Forschungsbericht; 2014-12 (Koln, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаBamberg M. Planetary mapping tools applied to floor-fractured craters on Mars: Diss. … Dr. rer. nat. / Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt Institut für Planetenforschung, Berlin-Adlershof. - Köln: DLR, 2015. - XXIII,143 p.: ill. - (Forschungsbericht; 2014-12). - Bibliogr.: p.129-139. - ISSN 1434-8454

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Оглавление / Contents
List of Figures .............................................. xvii
List of Tables ................................................. xx
List of Abbreviations ....................................... xxiii

1  Introduction ................................................. 1
   1.1  Motivation and Purpose .................................. 1
   1.2  Structure of the Thesis ................................. 2

I  Technical and Scientific Background .......................... 3

2  Geographical Information Systems (GIS) ....................... 5
   2.1  Definition .............................................. 5
   2.2  ArcGIS and JMars ........................................ 5
   2.3  Data Models ............................................. 6
   2.4  Coordinate Systems and Projections ...................... 8
   2.5  Data Analyses in GIS ................................... 10
        2.5.1  Measurements .................................... 10
        2.5.2  Calculations .................................... 11
        2.5.3  Attribute к Spatial Analyses .................... 11
   2.6  Automated Systems ...................................... 12
        2.6.1  ModelBuilder .................................... 12
        2.6.2  Expert Systems .................................. 12
   2.7  Databases .............................................. 13
3  Data and Data Processing .................................... 17
   3.1  Remote Sensing ......................................... 17
        3.1.1  Scanning Systems ................................ 17
        3.1.2  Spectra ......................................... 19
        3.1.3  Resolution ...................................... 19
   3.2  Data Processing ........................................ 20
        3.2.1  Data Quality .................................... 21
        3.2.2  Pre-Processing .................................. 22
        3.2.3  Data Processing Software ........................ 23
   3.3  Instruments ............................................ 23
        3.3.1  Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) ............. 23
        3.3.2  Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) ............. 24
        3.3.3  Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) ........ 25
        3.3.4  High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) ............ 25
        3.3.5  Context Camera (CTX) ............................ 26
4  Floor-Fractured Craters (FFCs) .............................. 29
   4.1  Why Select FFCs? ....................................... 29
   4.2  Discovery and Research of FFCs ......................... 29
   4.3  Possible Formation Processes ........................... 30
        4.3.1  Intrusive Volcanism ............................. 30
        4.3.2  Subsurface Ice .................................. 30
        4.3.3  Groundwater Migration ........................... 31
        4.3.4  Rayleigh Convection ............................. 33
        4.3.5  Deep-Water Fault Systems ........................ 34
        4.3.6  Tectonics ....................................... 34
   4.4  Importance of FFCs ..................................... 36

II. Methods .................................................... 37

5  Manual Crater Analysis ...................................... 39
   5.1  Data and Software used for Crater Analysis ............. 39
   5.2  Observations of Crater A ............................... 40
        5.2.1  Geologic Setting and Crater Morphology .......... 40
        5.2.2  Measurements .................................... 44
        5.2.3  Crater Size Frequency Distribution .............. 46
   5.3  Observation of Crater Lipany ........................... 47
        5.3.1  Geologic Setting and Crater Morphology .......... 47
        5.3.2  Measurements .................................... 47
        5.3.3  Crater Size Frequency Distribution .............. 50
6  Databases ................................................... 53
   6.1  Parameters for the Database ............................ 53
        6.1.1  Interior Surface Features ....................... 53
        6.1.2  Exterior Surface Features ....................... 54
   6.2  Generating the Database ................................ 56
7  Automated Tools for Analysis of FFCs ........................ 67
   7.1  Purpose ................................................ 67
   7.2  Automation and User-Based Analysis ..................... 67
   7.3  Hierarchic Structure ................................... 68
   7.4  Tools .................................................. 70
        7.4.1  Measurements .................................... 70
        7.4.2  Calculations .................................... 75
        7.4.3  Classifications ................................. 77
8  Implementation in ArcGIS .................................... 85
   8.1  Programming Language: Python ........................... 85
   8.2  Python in 'ArcGIS ...................................... 85
   8.3  ArcGIS Tools ........................................... 86

III. Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis ..................... 87

9  Result of Case Study ........................................ 89
   9.1  Chronology ............................................. 89
        9.1.1  Crater A ........................................ 89
        9.1.2  Crater Lipany ................................... 90
   9.2  Origin of Fracturing in Observed Craters ............... 90
        9.2.1  Crater A ........................................ 90
        9.2.2  Crater Lipany ................................... 92
10 Result of Tool Analysis ..................................... 95
   10.1 General Attributes of FFCs ............................. 95
        10.1.1 Location ........................................ 95
        10.1.2 Size ............................................ 95
        10.1.3 Depth ........................................... 95
   10.2 Crater Interior ........................................ 97
        10.2.1 Surface Features ................................ 97
        10.2.2 Elevation ...................................... 101
   10.3 Crater Context ........................................ 101
        10.3.1 Surface Features ............................... 101
        10.3.2 Erosion & Paleolakes ........................... 101
   10.4 Origin Types .......................................... 102
        10.4.1 Result of the Six Origin Types ................. 103
        10.4.2 Most Likely Origin for each FFC ................ 105
        10.4.3 Origin Types in Detail ......................... 106
        10.4.4 Case Study Craters ............................. 109
11 Discussion ................................................. 111
   11.1 Interpretation of Tool Analysis Results ............... 111
   11.2 Three Final Origin Types .............................. 117
   11.3 Limits of the Classification Tools .................... 118
   11.4 Comparison of Manual and Automated Analysis ........... 119
   11.5 Advantages ............................................ 121
12 Summary & Conclusion ....................................... 123
   12.1 Technical Results ..................................... 123
   12.2 Scientific Results .................................... 124
13 Future Work ................................................ 127
   13.1 Technical Improvements ................................ 127
   13.2 Scientific Applications ............................... 128

Appendix ...................................................... 141
Publications .................................................. 141
Conference Contributions ...................................... 141
Awards ........................................................ 142
Curriculum Vitae .............................................. 143

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