Forschungsbericht; 2015-21 (Koln, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаKings N. Indirect combustion noise: experimental investigation of the vortex sound generation in nozzle flows: Diss. … Dr.-Ing. - Köln: DLR, 2015. - xxv, 193 p.: ill. - (Forschungsbericht / Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Institut für Antriebstechnik, Berlin; 2015-21). - Res. also Germ. - Bibliogr.: p.183-193. - ISSN 1434-8454

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Оглавление / Contents
1  Introduction ................................................. 1
   1.1  State of the art and literature review .................. 2
   1.2  Motivation for this work ............................... 14
   1.3  Outline and methodology of the thesis .................. 17
2  Theory ...................................................... 19
   2.1  Governing equations for fluid motion ................... 19
   2.2  The transport equations for entropy, vorticity and
        acoustic fluctuations .................................. 20
        2.2.1  Constant mean flow .............................. 21
        2.2.2  Non-constant or swirling mean flow .............. 22
   2.3  Acoustic analogies ..................................... 23
        2.3.1  Powell .......................................... 24
        2.3.2  Möhring ......................................... 25
        2.3.3  Howe ............................................ 25
   2.4  Discussion on the source term .......................... 26
        2.4.1  Vorticity Equation .............................. 26
        2.4.2  Vorticity change trough acceleration ............ 27
   2.5  ID-Theory of Marble and Candel ......................... 28
3  Setup and instrumentation ................................... 29
   Vorticity Wave Generator test rig ........................... 29
   3.1  Setup and test rig configurations ...................... 30
        3.1.1  Setup ........................................... 30
        3.1.2  Designation of the test rig configurations ...... 33
   3.2  Vorticity Wave Generator modules ....................... 35
        3.2.1  Vorticity Wave Generator Module 1 ............... 35
               Description of the module components ............ 36
               Vortex module ................................... 36
               Injector nozzle ................................. 36
        3.2.2  Vorticity Wave Generator Module 2 ............... 37
               Description of the module components ............ 37
               Vortex module ................................... 37
               Inlet chambers .................................. 38
        3.2.3  Vorticity Wave Generator Module 3 ............... 39
               Description of the module components ............ 42
               Hollow shaft .................................... 42
               Vortex generator ................................ 42
               Bearing ......................................... 42
               Electrical drive ................................ 42
               Timing belt drive ............................... 43
               Photo interrupter ............................... 43
   3.3  Vortex generation principles ........................... 43
        3.3.1  Application of Vorticity Wave Generator
               Module 1: Generation of flow field
               perturbations through changes between swirl
               free and swirling tube flows .................... 44
        3.3.2  Application of Vorticity Wave Generator
               Module 2: Generation of swirling flows with
               imposed fluctuations ............................ 45
        3.3.3  Application of Vorticity Wave Generator
               Module 3: Generation of rigid-body-like
               vortices with imposed fluctuations .............. 48
   3.4  Test rig components except VWG-Modules ................. 49
        3.4.1  Hot-wire Module ................................. 49
        3.4.2  Nozzle and diffuser ............................. 51
   3.5  Mass flow supply and control ........................... 53
        3.5.1  Main mass flow supply ........................... 53
        3.5.2  Circumferential mass flow supply ................ 54
        3.5.3  Temporary injected mass flow via the valve ...... 54
               Fast-switching valve ............................ 54
               Valve inlet pressure and added mass flow rate ... 55
               Power supply of the valve ....................... 55
               Valve circuit and trigger signal ................ 55
   3.6  Instrumentation: Measurement equipment ................. 56
        3.6.1  Microphones ..................................... 56
        3.6.2  X-wire probes ................................... 56
   3.7  Vorticity Wave Generator test rig control .............. 57
   3.8  Data acquisition devices and measured quantities ....... 58
        3.8.1  Data acquisition with Agilent data
               acquisition/switch unit ......................... 58
               Determination of the nozzle Mach number ......... 58
               Determination of the current consumption and
               profile of the valve ............................ 59
        3.8.2  Data acquisition with OROS OR-36 analyzer ....... 59
   3.9  Measurement principle Hot-wire Anemometry .............. 59
        3.9.1  Calibration procedure ........................... 60
        3.9.2  Basics on the velocity determination with
               X-wire probes ................................... 62
4  Data acquisition and post processing ........................ 63
   4.1  Data acquisition and measurement grid .................. 63
   4.2  Post processing ........................................ 65
        4.2.1  Velocity vector orientation in the X-wire
               probe-shaft and test rig coordinate system ...... 66
   4.3  Recording time and measurement accuracy ................ 66
5  Measurement results ......................................... 69
   5.1  Sound generation of accelerated flow field
        perturbations induced in a tube flow ................... 69
        5.1.1  Velocity field .................................. 69
               Illustration of the flow field perturbation ..... 69
               Temporal velocity changes due to air-injection
               into a swirl free tube flow ..................... 73
               Comparison of the undisturbed and disturbed
               flow field ...................................... 73
        5.1.2  Vorticity field ................................. 76
               Illustration of the streamwise vorticity ........ 76
               Time signals of the streamwise vorticity ........ 78
        5.1.3  Velocity field for low and high mass flow rate
               injection ....................................... 79
        5.1.4  Acoustics ....................................... 81
               Microphone signals .............................. 81
