortés, S. Cuezva, E. García-Antón,
M. Alvárez-Gallego, D. Benavente, J.M. Calaforra and
S. Sánchez-Moral
A Field Analog of CO2-Closed Conditions in a Karstified
Carbonate Aquifer (Nerja Cave Experimental Site, South
Spain) ........................................................ 533
J. Benavente, I. Vadillo, C. Liñán, F. Carrasco and
A. Soler
Terrestrial Laser Scanning for 3D Cave Reconstruction:
Support for Geomorphological Analyses and Geoheritage
Enjoyment and Use ............................................. 543
A. Marsico, M. Infante, V. Iurilli and D. Capolongo
A Laser Technique for Capturing Cross Sections in Dry
and Underwater Caves .......................................... 551
A. Schiller and S. Pfeiler
Climate Variability During the Middle-Late Pleistocene Based
on Stalagmite from Organos Cave (Sierra de Camorra,
Southern Spain) ............................................... 559
C. Jiménez de Cisneros, E. Caballero, B. Andreo and
J.J. Durán
Trace Elements in Speleothems as Indicators of Past Climate
and Karst Hydrochemistry: A Case Study from Kaite Cave
(N Spain) ..................................................... 569
J.A. Cruz, J. Martín-Chivelet, A. Marín-Roldán, M.J. Turrero,
R.L. Edwards, A.I. Ortega and J.O. Cáceres
Variations in Trace Elements of Drip Waters in Kaite Cave
(N Spain): Significance in Terms of Present and Past
Processes in the Karst System ................................. 579
M.J. Turrero, A. Garralón, L. Sánchez, A.I. Ortega,
J. Martín-Chivelet, P. Gómez and A. Escribano
Striped Karren on Snake Mountain above Kunming
(Yunnan, China) ............................................... 589
M. Knez, L. Hong and T. Slabe
Influence of the Rivers on Speleogenesis Combining KARSYS
Approach and Cave Levels. Picos de Europa, Spain .............. 599
D. Ballesteros, A. Malard, P.-Y. Jeannin, M. Jiménez-
Sánchez, J. García-Sansegundo, M. Meléndez-Asensio and
G. Sendra
Geodiversity of a Tropical Karst Zone in South-East Mexico .... 609
P. Fragoso-Servón, A. Pereira, O. Frausto and F. Bautista
Geoheritage and Geodiversity Evaluation of Endokarst
Landscapes: The Picos de Europa National Park, North Spain .... 619
D. Ballesteros, M. Jiménez-Sánchez, M.J. Domínguez-Cuesta,
J. García-Sansegundo and M. Meléndez-Asensio
Hydrogeochemical and Isotopic Characterization of Karstic
Endorheic Estaña Lakes (Huesca, Spain) ........................ 629
C. Pérez Bielsa, L.J. Lambán Jiménez and P. Martínez Santos

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