Forschungsbericht; 2015-04 (Koln: DLR, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаDavid M. Experimental and numerical investigation of polymer composite energy absorbers under dynamic loading: Diss. … Dr.-Ing. / Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Institut für Bauweisen und Strukturtechnologie, Stuttgart. - Köln: DLR, 2015. - ix, 113 p.: ill. - (Forschungsbericht; 2015-04). - Bibliogr.: p.103-109. - ISSN 1434-8454

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Оглавление / Contents
1  Introduction ................................................. 1
   1.1  Background .............................................. 1
   1.2  Objective and Aims ...................................... 3
   1.3  Thesis Layout ........................................... 3
2  Literature Review ............................................ 5
   2.1  Energy Absorption ....................................... 5
        2.1.1  Energy Absorption Performance Parameters ......... 5
        2.1.2  Woven Fabrics .................................... 8
        2.1.3  Mechanical Characteristics of Woven Fabrics ...... 9
        2.1.4  Crushing Modes and Mechanisms in the Axial
               Crushing of FRP Composite Tubes .................. 9
        2.1.5  Dominant Energy Absorbing Mechanisms ............ 14
        2.1.6  Strain Rate Effects in the Axial Crushing of
               FRP Composite Tubes ............................. 15
   2.2  Phenomenological Modelling of the Crushing Modes ....... 16
        2.2.1  Extended Meso-scale Composite Model ............. 19
        2.2.2  Fabric Reinforced Composites Damage Model ....... 20
        2.2.3  Interface Delamination Model .................... 23
3  Experimental Investigation of Strain Rate Effects in the
   Axial Crushing of DLR Segment Specimen ...................... 26
   3.1  Experimental Testing and Analytical Methodology ........ 26
   3.2  Quasi-static and Dynamic Crush Tests on DLR Segment
        Specimen ............................................... 27
        3.2.1  Test Specimens .................................. 27
        3.2.2  Quasi-static Crush Test ......................... 28
        3.2.3  Dynamic Crush Test .............................. 30
        3.2.4  HRCT-Scan Imaging ............................... 32
        3.2.5  Results and Discussion .......................... 34
   3.3  Effect of Stacking Sequence on the Crush Response ...... 37
        3.3.1 Test Specimens ................................... 37
        3.3.2  Quasi-static Crush Test ......................... 37
        3.3.3  Dynamic Crush Test .............................. 38
        3.3.4  Results and Discussion .......................... 39
   3.4  Interrupted Crush Test of the Global Splaying Failure
        Crush Mode ............................................. 42
        3.4.1  Chamfer Trigger Mechanism ....................... 42
        3.4.2  Results and Discussion .......................... 43
   3.5  Passive Infrared Imaging of the Global Splaying
        Failure Crush Mode ..................................... 44
        3.5.1  Passive Infrared Imaging ........................ 44
        3.5.2  Passive Infrared Imaging Methodology ............ 44
        3.5.3  Results and Discussion .......................... 45
4  Numerical Analysis of Crush Response Modes .................. 48
   4.1  Crush Modelling Methodology ............................ 48
   4.2  Material Model Characterisation ........................ 48
        4.2.1  Fabric Composite Global Ply Model
               Characterisation ................................ 49
        4.2.2  Interface Delamination Model (Pickett Model) .... 55
   4.3  Global Splaying Failure Crush Mode ..................... 63
        4.3.1  Finite Element Model ............................ 63
        4.3.2  Numerical Trigger ............................... 64
        4.3.3  Element Elimination Method and Boundary
               Conditions ...................................... 66
        4.3.4  Results and Discussion .......................... 68
   4.4  Local Fragmentation Failure Crush Mode ................. 73
        4.4.1  Material Model Characterisation (Dynamic) ....... 73
        4.4.2  Numerical Trigger ............................... 75
        4.3.1  Element Elimination Method and Boundary
               Conditions ...................................... 75
        4.3.2  Results and Discussion .......................... 75
   4.5  Effect of Stacking Sequence on the Numerical Crushing
        Response ............................................... 79
5  Further Application of Crush Modelling Methodology .......... 82
   5.1  Crashworthiness Working Group of the CMH-17 ............ 82
   5.2  Material Model Characterisation ........................ 84
   5.3  Finite Element Model ................................... 85
   5.4  Numerical Trigger ...................................... 85
        5.4.1  Global Splaying Failure Crush Mode
               (Corrugated Plate Specimen) ..................... 85
        5.4.2  Lamina Bending Mode (C-Channel & Small Corner
               Specimen) ....................................... 85
        5.4.3  Local Buckling Crush Mode (Square tube
               Specimen) ....................................... 86
   5.5  Element Elimination Method and Boundary Conditions ..... 87
   5.6  Results and Discussion ................................. 88
        5.6.1  Global Splaying Failure Crush Mode
               (Corrugated Plate Specimen) ..................... 88
        5.6.2  Lamina Bending Mode (C-Channel & Small Corner
               Specimen) ....................................... 90
        5.6.3  Local Buckling Crush Mode (Square Tube
               Specimen) ....................................... 93
        5.6.4  Crush Performance Comparison of the Varied
               Crush Modes ..................................... 96
6  Conclusion and Outlook ...................................... 97
7  References ................................................. 103
8  Appendices ................................................. 110

Appendix A .................................................... 110
Appendix В .................................................... 111
Appendix C .................................................... 112

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