               Influence of the X-probe position on the
               acoustics ....................................... 82
        5.1.5  Identification and separation of direct and
               indirect noise .................................. 83
               Vorticity and vortex sound decay due to the
               distance variation between VWG-Module 1 and
               nozzle .......................................... 85
        5.1.6  Vortex sound dependency on the injected mass
               flow rate in case of a choked nozzle ............ 89
        5.1.7  Vortex sound dependency on the upstream
               vorticity fluctuation amplitude in case of
               a choked nozzle ................................. 90
               Comparison between the time signals of the
               streamwise maximum negative vorticity and the
               pressure signals ................................ 90
               Vortex sound dependency on the upstream of the
               choked nozzle induced vorticity fluctuation ..... 91
        5.1.8  Conclusion of the measurements with the VWG1-
               Module .......................................... 94
   5.2  Sound generation of accelerated flow field
        perturbations induced in swirling flows ................ 95
        5.2.1  Velocity field .................................. 95
               Illustration of the flow field perturbation ..... 95
               Temporal velocity changes due to the air-
               injection into a swirling tube flow ............. 99
        5.2.2  Flow field comparison: Swirling tube flow with
               induced fluctuations and perturbation of
               a tube flow ..................................... 99
        5.2.3  Acoustics ...................................... 102
        5.2.4  Identification and separation of direct and
               indirect noise in a swirling tube flow ......... 104
        5.2.5  Vortex sound generation in swirl free and
               swirling tube flows ............................ 106
        5.2.6  Modification of the number of inlet ports
               used for the temporary air-injection and its
               influence on the vortex sound amplitude ........ 106
        5.2.7  Vortex sound generation in swirling tube
               flows of various swirl intensities ............. 109
        5.2.8  Conclusion of the measurements with the VWG2-
               Module ......................................... 110
   5.3  Sound generation of accelerated rigid-body-like
        vortex fluctuations ................................... 111
        5.3.1  Operating test of the VWG-Module 3 ............. 1ll
        5.3.2  Velocity alteration due to rapid speed
               changes ........................................ 114
        5.3.3  Alteration within the acoustic pressure
               signals due to rapid speed changes ............. 116
        5.3.4  Comparison of the velocity and the acoustic
               signal to identify the sound source origin ..... 117
        5.3.5  Conclusion of the measurements with the VWG3-
               Module ......................................... 118
6  Broadband noise due to accelerated vorticity ............... 121
   6.1  Flow noise up- and downstream of nozzle and diffuser .. 121
        6.1.1  Mass flow rate influence on the downstream
               power spectra .................................. 121
        6.1.2  Power spectra and coherence of the microphone
               signals up- and downstream of nozzle and
               diffuser	 ....................................... 124
        6.1.3  Propagation speed and direction of the waves ... 129
        6.1.4  Conclusion of the gained knowledge from the
               comparison of the nozzle and diffuser
               configuration .................................. 131
   6.2  Effect of a nozzle on the generated vortex sound ...... 132
        6.2.1  Theory on the effect of a duct contraction on
               the turbulence and its application to the
               test rig configuration VWG1-s flow field
               quantities ..................................... 133
        6.2.2  Measured flow field characteristics upstream
               of the nozzle .................................. 136
        6.2.3  Measured sound field characteristics
               downstream of the nozzle ....................... 139
        6.2.4  Nozzle Mach number dependent change of the
               measured velocity and pressure fluctuations .... 141
        6.2.5  Approximated velocity fluctuations and
               turbulence level in dependence of the nozzle
               Mach number .................................... 143
        6.2.6  Relation between the longitudinal and lateral
               velocity difference and the downstream
               measured pressure .............................. 144
        6.2.7  Influence of the generated vortex sound on
               the total emitted indirect sound ............... 146
7  Conclusion and outlook ..................................... 147
A  Appendices ................................................. 149
   A.l  Appendix: Theory ...................................... 151
        A.1.1  Transport equations for entropy, vorticity
               and acoustic waves in a non-uniform,
               one-dimensional flow ........................... 151
        A.1.2  Swirl number ................................... 151
        A.1.3  Equations of the ID-theory of Marble and
               Candel ......................................... 152
   A.2  Appendix: Set up and instrumentation .................. 153
        A.2.1  Test rig configurations with VWG-Module 1 ...... 153
        A.2.2  Test rig configurations with VWG-Module 2 ...... 155
        A.2.3  Test rig configurations with VWG-Module 3 ...... 157
        A.2.4  Test rig drawing with mounted VWG-Module 1 ..... 159
        A.2.5  Test rig drawing with mounted VWG-Module 2 ..... 160
        A.2.6  Test rig drawing with mounted VWG-Module 3 ..... 161
   A.3  Appendix: Data acquisition and post processing ........ 163
        A.3.1  X-wire probe alignment and velocity
               orientation .................................... 163
        A.3.2  Equations for the velocity vector conversion
               from X-wire probe shaft coordinates to test
               rig coordinates ................................ 164
   A.4  Appendix: Measurement results VWG-Module 1 ............ 165
        A.4.1  VWGls: Lateral velocities (vectors,magnitude) .. 167
        A.4.2  VWGls: Axial velocity (magnitude) .............. 171
        A.4.3  VWGls: Streamwise vorticity .................... 175
        A.4.4  VWG1-HW0,-HW1,-HW2: Lateral velocities
               (vectors, mag.) ................................ 179
        A.4.5  VWG1-HW0,-HW1,-HW2: Axial velocity
               (magnitude) .................................... 181

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