Annual review of nuclear and particle science (Palo Alto, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAnnual review of nuclear and particle science / ed. by D.R.Holsten, W.C.Haxton, A.Jawahery. - Palo Alto: AR.
  • Vol. 65. - 2015. - vii, 582 p.: ill. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art. - ISBN 978-0-8243-1565-8; ISSN 0163-8998
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  • Оглавление / Contents
    The Legacy of Cornell Accelerators
       M. Tigner and D.G. Cassel .................................... 1
    Electroweak Symmetry Breaking in Historical Perspective
       Chris Quigg ................................................. 25
    Naturalness Under Stress
       Michael Dine ................................................ 43
    Parity and Time-Reversal Violation in Atomic Systems
       B.M. Roberts, V.A. Dzuba, and V.V. Flambaum ................. 63
    Radiative Capture Reactions in Astrophysics
       Carl R. Brune and Barry Davids .............................. 87
    Rare b Hadron Decays at the LHC
       T. Blake, T. Gershon, and G. Hiller ........................ 113
    nuSTORM and a Path to a Muon Collider
       David Adey, Ryan Bayes, Alan D. Bross, and Pavel Snopok .... 145
    Prospects for Measurement of the Neutrino Mass Hierarchy
       R.B. Patterson ............................................. 177
    Topology, Magnetic Field, and Strongly Interacting Matter
       Dmitri E. Kharzeev ......................................... 193
    Effective Field Theory and Time-Reversal Violation in Light
       Nuclei E. Mereghetti and U. van Kolck ...................... 215
    Ground- and Space-Based Gamma-Ray Astronomy
       Stefan Funk ................................................ 245
    Status of Searches for Magnetic Monopoles
       L. Patrizii and M. Spurio .................................. 279
    Neutron Matter from Low to High Density
       Stefano Gandolfi, Alexandres Gezerlis, and J. Carlson ...... 303
    Measurement of θ13
       Soo-Bong Kim and Kam-Biu Luk ............................... 329
    Progress with High-Field Superconducting Magnets for High-
    Energy Colliders
       Giorgio Apollinari, Soren Prestemon, and Alexander
       V. Zlobin .................................................. 355
    Lattice QCD Thermodynamics with Physical Quark Masses
       R.A. Soltz, C. DeTar, F. Karsch, Swagato Mukherjee, and
       P. Vranas .................................................. 379
    Time-Reversal Violation
       José Bernabéu and Fernando Martínez-Vidal .................. 403
    Transverse Spin Structure of the Nucleon
       Matthias Grosse Perdekamp and Feng Yuan .................... 429
    Nuclear Forces and Their Impact on Neutron-Rich Nuclei and
    Neutron-Rich Matter
       К. Hebeler, J.D. Holt, J. Menéndez, and A. Schwenk ......... 457
    Experimental Searches for the Axion and Axion-Like Particles
       Peter W. Graham, Igor G. Irastorza, Steven K. Lamoreaux,
       Axel Lindner, and Karl A. van Bibber ....................... 485
    Properties of the Higgs Boson Discovered at the Large Hadron
       William Murray and Vivek Sharma ............................ 515
    New Technologies in Gravitational-Wave Detection
       Stefan Ballmer and Vuk Mandic .............................. 555
    Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 56-65 ....... 579
    An online log of corrections to Annual Review of Nuclear and
    Particle Science articles may be found at

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