Forschungsbericht; 2015-13 (Koln, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаBirkmeier B. Feasibility analysis of sectorless and partially automated air traffic management: Diss. … Dr.-Ing. / Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Institut für Flugführung, Braunschweig. - Köln: DLR, 2015. - xv, 240 p.: ill. - (Forschungsbericht; 2015-12). - Res. also Germ. - Bibliogr.: p.199-213. - ISSN 1434-8454

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Оглавление / Contents
Abstract ...................................................... vii
Zusammenfassung ................................................ ix
1  Introduction ................................................. 1
   1.1  Motivation .............................................. 1
   1.2  The Concept of Sectorless ATM ........................... 4
   1.3  Contributions and Structure of this Thesis ............. 10
2  Background .................................................. 13
   2.1  Historical Development of Sectorization ................ 13
   2.2  Related Concepts ....................................... 15
        2.2.1  Free-Route Airspace ............................. 15
        2.2.2  Dynamic Sectorization ........................... 15
        2.2.3  Highway-in-the-Sky .............................. 16
        2.2.4  Multi-Sector Planning ........................... 16
        2.2.5  Automated Conflict Detection .................... 17
        2.2.6  Self Separation ................................. 18
        2.2.7  4D PTC .......................................... 19
        2.2.8  Significance for Sectorless ATM ................. 19
   2.3  Potential of Sectorless ATM ............................ 19
        2.3.1  Capacity and Productivity ....................... 20
        2.3.2  Flexibility ..................................... 24
        2.3.3  Routes .......................................... 25
        2.3.4  Compatibility with SESAR ........................ 26
   2.4  Previous Work Concerning Sectorless ATM ................ 29
        2.4.1  Eurocontrol Study ............................... 29
        2.4.2  Luftraummanagement 2020 Study ................... 31
        2.4.3  DLR Research on Sectorless ATM .................. 31
   2.5  Enabling Technologies .................................. 32
        2.5.1  Data Link ....................................... 32
        2.5.2  Voice Communication ............................. 33
        2.5.3  4D Trajectory Data Exchange ..................... 41
3  Concept Elements and Simulation Environment ................. 43
   3.1  Applicable Airspace .................................... 43
   3.2  Traffic Simulator ...................................... 44
   3.3  Controller Working Position ............................ 47
        3.3.1  Radar Displays .................................. 48
        3.3.2  Communication Tools ............................. 52
   3.4  Separation Provision ................................... 55
        3.4.1  Conflict Detection .............................. 56
        3.4.2  Priority Rules .................................. 60
        3.4.3  Conflict-Avoidance Maneuvers .................... 64
        3.4.4  Maneuver Implementation and Monitoring .......... 68
        3.4.5  Short-Term Conflict Alert ....................... 69
        3.4.6  Additional Controller Tools ..................... 71
   3.5  Assignment Center ...................................... 73
   3.6  Handover Procedures .................................... 74
4  Simulation Design ........................................... 79
   4.1  Validation Considerations .............................. 79
   4.2  Operational-Feasibility Simulation ..................... 81
        4.2.1  Objectives ...................................... 81
        4.2.2  Setup ........................................... 82
        4.2.3  Participants .................................... 83
        4.2.4  Scenarios ....................................... 84
        4.2.5  Variables ....................................... 86
        4.2.6  Measured Values ................................. 87
        4.2.7  Realization ..................................... 88
   4.3  Controller-Tool Test ................................... 89
        4.3.1  Objectives ...................................... 90
        4.3.2  Setup ........................................... 90
        4.3.3  Participants .................................... 91
        4.3.4  Scenarios ....................................... 91
        4.3.5  Measured Values ................................. 91
        4.3.6  Realization ..................................... 92
5  Simulation Results .......................................... 93
   5.1  Results of the Operational-Feasibility Simulation ...... 93
        5.1.1  Simulation Data ................................. 93
        5.1.2  Feasibility-Questionnaire Results ............... 93
        5.1.3  Debriefing Data ................................. 96
        5.1.4  Expert Observations ............................ 101
        5.1.5  Task-Questionnaire Results ..................... 101
   5.2  Results of the Controller-Tool Test ................... 106
        5.2.1  Simulation Data ................................ 106
        5.2.2  Debriefing Data ................................ 108
        5.2.3  Expert Observations ............................ 109
6  Discussion of Simulation Results ........................... 111
   6.1  Discussion of the Operational-Feasibility Simulation .. 111
        6.1.1  Simulation Data ................................ 111
        6.1.2  Feasibility-Questionnaire, Debriefing, and
               Expert Observations ............................ 112
        6.1.3  Task-Questionnaire Results ..................... 119
   6.2  Discussion of the Controller-Tool Test ................ 122
        6.2.1  Simulation Data ................................ 122
        6.2.2  Debriefing Data ................................ 122
7  Ergonomics Considerations .................................. 125
   7.1  Controller Tasks ...................................... 125
   7.2  Mental Model and Situation Awareness .................. 131
        7.2.1  Traffic Picture ................................ 132
        7.2.2  Scanning ....................................... 135
        7.2.3  Conflict-Detection Automation .................. 136
   7.3  Controller Skills ..................................... 137
   7.4  Role of the Controller ................................ 138
8  Safety Assessment .......................................... 141
   8.1   Safety Net ........................................... 141
        8.1.1  Medium-Term Conflict Detection ................. 145
        8.1.2  Conflict-Recognized Feedback ................... 146
        8.1.3  Avoidance-Maneuver Suggestions ................. 146
        8.1.4  MinSep and Conflict Probe ...................... 147
        8.1.5  Adherence Monitoring ........................... 147
        8.1.6  Controller Coordination ........................ 147
        8.1.7  Four-Eyes Principle ............................ 148
        8.1.8  Short-Term Conflict Alert ...................... 149
        8.1.9  Airborne Collision Avoidance System ............ 149
   8.2   Safety Assessment Method ............................. 150
        8.2.1  Safety Criteria ................................ 151
        8.2.2  Barrier Model .................................. 152
        8.2.3  Pre-Existing Hazards and Operational Services .. 154
        8.2.4  Definition of Normal and Abnormal Conditions ... 155
        8.2.5  Safety and Performance Objectives for Normal
               Conditions ..................................... 156
        8.2.6  Safety Objectives for Abnormal Conditions ...... 157
        8.2.7  Safety Objectives for System-Generated
               Hazards ........................................ 161
        8.2.8  Functional Model ............................... 171
        8.2.9  SPR-Level Model ................................ 172
        8.2.10 Safety Requirements ............................ 172
        8.2.11 Safety Assessment Conclusions .................. 178
9  Transition Strategies ...................................... 179
   9.1  Element-Wise Transition ............................... 179
   9.2  Aircraft-Wise Transition .............................. 180
   9.3  Time-Restricted Transition ............................ 181
   9.4  Area-Restricted Transition ............................ 182
   9.5  Тор-Down Transition ................................... 183
   9.6  Combined Strategies ................................... 183
10 Conclusions ................................................ 185
   10.1 Summary ............................................... 185
   10.2 Implications and Significance ......................... 187
   10.3 Suggestions for Future Work ........................... 188
   10.4 Outlook ............................................... 189

Acknowledgments ............................................... 193
Glossary ...................................................... 195
Bibliography .................................................. 199
Appendix ...................................................... 215
   A  Feasibility Questionnaire ............................... 215
   В  Debriefing Conversation Guide ........................... 237

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