Advances in structured operator theory and related areas: the Leonid Lerer anniversary volume (Basel, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAdvances in structured operator theory and related areas: the Leonid Lerer anniversary volume / eds.: M.A.Kaashoek et al. - Basel: Springer/Birhauser, 2013. - xix, 246 p.: phot. - (Operator theory: advances and applications; vol.237). - Bibliogr. at the end of the art. - ISBN 978-3-0348-0638-1; ISSN 0255-0156
Шифр: (И/В16-А22) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ....................................................... vii
Portrait of Leonid Lerer ..................................... viii
Leonid Lerer's Curriculum Vitae ................................ ix
Leonid Lerer's List of Publications .......................... xiii

M.A. Kaashoek
Leonia Lerer's Mathematical Work and Amsterdam Visits ........... 1
H. Bart
Leonia Lerer and My First Visit to Israel ....................... 9
I. Karelin
Through the Eyes of a Student .................................. 11
A.C.M. Ran
Reminiscences on Visits to Haifa ............................... 13
H.J. Woerdeman
My First Research Experience ................................... 15
J.A. Ball and V. Bolotnikov
Interpolation in Sub-Bergman Spaces ............................ 17
H. Bart, T. Ehrhardt and B. Silbermann
Zero Sums of Idempotents and Banach Algebras Failing
to be Spectrally Regular ....................................... 41
T. Bella, Y. Eidelman, I. Gohberg, V. Olshevsky and
E. Tyrtyshnikov 
Fast Inversion of Polynomial-Vandermonde Matrices for 
Polynomial Systems Related to Order One
Quasiseparable Matrices ........................................ 79
H. Dym and M. Porat
Long Proofs of Two Carlson Schneider Type Inertia Theorems .... 107
T. Ehrhardt and I.M. Spitkovsky
On the Kernel and Cokernel of Some Toeplitz Operators ......... 127
A.E. Frazho, M.A. Kaashoek and A.C.M. Ran
Rational Matrix Solutions of a Bezout Type Equation
on the Half-plane ............................................. 145
M.A. Kaashoek and F. van Schagen
Inverting Structured Operators Related to Toeplitz Plus
Hankel Operators .............................................. 161
P. Lancaster and I. Zaballa
On the Sign Characteristics of Selfadjoint Matrix 
Polynomials ................................................... 189
Yu.I. Lyubich
Quadratic Operators in Banach Spaces and Nonassociative
Banach Algebras ............................................... 197
L. Rodman
Strong Stability of Invariant Subspaces of Quaternion 
Matrices ...................................................... 221
H.J. Woerdeman
Determinantal Representations of Stable; Polynomials .......... 241

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