The Smithsonian Institution excavation at Tell Jemmeh, Israel 1970-1990 / ed. by D.Ben-Shlomo, G.W.Van Beek (Washington, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаThe Smithsonian Institution excavation at Tell Jemmeh, Israel 1970-1990 / ed. by D.Ben-Shlomo, G.W.Van Beek. - Washington: Smithsonian institution, 2014 . - xxix, 1087 p.: ill. - (Smithsonian contributions to antropology; N 50). - Bibliogr.: p. 1067-1087. - ISSN 0081-0223

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Оглавление / Contents
LIST OF FIGURES ................................................ ix
LIST OF TABLES .............................................. xxvii
PREFACE AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .................................. xxix

1  Introduction ................................................. 1
   David Ben-Shlomo and Gus W. Van Beek
2  Environmental Background of Tell Jemmeh ..................... 16
   Gus W. Van Beek

3  Field III: The Southeastern Step Trench ..................... 21
   David Ben-Shlomo
4  Field II: The Northwestern Stepped Trench .................. 162
   David Ben-Shlomo
5  The South Trench (ST1) ..................................... 198
   David Ben-Shlomo
6  Field I: The Late Bronze Age ............................... 209
   David Ben-Shlomo
7  Field I Furnace (the Kiln), Square KB, and FUR 2-FUR 3 ..... 337
   David Ben-Shlomo
8  Results from Field IV: The Iron II and Later Periods ....... 403
   David Ben-Shlomo
9  Bread Ovens and Related Installations ...................... 642
   Alexander Zukerman

10 Decorated Canaanite Pottery ................................ 651
   Gwanghyun Choi
11 Imported Cypriot and Mycenaean Wares and Derivative Wares .. 657
   Celia J. Bergoffen
12 Decorated Philistine Pottery ............................... 721
   David Ben-Shlomo
13 Assyrian-Style Pottery (Palace Ware) ....................... 732
   David Ben-Shlomo
14 "East Greek" and Greek Imported Pottery of the First 
   Millennium ВСЕ ............................................. 749
   S. Rebecca Martin
15 Petrographic Analysis of Pottery: Chalcolithic to Persian 
   Period ..................................................... 776
   David Ben-Shlomo
16 Computerized Documentation and Analysis of Pottery
   Vessels .................................................... 795
   Avshalom Karasik

17 Ceramic Figurines and Figurative Terra-cottas .............. 804
   David Ben-Shlomo, Ron Gardiner, and Gus Van Beek
18 Worked Sherds .............................................. 828
   David Ben-Shlomo and Ron Gardiner
19 Ceramic Objects: Marked Pottery, Mud Objects, and Various
   Ceramic Artifacts .......................................... 838
   David Ben-Shlomo
20 Clay Sealings and Seal Impressions ......................... 857
   David Ben-Shlomo and Othmar Keel
21 Nonjewelry Metal Objects ................................... 876
   David Ben-Shlomo and Ron Gardiner
22 Metallic and Nonmetallic Jewelry Objects ................... 889
   Amir Golani
23 Stone Artifact Assemblage from Tell Jemmeh ................. 917
   Yorke M. Rowan
24 Egyptian Amulets from Tell Jemmeh .......................... 970
   Christian Herrmann
25 Various Finds: Faience, Glass, Bone, Ivory, and Pumice ..... 977
   David Ben-Shlomo
26 Chipped Stone Assemblage from Tell Jemmeh .................. 987
   Steven A. Rosen and Jakob Vardi
27 Scarabs and Stamp Seals ................................... 1004
   Othmar Keel
28 Cylinder Seals: A Clay Cylinder with Cuneiform Signs ...... 1017
   Wayne Horowitz and Tallay Ornan
29 Cylinder Seals: A Mitannian Cylinder Seal with 
   a Worshipper and Divine Images ............................ 1020
   Tallay Ornan

30 Coins: Coins from the 1970-1990 Excavation Seasons at
   Tell Jemmeh ............................................... 1023
   Donald T. Ariel
31 Coins: The Crusader Purse from Tell Jemmeh ................ 1026
   Robert Kool
32 Ostraca from Tell Jemmeh .................................. 1031
   Haggai Misgav

33 Temporal Trends in Animal Exploitation: Faunal Analysis
   from Tell Jemmeh .......................................... 1038
   Edward R. Maher

34 Synthesis and Conclusions: The Significance of Tell
   Jemmeh .................................................... 1054
   David Ben-Shlomo

REFERENCES ................................................... 1067

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