Lightweight materials from biopolymers and biofibers (Wachington, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаLightweight materials from biopolymers and biofibers / ed. by Yiqi Yang, Helan Xu, Xin Yu. – Wachington: American Chemical Society, 2014. - x, 2899 p.: ill. – (ACS symposium series; 1175). - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. – Auth. ind.: p.293. – Sub. ind.: p.295-299. – ISBN 078-0-8412-2990-7
Шифр: (Pr 910/N 1175) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ ix
1  Lightweight Materials from Biofibers and Biopolymers ......... 1
   Danning Zhang
2  Proteins and Protein-Based Fibers ........................... 21
   Yan Vivian Li
3  Synthetic Fibers from Renewable Resources ................... 37
   Li Shen
4  Lightweight Materials Prepared from Vegetable Oils and
   Their Derivatives ........................................... 53
   Jian Hong
5  Environmentally Benign Pretreatments for Producing
   Microfibrillated Cellulose Fibers from Hemp ................. 69
   Renuka Dhandapani and Suraj Sharma
6  Biothermoplastics from Coproducts of Biofuel Production ..... 89
   Narendra Reddy
7  3D Electrospun Fibrous Structures from Biopolymers ......... 103
   Helan Xu and Yiqi Yang
8  Phase Separated Fibrous Structures: Mechanism Study and
   Applications ............................................... 127
   Qiuran Jiang and S. M. Kamrul Hasan
9  Applications of Lightweight Composites in Automotive
   Industries ................................................. 143
   Da Zhao and Zhou Zhou
10 Novel Cardiac Patch Development Using Natural Biopolymers .. 159
   P. Dubey, A. R. Boccaccini, and I. Roy
11 Advanced Protein Composite Materials ....................... 177
   Fang Wang, Catherine Yang, and Xiao Hu
12 Lightweight Composites Reinforced by Agricultural
   Byproducts ................................................. 209
   Xin Yu and Helan Xu
13 Biopolymer-Based Lightweight Materials for Packaging
   Applications ............................................... 239
   Bin Hu
14 Hollow Micro-/Nano-Particles from Biopolymers: Fabrication
   and Applications ........................................... 257
   Jian Qian

Editors' Biographies .......................................... 289

Author Index .................................................. 293
Subject Index ................................................. 295

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