Banach center publications. Vol.108: Algebra, logic and number theory (Warszawa, 2016). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаBanach center publications. Vol.108: Algebra, logic and number theory: proc. of the 3rd Joint conf. on algebra, logic a. number theory, June 8-13, 2014, Bedlewo / eds. of the vol.: P.Gladki et al. - Warszawa: Inst. mat. PAN, 2016. - 257 p.: ill. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art. - ISBN 978-83-86806-31-7; ISSN 0137-6934
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Оглавление / Contents
List of participants ......................................... 8-10
A. Czogała, M. Kula and A. Sładek, Kazimierz Szymiczek 
  (1939-2015) ............................................... 11-22
J. Browkin, The Biichi sequences and Hubert's Tenth 
  Problem ................................................... 23-30
J. Byszewski, Some remarks about the Dedekind-Mertens 
  lemma ..................................................... 31-36
M. Dickmann and F. Miraglia, Faithfully quadratic rings -
  a summary of results ...................................... 37-48
W. Gajda and S. Petersen, On cohomological systems of
  Galois representations .................................... 49-62
P. Gladki and B. Jacob, On quotients of the space of 
  orderings of the field fig.1(x) ............................... 63-84
M.R. Gonzalez-Dorrego, Smooth double subvarieties on 
  singular varieties, III ................................... 85-93
D. Grimm, On an isotropy criterion for quadratic forms 
  over function fields of curves over non-dyadic complete 
  discrete valuation rings ................................. 95-103
D.W. Hoffmann, Levels of rings - a survey ................. 105-131
K. Jałowiecki and P. Koprowski, Algorithms for quadratic 
  forms over real function fields ......................... 133-141
T. Jędrzejak, A note on the torsion of the Jacobians of
  superelliptic curves yq = xp + a ........................ 143-149
W. Kubiś, Banach-Mazur game played in partially ordered
  sets .................................................... 151-160
A. Laurinčikas and R. Macaitienė, Universality results on 
  Hurwitz zeta-functions .................................. 161-172
S.R. Louboutin, Fundamental units for orders of unit 
  rank 1 and generated by a unit .......................... 173-189
M. Michalska and J. Walewska, Combinatorial aspects of 
  the sequence of Milnor numbers of deformations .......... 191-200
B. Naskreęcki, Distribution of Mordell-Weil ranks of
  families of elliptic curves ............................. 201-229
J. Novacoski and M. Spivakovsky, On the local
  uniformization problem .................................. 231-238
S. Plewik and M. Walczyńska, On metric σ-discrete spaces .. 239-253
A. Schinzel, On the congruence ƒ(x) + g(y) + с ≡ 0 
  (mod xy) ................................................ 255-257

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